Characteristics of Poetry and Its Characteristics – Friend, do you like reading a literary work? Literary works in Indonesia are diverse. From novels to short stories. One of them is poetry. Poetry is a collection of beautiful words that are liked by many people. Many people who like to read even write poetry.
However, do you already know about deeper things than poetry? Not all beautiful things or sentences that are composed are called poetry. This article will explain the meaning of poetry, the types of poetry and the characteristics of poetry.
Definition of Poetry
The sentences in the poem express the thoughts and feelings of the poet. The phrases are written imaginatively, and arranged to concentrate the power of language. There is also a physical structure and an inner structure.
A poem generally prioritizes the sound, form and meaning contained in each sentence. This meaning is a proof of poetry, good if there is a deep meaning by condensing all the existing elements of language.
The definition of poetry according to experts is as follows:
In KBBI, poetry is defined as compositions in language whose forms are carefully selected and arranged. Thus sharpening people’s awareness of life experiences. In addition, to evoke special responses through the arrangement of sounds, rhythms and special meanings.
2. H. B. Jassin
According to HB Jassin, poetry is a pronunciation that is done with feeling. In the poem contains a thought. In addition, the poem also contains a response.
3. Putu Arya Tirtawirya
Poetry according to Putu Arya Tirtawirya is an implicit and vague expression. The meaning contained in the poem is implied. The words tend to have a connotative meaning.
4. Muhammad Hj. Salleh
Muhammad Hj. Salleh means that poetry is a form of literary work that is thick with language music. In addition, there is also a wisdom from the poet and his tradition. Thanks to that thickness, the poetry read will make the reader wiser.
5. Herman Waluyo
Poetry according to Herman Waluyo is a written literary work. This work is the earliest written by humans.
6. James Reeves
James Reeves explains that poetry is an expression and a language. The expression is rich and full of allure.
7. Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer explained that poetry is a form of expressing ideas. The nature of poetry is emotional. In addition, a poem will consider a beauty.
8. Usman Awang
According to Usman Awang, poetry is not a song of someone who is desperate who is looking for a calm and satisfaction in the poetry he is writing.
Types of poetry
1. Old (classical) poetry
Old poetry is also called classical poetry. Old poetry is a poem that has rules. This poem is still bound by various rules and also certain provisions. Examples such as the number of lines that must be the same on each good. In addition, the rhymes in the poem must also be the same. Examples are spells or gurindam.
2. New poetry (free)
New poetry is a poem that has a new form. It is said to be new because this poem is modern. That is, new poetry is poetry that is not bound by various provisions or rules. The work of this new poem is somewhat freer. Becoming more dynamic and diverse than its old form.
Examples of new poetry are very diverse. Actually, this new poem refers more to a genre. In addition, new poetry has certain styles.
3. Contemporary poetry
Contemporary poetry is a poem that you want to write freely. This type of poetry wants to be freer from the various conventional ties of the poem itself. Such as boring minor notes, clichéd expressions, and chaotic confusion between popular culture and poetry.
It can be interpreted that contemporary poetry is more radical. If modern poetry is free, this poetry wants to be even more free. Free from various limitations that have been formed by a view. This view is generally created by society towards poetry.
For example, there are many poems that raise images that are not beautiful. In addition, the atmosphere displayed is also not pleasant. contemporary poetry can create a dirty terminal image that has the smell of “urine”. Apart from that, it can also be said that this poem is filled with an empty angkot that has lost its passengers.
4. Narrative Poetry
Narrative poetry is a poem that tells a story. Sometimes it also provides an explanation from the poet. Narrative poetry is divided into several types. Like ballads that contain stories about mighty people or idol figures. Examples of well-known ballads in Indonesia are Orang-orang Tercinta and Blues for Bonnie by WS Rendra.
5. Lyric Poetry
Lyric poetry is divided into several types. Such as odes, elegies and serenades. Ode is a poem whose content is praise addressed to someone. Usually an ode is dedicated to a character. Elegy is poetry in which there is a feeling of sorrow.
Serenada is a love poem. This rhyme can be sung. The word “serendada” has the meaning of a song that is appropriate to be sung at dusk. In Indonesia, the writer who creates a lot of serenades is WS. Rendra.
6. Descriptive poetry
Descriptive poetry is poetry that allows the poet to act as someone who makes an impression. This poem contains an impression of an event, situation, atmosphere and even objects. Usually what is seen attracts attention.
Poetry included in this type of poetry is satire and poetry that is social criticism. Satire is a poem that expresses the dissatisfied feelings of the poet. The dissatisfaction is due to one thing. The way it is expressed is through a satire or a statement to the contrary. Same with satire, poetry of social criticism too. However, the difference lies in the delivery. Poetry of social criticism will explain the lameness and irregularity of a situation or person in question.
Poetry Features
1. General characteristics
- In general, the characteristics of poetry are as follows
- Poetry is written in stanza. Consists of lines. The form of poetry is not like a paragraph
- Words or diction used in poetry are generally figurative. In addition, the diction used is beautiful and solid.
- The words or diction used will consider rhymes and rhymes.
- Some of the poems use a lot of figure of speech. Usually, figurative language is used very dominantly in the language of poetry.
- In poetry there are several things that will not be highlighted. Like plot, setting and character are not so highlighted.
2. Characteristics of old poetry
- Old poetry is tied to the number of lines and rhymes. In addition, old poetry is also bound by diction, rhythm, intonation and other things.
- Old poetry is usually anonymous. The point is that it is not clear the name of the author of the poem.
- Old poetry has a static or fixed style of language. In addition, there is also a lot of cliché language used.
- Old poetry also includes oral literature. That’s because this poetry is taught or conveyed by word of mouth.
4. Characteristics of new poetry
- The name of the poet is listed
- Unbound by rhyme, rhythm and lines.
- The style of language in the new poetry is dynamic. So that will change.
- New poetry tends to be symmetrical. This poem will have a neat shape.
- New poetry uses pantun patterns or rhymes more.
- New poetry generally takes the form of four strands.
- Has a syntactic unit or gatra.
- The gatra in the poem consists of 4 to 5 syllables
- New poetry generally tells about life events.
- Definition of short stories
- Characteristics of short stories
- How to Make Short Stories
- Short Story Examples
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- Examples of Family Theme Poetry
- How To Make Great Poetry
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That’s some more information about the characteristics of poetry .