Associative is – Social interaction is a dynamic social relationship concerned with the relationship between individuals, human groups and individuals with human groups. Social interaction can occur in everyday life continuously, because humans are social beings. In society, a social interaction can produce a form of relationship that is able to strengthen or change the condition of a society.
In general, social interaction is divided into two, namely associative social interaction and dissociative social interaction. Dissociative interaction is an interaction that leads to division, while associative social interaction leads to unity.
Because associative interaction is more towards unity, associative interaction is expected to occur in society. Then, what is the form of this associative social interaction? What are the forms and what are the benefits? Check out the explanation of associative interaction below!
Definition of Associative Social Interaction
Before understanding the meaning of associative social interaction, it is better if Matobers knows the meaning of social interaction first.
The social process is an interaction or reciprocal bond or mutual influence between humans that lasts throughout their lives in society. According to Soerjono Soekanto, the social process in question is a way of relating that can be seen when people or social groups choose to meet and then determine the system and form of social ties.
Meanwhile, according to Homans, interaction is an event that occurs when an activity is tried by someone on another person and given a reward or punishment by using an action from another person who acts as a companion.
The concept of interaction put forward by Homans, has an interpretation that interaction is an action that is attempted by someone and is in the form of a stimulus for the actions of other people who become their companions.
On the other hand, according to Shaw, social interaction is an exchange that occurs between individuals and each individual displays their behavior with each other in their arrival, then each attitude will be influenced by one another.
The same thing was also stated by Thibaut and Kelley who argued that social interaction is an event that occurs because it is influenced by individuals when two or more individuals meet and produce the same thing or talk to each other, so that in social interaction, the action of Each individual aims to influence others.
Social interactions that occur in each individual or group can be positive or negative. Social interaction that is positive is associative interaction, this one interaction occurs to lead to unity, because interactions are established between individuals and groups who participate to lead to unity.
Associative social interaction can also be interpreted as a form of cooperation or a form of social interaction relationship carried out by a group of people or an individual that leads to positive social contact and a unified view.
This associative process builds and strengthens as well as tightens solidarity relationships from community groups to become a more solid unit.
Forms of Associative Social Interaction
According to Charles Horton Cooley, in the process of associative social interaction there is cooperation that can be carried out with full awareness between individuals and individuals or between groups, so that associative interactions are usually positive and allow for problem solving. Here are some forms of associative social interaction that Matobers needs to know.
1. Cooperation
Cooperation is a joint effort built between individuals or groups to achieve a common goal. Cooperation can occur because people interact with each other.
In individual collaboration with other individuals, they will support and help each other and build synergies to achieve the common goals intended by the individuals involved. There are also forms of cooperation based on implementation, including the following:
- Harmony or gotong royong is a form of cooperation that is carried out voluntarily in order to do a particular job that has a direct relationship with the people involved in the mutual cooperation.
- Bargaining is an activity agreement regarding the exchange of goods or services between two or more organizations.
- Co-optation is a procedure for accepting new elements in leadership and implementing organizational constitution as the only tip to be able to avoid conflicts that can shake the organization.
- Coalition is a combination of two or more organizations with the same goal. Coalitions produce an unstable situation because the two organizations involved have their own structure.
- A joint venture is a form of cooperation in a special project company, for example, such as oil drilling and hotels.
- Based on the form of work, cooperation is divided into several types, including the following.
- Spontaneous cooperation is cooperation that occurs immediately
- Direct cooperation is cooperation carried out as a result of orders from superiors or authorities
- Contact work is cooperation that occurs on the basis of certain orders
- Traditional cooperation is cooperation as part of the existing elements in the social system.
2. Accommodation
The second type of cooperation is accommodation, which is a process of adjustment by individuals or groups of people whose members are in conflict in order to overcome tensions.
The purpose of the agreement is to create a balance in social interaction with the norms and values that already exist in society. It can be used to resolve conflict, either by respecting opposing personalities or by pressure or coercion. The following are some forms of accommodation.
Coercion is a form of accommodation that takes place because of the coercion of the will of one party on another who is weak by being dominated by one group over another. An example of coercion is a totalitarian regime or government system.
Compromise is a form of accommodation with the parties involved in the dispute and relieve each other’s demands, so that a settlement is reached.
The basic attitude of compromise is that all parties are willing to understand and feel a situation experienced by the other party. An example is a truce agreement between countries that are involved in a war.
Arbitration is a form of accommodation that occurs because there are disputing parties and are unable to reach a compromise on their own. Therefore, a third group that is not one-sided or neutral is invited to seek a solution. Third parties usually come from authorized bodies, for example the settlement of disputes between employers and labor unions which can be resolved through arbitration.
Mediation is a third party that acts as a mediator or peacemaker. The decision to make peace rests with the warring parties. An example is the mediation of the government of the Republic of Indonesia to reconcile factions experiencing disputes in Cambodia.
