Omnivorous Animals – After discussing herbivorous animals and carnivorous animals. Now we will discuss one more member of the group from the animal kingdom. Previously we already know, based on the type of food, herbivorous animals are plant-eating animals, then carnivorous animals, are meat-eating animals, one more thing?
Yes, this one group is referred to as omnivorous animals. What’s the story like? Keep up with the reviews, bro . Keep monitoring the information through your Gramedia Digital application.
Definition of Omnivorous Animals
The term omnivore comes from the Latin words omnis, which means all or everything, and vorare, which means to eat. Omnivores are animals that eat everything, both plants and meat. Omnivorous animals have an important role in the food chain, namely as a producer of energy and nutrients for other organisms. In general, omnivores occupy the third trophic level on the food chain, along with carnivores.
If an omnivore doesn’t hunt, it can also be hunted, so it can act as both a predator and prey. However, there are also omnivorous animals that eat the remains of dead animals, but also eat fruit.
To eat food in the form of plants and meat, omnivorous animals have a sharp tooth structure for tearing flesh, and flat teeth for chewing plants. But there are also some omnivorous animals that don’t have teeth, so they will eat their food by swallowing it whole.
Omnivores are more likely to survive than other groups. This is because omnivorous animals can live in various environments because their diets vary. Carnivorous animals will quickly become extinct if their habitat is not available for prey. Omnivorous animals can survive because, if the prey or prey animals run out, omnivorous animals can eat the plants around their place of life.
Omnivore Characteristics
Omnivores have a different digestive system from herbivores and carnivores. The digestive system in omnivorous animals has a mechanism for digesting plants and animals, especially involving protease enzymes to digest protein. Omnivorous animals have a well-developed tooth structure in the oral cavity to tear flesh when eating it. Omnivorous animals have longer intestines than other animal groups.
Apart from what has been described above, what are the characteristics of omnivorous animals? Let’s take a look at its characteristics through the list below.
- Types of food plants, fruit and meat
- Has a complex digestive system, because of the type of food
- It has sharp teeth at the front and flat teeth at the back.
- Some are included in mammals, some are not part of mammals
- Some breed by laying eggs, some reproduce by giving birth.
Examples of Omnivorous Animals
It turns out that there are many omnivorous animals that live around us, maybe many of us don’t know or don’t think that these animals are included in the group of omnivorous animals. Let’s look at examples of omnivorous animals.
1. Chicken
One of these poultry animals we often encounter around where we live. Many people raise chickens for various purposes, such as raising them for their meat, for their eggs, to hear their beautiful voices, and even to use them as fighting cocks. Chickens are able to follow where their master will take them. As pets, chickens are adaptive and able to live in any place with any conditions, as long as there is enough food in that environment.
Even though they have wings, pet chickens don’t have good flying abilities. These chickens spend a lot of time on the ground or in trees, and many are even in cages. Chicken food also tends to be easy to obtain, chickens like grains, such as corn kernels, rice, rice bran, as well as small insects, moths, ants, grasshoppers, worms, and so on, which are also a favorite of chickens.
2. Flamingo
Flamingo is a bird that eats blue algae, green algae and shrimp. Maybe if it’s in humans, like Ca Shrimp cooking, huh? hehehe . Shrimp and algae are the main food for flamingos. To get shrimp, Flamingo must filter water or mud using its unique beak and has a lamellae structure to get food.
Shrimp, blue and red algae contain high levels of beta carotene, causing the Flamingo’s body color to become reddish. Flamingoes that eat good quality food will have a brighter color, so they can be attractive to the opposite sex. Brightly colored flamingos usually live in the wild, because the quality of food that Flamingo birds get in the wild is better than the quality of food for flamingos that are bred. So Flamingo birds that are in captivity, certainly have a paler color, compared to Flamingo birds that live in nature.
An interesting fact about this bird from the genus Phoenicopterus and the Phoenicopteridae family is that flamingos often stand on one leg, even though they are not being punished by their teacher for being late or not doing assignments. However, there are those who argue that Flamingo has the ability to make half of its body in a sleeping state in such a position, but there is no scientific literature to support this statement.
There are also those who say, by standing with one foot above the water, it will keep the feet from getting wet with the intention of conserving energy. The most logical thing is that flamingos use their netted feet to stir up the mud, in order to get food.
3. Catfish
Surely you are very familiar with this type of fish. Often found in culinary stalls typical of East Java. Served grilled or fried, complete with hot sauce, fresh vegetables and white rice.
Yes, he is Lele. This mustached fish is widely cultivated by people in Indonesia, because it has high economic value. Catfish are widely used for processed dishes such as catfish pecel, catfish mangut, shredded catfish, and so on. Catfish have many species. In Indonesia alone, catfish are scattered in various regions with their respective names.
Catfish are included in the group of omnivorous animals, because catfish can eat various types of food available in the environment where they live. Catfish live in fresh water such as in rivers with slow currents, swamps, lakes, reservoirs, flooded rice fields, and even catfish can live in water whose conditions are polluted. Catfish are nocturnal fish, actively moving in search of food at night, while during the day they stay mostly silent or take shelter in dark places.
