How to easily download videos on Instagram without application to HP gallery. Enough with an online downloader.
In addition to Facebook, Instagram is also one of the popular social media that has millions of active users every month.
With this Instagram, we can find a variety of the latest information, interesting videos, job vacancy information and so on. Every day, you will definitely find various interesting and useful posts or stories.
So, it is very unfortunate if until now you still do not have an Instagram account. How to create an Instagram account is not difficult, you can also register Instagram through a Facebook account, because Instagram is actually a social media application owned by Facebook.
How to Download Videos on Instagram to Gallery
Through this article, I will explain how to download videos on Instagram easily, both without using the application and by using the application.
The first way to use an online downloader site (without an application) and the second is to use an application that you must first install on the playstore. Check out the steps below:
1. Through Online Downloader
How to download videos on Instagram without an application can be with the help of online downloader sites (without the need to install an application).
- Open your Instagram account.
- Then copy the link of the video you want to download. You do this by clicking 3 points located on the top right side of the video, then select Copy Link.
- Go to site through a browser (it is recommended to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers). Paste the video link into the field provided, then click the Download.
- After that, click the Download video which I have put a red mark.
- The video will download automatically.
2. Using the App
Suppose you don’t really like the first way, maybe you can make this second way as an alternative. However, for this second method, you must first install the downloader application through the playstore. For more details you can see below:
- Install the app Video Downloader for Instagram from Playstore.
- As in the first way, first copy the video link by selecting Copy Link.
- Open the app Video Downloader for Instagram the one you just installed. Paste the Instagram video link in the column provided.
- The video will download automatically. You can see the video file in a folder InstaDownload (the location of the folder can be different).
3. Using InstaSaver App
Still using the help of the application. But this time we use a different application called InstaSaver. For the steps you can check below:
1. Please download and install Instasaver application on Play Store (or via this link).
2. Go to your Instagram and search for which video you want to download. In this example, I want to download a video from Indozone. Please click point three located on the top right side of the video then click Copy Link.
3. Open Instasaver app and select Insta Post Downloader.
4. If you get a warning that is more or less like this, just choose Allow.
5. Paste the copied Instagram video link. To be faster, you can directly click the button Paste.
6. After the video preview appears then click Save Video to save the video.
7. All successfully downloaded Instagram videos will be saved in the folder named Instagram Download.
5 Most Popular IG Video Downloader Apps
In Playstore there are several applications that we can use to download videos on Instagram. Some of them can be checked below:
1. Downloader For Instagram
The first most popular Instagram video downloader app is “Downloader For Instagram”. You can download this application for free on Google PlayStore.
This application makes it easy for users to download Instagram videos or photos in HD (High Definition) quality. This application also provides two choices of ways to download videos or photos on Instagram, namely the manual way and the automatic way.
If you choose to download manually, you’ll need to copy the URL of the video or photo, then paste it into the app. However, if you choose the automatic way, then you only need to copy the URL of the video or photo you want, then it will automatically go to the application and you can download it.
2. Save & Repost For Instagram
The next most popular instagram video donwloader app is “Save and Repost For Instagram”. No wonder this application is a video downloader application that is quite popular, because this application has been downloaded and used by more than 6 million Android users from all over the world.
This application is just like other video downloader applications that can save videos or photos from Instagram to enjoy infinitely.
However, this application has the advantage of being able to save videos or photos from Instagram, this application has another feature, namely Repost, where users can directly share videos or photos to their Instagram social media directly from this Save and Repost For Instagram application.
3. QuickSave For Instagram
The next application most used by Instagram users to download videos or photos from Instagram is “QuickSave For Instagram”. This application is really interesting and different from other applications, because users do not need to bother to log in with their Instagram account first in order to download videos or photos.
Another advantage possessed by this application is that it provides an interesting feature, namely the Clear History feature, this feature can be used to delete download history. This application has been downloaded by more than 10 million people from various directions. This proves that this application opens applications carelessly.
Another feature that this application has is the AutoSave feature. This feature is used to save videos or photos automatically. And this application also provides a QuickSave Folder feature, this feature is used to change the location of downloads. This app is available for free on Google Playstore. However, it also provides premium features so that users can be free from existing ads.
4. FastSave For Instagram
The next application that is very popular to download videos or photos on Instagram is “FastSave For Instagram”. This application has a very small storage size of only 3.5 mb, so it can save the user’s phone storage space.
This application also has a very good user interface and this application also has a Repost feature that makes it easy for users to share videos or photos to their Instagram.
When downloading videos or photos using this application, users only need to copy the URL of the video or photo they want, then automatically the video or photo will be downloaded and will appear on the user’s cellphone notification. This FastSave For Instagram application also has a Hide Into Locker feature, which is useful for hiding files that they have downloaded into a secret locker.
5. Video Downloader For Instagram
The next app that is quite popular is “Video Downloader For Instagram”. This application is just like other applications that can also be used to repost videos or photos on Instagram.
This application is available for free on Google PlayStore with a storage size that is not too large, which is only 6.4 mb. This application also provides a history menu, which can be used to see what has been downloaded by the user and make it easier for him to enjoy offline.
Those are two ways to download videos on Instagram easily, both without an application and by using an application. If you’re a typical user who saves space on your smartphone, saving Instagram videos through an online downloader tool is the best option.
Yes, although the downloader application does not consume too many resources, but for phones that have installed many applications or the spec is a bit mediocre, it’s better to use the first method instead of the second way.
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