Conciliation is an attempt to bring together the wishes of the disputing parties to reach a mutual agreement. Conciliation is more lenient and can open up opportunities for assimilation. An example is the permanent committee resolving labor issues by inviting the company and employee representatives to resolve a problem.
Tolerance is a form of accommodation without official approval, because it occurs unconsciously and without planning. There is a desire to avoid a dispute that is mutually detrimental.
Stalemate is a form of accommodation that occurs when a group is involved in a conflict with equal power. With the awareness of both parties, no one is going forward or backwards so that a conflict will stop by itself.
Adjudication is a process of resolving problems or disputes that are resolved through legal channels in court or court.
Accommodation exists to achieve a certain goal, as follows.
- Reducing conflicts between individuals or groups of people that occur because of comparisons of understanding.
Avoiding the explosion of a conflict, temporarily or temporarily. - Allowing the realization of a cooperation that occurs between social groups whose lives are separated as a result of social psychological and cultural factors.
- Strive for fusion between separate social groups, for example through combination marriages.
3. Assimilation
Assimilation is a social process characterized by an attempt to narrow differences that occur between individuals and groups of people, including efforts to strengthen the unity of actions, attitudes and mental processes by respecting common goals and interests.
That is, when someone integrates into a group of people or in society, they are no longer different from that group. In short, the process of assimilation is a merger between two cultures into one culture. However, this process is not as easy as expected, because there are many factors that influence a culture so that it can be combined into one culture. Some of the factors that will facilitate the process of assimilation include the following:
- Tolerance towards other cultures.
- Equal opportunity in the economic field
- An open attitude that comes from the ruling class in community groups
- The similarities that exist in the elements of culture
- Mixed marriage or amalgamation
- There is a common enemy that comes from outside
In addition to factors that facilitate the process of assimilation, there are also several factors that can inhibit the occurrence of assimilation, as explained below.
- The isolation of life from a certain group in society.
- Lack of knowledge about the culture encountered.
- The emergence of feelings of fear of the power of culture that is being faced by someone.
- The emergence of a feeling that the culture of a certain group or group is higher than the culture of other groups or groups.
- There are differences in physical or bodily characteristics such as skin color, hair, eye color and others.
- In group feeling or the existence of a strong feeling towards the culture of the group.
- If the minority group experiences a disturbance from the ruling class.
4. Acculturation
Acculturation is defined as a social process that arises when there is a group of people who have a certain culture and are confronted by elements of a foreign culture. So that the foreign cultural elements can gradually be accepted without causing a loss.
The personality of the culture itself, is an acculturation process that is regular and can involve the integration of elements of foreign cultures with elements of one’s own culture. The easiest foreign culture to accept is the younger generation.
Types, Characteristics, and Benefits of Associative Social Interaction
In general, there are two types of associative social interaction that Matobers needs to know about, along with an explanation.
1. Paternalism
The first type of associative is paternalism, namely a group of immigrants dominating the group of domestic children. This mastery can occur in the economic sector or in the trade sector, the defense sector, the education sector, the health sector, the capital sector and so on. Paternalism allows social problems to be quickly resolved so that there is no feeling of hatred or conflict arising from migrants or natives or indigenous people.
2 Adaptation (Adaptation)
Adaptation is a process of adjustment carried out by individuals, personal or groups who previously experienced conflict or conflict in order to reduce the tension caused by the current conflict.
From the explanation of associative social interaction above, it can be concluded that associative social interaction has the following characteristics.
- There is some form of cooperation.
- There is a relationship that leads to unity between individuals with one another.
- There is more than one person, the number of perpetrators, can be two or groups.
- Communication that occurs between actors of associative social interaction takes place with social relations.
- Have a good and clear purpose and intention to be achieved by the parties involved.
- Implemented by a social performance model with a certain system.
- Then what are the benefits of this associative social interaction? As previously explained, associative social interaction is expected to occur among people more than dissociative interaction. This is because dissociative social interaction has a negative value and can lead to a conflict that will lead to division.
Meanwhile, associative social interaction is interaction with positive values that will bring about unity, unity and solidarity and can overcome conflicts that occur between individuals or groups.
From these different types of social interaction alone, Matobers can of course draw the conclusion that associative social interaction has many benefits, right? Some of the benefits are as follows.
- Can unite the community to solve a problem that occurs.
- Can bring society towards unity and unity.
- Will not cause division.
- Prevent the occurrence of a conflict within a group or between individuals.
- Establish unity and increase solidarity among group members.
There are several associative examples that Matobers can know to understand more deeply associative social interactions. Here are some examples.
- There is tolerance between religions.
- Students working on group assignments together.
- A football team that must work together to score against the opponent’s goal, so that they can win a competition.
- Villagers who form a cooperative organization.
- Marriages that occur between Palembang people and Javanese and each bride and groom have different cultural backgrounds, however, both can be united by marriage.
That is the explanation of associative is a form of cooperation or social interaction relationship carried out by an individual or group of people and the interaction that occurs leads to positive social contact and a unified view that is constructive and strengthens the relationship.