Definition, Characteristics and Examples of Persuasive Speech – When you attend an event, several times you will see someone expressing an opinion in front of many people. The activity of expressing an opinion is commonly referred to as giving a speech. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, speech can be interpreted as expressing thoughts in the form of words addressed to many people. Speech itself is divided into 4 types, namely informative speech, argumentative speech, reactive speech, and persuasive speech.
Well, for those of you who want to learn more about persuasive speeches, this article will explain in full the meaning and examples of persuasive speeches.
A. Definition of Persuasive Speech
Persuasive speech can be interpreted as a type of speech that has the goal of attracting attention to influencing the thoughts and feelings of the listeners. In addition, persuasive speeches also have the nature of persuading and inviting listeners to feel confident to then act according to the intent of the speech delivered. Therefore, a persuasive speech must contain intentions that depart from thoughts or opinions that are logical, reasonable, and accountable.
The nature of inviting and persuading in persuasive speeches conveyed to the public basically must have a beneficial value for life. This is what makes persuasive speeches one of the effective alternative solutions in an effort to build shared awareness, so that people can be moved to contribute and be useful for a better and more creative life. In several events, surely you often find people giving persuasive speeches in front of many people.
When delivering a persuasive speech in front of many people, sometimes you also insert a few jokes or funny words to the listeners so they don’t get bored and are more comfortable and happy when listening. This method of delivering speeches will make information more easily accepted and understood by the listeners.
B. Purpose of Persuasive Speech
After you know the meaning of a persuasive speech, then we will explain the purpose of a persuasive speech. Before that, here are general speech objectives that need to be known, including:
1. Informative, namely providing knowledge and understanding to listeners.
2. Argumentative, namely building confidence in the listeners.
3. Recreative, namely conveying opinions or messages that have entertaining properties to listeners, so that they have a happy impact.
4. Persuasive, namely giving effect to the listeners so that they consciously and voluntarily follow the intended will of the speech delivered.
Well, in particular, a persuasive speech itself has the goal of influencing, inviting and of course persuading listeners to understand the message of the speech and act voluntarily according to the intent of the speech delivered.
C. Characteristics of Persuasive Speech
In this section, we will explain the characteristics of persuasive speech. By knowing and understanding the meaning and purpose of persuasive speech, you will become more skilled at recognizing the characteristics of persuasive speech and can easily distinguish it from other types of speech.
Well, now you can conclude about the characteristics of persuasive speech. The following are the characteristics of persuasive speech text. The first characteristics of a persuasive speech are moving or inviting. Furthermore, the second characteristic of a persuasive speech is creating the expected reaction from the delivery, both arousing emotions as well as actions from the listeners after listening to a persuasive speech.
D. Persuasive Speech Structure
After you know the meaning, purpose, and characteristics of a persuasive speech, then we will explain the structures commonly used in persuasive speech delivery. Here are three main elements that you can use to structure a speech that is inviting or persuasive, including:
1. Opening
The opening of a persuasive speech has three parts, starting from greetings, greetings, and thanksgiving.
a. Greetings
Greetings are usually delivered to greet listeners for the first time. The opening greeting itself is delivered according to the situation or time and background of the audience’s presence. Some greetings that are commonly used are, such as, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, this can be adjusted according to the time of day, situation and background of the audience.
b. Greeting (Greet)
This greeting or respect is intended as a form of respect from the person giving the speech to the listeners who are present. In addition, in order to comply with applicable ethics, the audience who is present and has a higher social or age level must receive a greeting or respect first.
c. Gratitude
Expression of gratitude can be understood as a form of gratitude and gratitude to God for giving gifts to listeners so that they can attend the event.
2. Content Speech
The next persuasive speech structure that is commonly used after the opening is the delivery of the contents of the speech. The content section is basically the core of a speech. In this section, the orator or person delivering the speech will provide opinions, ideas, reasons, various important information, and of course messages that are inviting and encouraging to the listeners. In preparing the contents of the speech, you must use convincing reasons and be based on factual information so that you can support the message conveyed.
3. Closing Speech
After conveying the contents of a persuasive speech to the listeners, the task of the person delivering the next speech is to close the speech. The closing of a persuasive speech can be interpreted as the final part of a speech. The following are three elements that you need to do in closing a persuasive speech, including:
a. Convey expectations about ideas and messages so that they can benefit listeners.
b. Expressing apologies to listeners regarding various mistakes and oversights that were not intentionally made.
c. Thank the listeners for agreeing to listen to the speech.
d. Closing.
E. Language Rules of Persuasive Speech
As stated above, the purpose of delivering a persuasive speech is to convey ideas and messages in the form of appeals and invitations. The linguistic rules contained in a persuasive speech can be said to be a style of language or a characteristic of a persuasive speech, which can be used to distinguish it from language used in other types of speech. The following are language rules that usually appear in persuasive speeches, including:
1. Active Voice
Active sentences in persuasive speech can be understood as sentences that urge the subject to be active in carrying out activities to the fullest.
Examples of using active sentences, namely:
The residents in our village have a very high spirit of togetherness or mutual cooperation, many residents of the neighboring village have recognized the enthusiasm of our villagers.