Even though they are classified as omnivores, catfish food is not complicated, but as farmed animals for consumption, catfish need food that is rich in nutrients so that catfish growth can take place quickly, well, and effectively. Catfish food includes maggot flies, trash fish, snails, catfish pellets. Not only that, the catfish will also devour leaves until they run out, such as papaya leaves, taro leaves, even water hyacinth plants planted in catfish ponds which will help support their growth and health.
4. Duck
This animal is the inspiration for a Walt Disney to create a cartoon character named Donald. Yes, surely you can already guess, this animal is, Duck. Duck was made into a famous cartoon character, with the characteristic of wearing sailor clothes, living with his three nephews, also living in a city called the City of Ducks. This character also helps us remember its origin in the form of a duck.
Duck is an animal that has a bigger beak than a chicken, has a longer neck, though not as long as a goose.
Many are cultivated by people in villages or villages. How to cultivate ducks that are not much different from the treatment of chicken cultivation. Ducks are widely cultivated, because they have economic value and can bring quite promising profits when running this business.
Raising ducks brings various benefits, in the form of duck eggs, duck meat, and ornamental or ornamental ducks. Young ducks generally have many predators. This vulnerability is because young ducks do not have the ability to fly, so they will easily be caught by crocodiles, pike fish, herons. When on land, duck nests are also vulnerable to land predators, such as foxes and eagles. Diving ducks and sea ducks are able to dive deep into the water for food.
For ducks being farmed, in order to get quality results, be it in the form of meat or eggs, duck breeders must provide food intake that is rich in nutrients, so that the ducks can grow up quickly and produce immediately. As an animal in the omnivore group, ducks are not difficult to produce food that produces nutrition. Ducks can eat anything in their environment. For farmed ducks, there are several foods that can be given to ducks for fast growth. Among them are tofu dregs, tempe dregs, sorghum, fish meal, cassava, and even corn.
So if you find salted eggs with legit white and yellow parts, as well as processed fried duck meat, rica duck, black seasoned duck, or other preparations using thick and fibrous duck meat, surely the duck food comes from the ingredients mentioned above. on. Then, what about Donald’s food? Try to find out through the Walt Disney Album through your Gramedia Digital application, OK, friend .
5. Starling
In English called Starling is the name for a group of warblers from the Sturnidae tribe. In Indonesia, birds that generally have a size of about 20-25 cm are known as Starlings. Jalak is a handsome bird with a strong, sharp and straight beak.
Starlings have long legs, in proportion to the body. This bird is relatively easy to tame, so bird enthusiasts prefer to keep this type of bird, rather than other singing birds.
In addition, starlings also have noisy sounds, loud chatter, sometimes imitating the sounds of other birds. There are many types of starlings in Indonesia. Jalak suren is the type most favored by bird enthusiasts. In addition to its beautiful song, this type of starling is found in valleys and lowlands.
Starling Suren bird food is easy to get. The type of food that is found on the ground, this bird will eat as long as the food is delicious according to him. However, because this bird is kept because of its melodious singing, the owner will provide selected foods for consumption, so that the sound of this bird is maintained and sounds beautiful.
Mention several types of food that can maintain the sound quality of starlings suren, such as types of fruit, in the form of papaya, kepok bananas, apples, kroto or ant eggs, Hong Kong caterpillars and cage caterpillars, worms, crickets, grasshoppers, pur, and fine sand.
6. Squirrel
Squirrels are a group of small mammals similar to squirrels. If you say they are similar, it means that squirrels are different from squirrels, right, friend. Many people mistakenly think that squirrels are squirrels. Squirrels are insect predators, which used to be included in the insectivorous nation or called insectivores together with shrews. While squirrels and flying squirrels enter the nation of rodents or rodents, along with rats.
Squirrels are an alternative to pet mammals besides dogs and cats. Squirrels are much loved by animal lovers, because their bodies are tiny and adorable, besides that, caring for squirrels is also not difficult and complicated. Especially about food, squirrels can eat many types of food that they find, or are given by humans.
Squirrels like many types of food, such as fruits, nuts, insects, and even vegetables. Some unique facts can be found in squirrels. Squirrels feel comfortable with humans, squirrels are not afraid to eat food in human hands, even squirrels are able to recognize humans who are considered friends, when the human brings food to the squirrel, the squirrel will welcome it with great love. Squirrels are intelligent animals, capable of planning to drive away other animals that disturb their nests and food.
Squirrels are animals that have high empathy. Squirrels will share food with other squirrels who do not have food. In fact, squirrels will adopt other baby squirrels who do not have a mother, then care for and feed them like their own family. Wow amazing isn’t it? Squirrels have high social sensitivity, how about you?
So , friends , that’s an interesting review about omnivorous animals, which are siblings of herbivorous animals and carnivorous animals. It turns out that there are many interesting facts about food, living habitats, and the unique characteristics of these omnivorous animals. Find interesting facts about other omnivorous animals around you, friends .