2. Word Task
Task words in persuasive speech can be interpreted as a category of words in Indonesian grammar consisting of prepositions, conjunctions, articles, and interjections.
Examples of the use of the word task in the form of a sentence, namely as follows:
Let us guard and care for the harmony of our beloved village together so that the values of loyal friends can always grow and also develop amidst the many challenges and changing times that we cannot avoid anymore.
3. Emotive Vocabulary
Emotive vocabulary in persuasive speech is vocabulary that has a relationship with emotions or feelings. Emotive vocabulary is usually used when listeners listening to persuasive speeches can be touched by their emotions.
Examples of the use of emotive vocabulary in sentences, namely:
This can happen because the villagers of Kita have an extraordinary spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation.
4. Vocabulary Field of Science
Vocabulary fields of science or terms in persuasive speech have meaning as vocabulary that is often used only in certain scientific fields.
Examples of the use of vocabulary in the field of science in sentences, namely:
One of the changes that we can feel lately is the development of the internet world very rapidly, this can be indicated by the increasing use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter to telegrams in the midst of society.
5. Synonyms
Synonyms in persuasive speech can be understood as similarities or equivalent meanings of a word.
Examples of using synonyms in sentences, namely:
Selfish and individualistic attitudes will not be able to make a difference in the progress of our village.
6. Abstract Nouns
Abstract nouns in persuasive speech have meaning as words that give a statement to an object that is abstract or intangible. This is because abstract objects basically cannot be captured by the five senses. The distinction is included in the class of abstract nouns or commonly known as abstract nouns, which express all things and everything that is objected.
Examples of abstract nouns in sentences, namely:
Social solidarity is very important to always maintain and apply in the daily life of our society.
F. Persuasive Speech Method
When you get the responsibility to deliver a speech, there are four methods that are often used and you can apply them. The following are the four methods most often used in delivering speeches, including persuasive speeches, including:
1. The Script Method
One of the most frequently used methods of delivering speeches is the script method. The script method itself can be understood as the method used when giving speeches by relying on text or script media. This script method is often used at events that require official or formal speeches. Examples of using speech with the script method, namely state speeches, speeches on television, and so on.
2. Impromptu Method
One method of delivering a speech that you can use next is the impromptu method. The impromptu method itself is a method of speech that is used without the help of text or memorization. This method is usually used by someone who gets responsibility suddenly so it doesn’t require preparation and according to needs. Due to the lack of preparation and being carried out suddenly, the impromptu speech method does not really give maximum results. However, for someone who already has high flying hours in giving speeches and understands the material to be conveyed, then the content of the speech can be very interesting and unique.
3. Memorization Method
One method of delivering a speech that you can use next is the memorization method. This memorization method has the intention of being a speech method that plans the content of the speech very carefully and thoroughly, so that it can be maximally prepared before delivering the speech. This method can usually cause listeners to become bored and bored. This is what makes speech rarely used because it makes the contents of the speech less interesting.
4. Extemporaneous Method
One method of delivering a speech that you can use next is the extemporaneous method. This extemporaneous method is a method that is often used by many people. This speech method is usually done with a plan. However, when delivering a speech, the orator only uses small notes. This is used as a way to create guidelines so that speeches can be delivered in a structured and systematic manner.
All four of these methods have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, someone who is proficient at giving speeches usually uses a method by combining the various methods above to make a very interesting speech.
G. Steps to Composing a Persuasive Speech
1. Determine the theme or subject matter of the speech.
2. List the main points of the speech to be delivered.
3. Determine the purpose of the speech.
4. Develop a speech framework.
5. Develop a speech framework.
H. Examples of Persuasive Speeches
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning, greetings to all of us students and teachers of SMA 1 Tasikmalaya.
What I respect, Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya, Ms. Nanan Nurhanani S.Pd. What I respect, ladies and gentlemen teachers and staff of SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tasikmalaya, and also my dear comrades in arms.
Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT for bestowing His mercy and grace so that we can be present and gather here. Don’t forget, our salawat and greetings are conveyed to the great prophet Muhammad SAW. Don’t forget his friends and us his people at the end of time.
On this occasion, I will deliver a speech about the benefits of technology. In this era, many advanced technologies have been created to make our way of life easier in this era. With its sophistication, we can shorten the time and speed up the completion of work. However, there are still those who accept and respond negatively for various reasons. For example, the existing technologies have indirectly gotten rid of the existing everyday culture.
Ladies and gentlemen, actually there are many benefits that we have and will get by using technology. For example, we can communicate with our relatives or family in distant places using mobile phones. We can also make household chores easier, such as washing clothes with a washing machine or cooking rice with an electric rice cooker or commonly called a rice cooker. Even the internet is already very familiar with our daily lives. Usually used to be used to find information or relieve fatigue, such as playing games provided by the internet.
Whether the technology itself is good or bad depends on the people who use it. I hope that we can utilize the technology in accordance with the benefits and purpose of the technology itself. So that there is no misuse that can harm ourselves and others.
Thus I convey this speech. May be beneficial to us all. Sorry if there are wrong words. Wabillahi Taufiq wal hidayah. Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.