Examples of Repetition of Figure of Speech – Figure of speech is a figurative language in the form of figures of speech, similes, and parables that aim to embellish the meaning and message in a sentence. In general, figure of speech is a style of language or a way of choosing language used by the writer to convey an impression with connotative and figurative meanings.
Besides that, figure of speech is also needed to direct the reader’s emotions in a certain direction according to the context of the writing. As explained in the book The Art of Recognizing Poetry written by Agnes Pitaloka and Amelia Sundari, the use of figure of speech is considered capable of making a written work more varied and interesting to read. Usually, figure of speech is contained in novels, short stories, and other literary works.
One type of figure of speech is repetition. Repetition figure of speech is a style of language that is often used in writing. The figure of speech that is identical with the repetition of words or phrases is included in the affirmation figure of speech. The purpose of this figurative language is related to emphasis or affirmation.
For the discussion this time we will review the repetition figure of speech which includes meaning, examples in sentences, and examples in poetry. So, to understand it more deeply, see the review below.
Definition of Repetition Majas
Repetition comes from the Latin, repetitio which means, re : to come back again and petere : to direct, so the whole meaning of the word repetition is repetition again. Repetition figure of speech is a group of repetition figure of speech when viewed from its form.
However, when viewed from its meaning, the repetition figure of speech is classified as an affirmation figure of speech. Repetition figure of speech is a figurative language that expresses the repetition of the same word, phrase or clause to emphasize the meaning of a sentence or discourse.
In repetition, the repetition of the whole word or other form that is repeated means the same word. Thus, the meaning and reference contained in the word repetition are the same, which also indicates that the overall meaning formed in the first, second, third, and so on is the same.
However, the form of repetition of words presented can be used to show quantity and affirmation of ideas or maybe it just adds aesthetic value. This is what makes the overall meaning of the words repeated the same, but will have an impression at the end of the repetition.
According to the book Ultracomplete Indonesian Proverbs, Majas, Plus Pantun, Poetry, and Standard Indonesian Words written by Nur Indah Sholikhati, repetition is a style of affirmation that states its intent and purpose by repeating words, phrases, or clauses in sentences.
The Ministry of Education and Culture’s version of the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) defines repetition as a style of language that uses keywords at the beginning of a sentence to achieve a certain effect in conveying the meaning of repetition (plays and so on).
Meanwhile, Rika Lestari in the book Summary and Discussion of Middle School Indonesian Questions wrote that repetition is a figure of speech that describes something by repeating a word or several words many times. Ainia Prihantini also clarifies in Figures, Idioms, and Supercomplete Indonesian Proverbs that repetition is a figure of speech in the form of repeating the same word or group of words, with the intention of attracting attention or acting as an affirmation. Repetition figure of speech can also be interpreted as a way of strengthening meaning or purpose by repeating the word or part of the sentence that you want to strengthen the meaning.
Furthermore, there are also those who interpret the repetition figure of speech as a figure of speech which contains the repetition of the same word or group many times to emphasize the intent or purpose in a sentence. However, as previously mentioned, the repetition figure of speech is part of the affirmation figure of speech.
Emphasis figure of speech is a style of language that uses figurative words and states affirmations to increase the influence and impression on listeners or readers. The style of language which is called the repetition figure of speech also aims to increase the influence on the reader to agree with the utterance or event.
Repetition Majas Function
The main function of the repetition figure of speech is a sweetener in a literary work of poetry. Therefore, it is not surprising that the figure of speech of repetition or repetition is known as a pure poetic tool. The existence of a figure of speech of repetition in poetry will put more emphasis on a series of words and create a certain rhythm.
With the repetition of words or the end of words in each line in the poem, the poem can leave a more lasting impression on the reader’s heart. As a result, the ideas conveyed by poets will attract more attention and be easier for readers to remember.
Repetition Majas Purpose
The purpose of using the repetition figure of speech can be distinguished based on the situation or condition of the person who utters the figure of speech. The following is the purpose of using repetition figures of speech:
- The purpose of using repetition figure of speech is to change someone’s thinking and make him follow the advice or suggestions we give. It is scientifically proven that giving information repeatedly in a persuasive way will be able to stick firmly in the minds of other people.
- The purpose of using repetition figure of speech is as a rhetorical tool used in order to give emphasis or pressure when speaking and writing. Repetition figures of speech are easy to find in literary works including prose, poetry or other genres of literary works.
- Examples of repetition figures of speech are often delivered by characters who are giving speeches by repeating several short phrases or single words in their speech. This repetition is done to strengthen the point or highlight the important thought that is being conveyed in the speech.
- The use of repetition figures of speech is not only useful in emphasizing or highlighting important thoughts in a piece of writing or speech, but can also be a writer’s main tool in developing rhythm, tone, and style.
- The repetition figure of speech aims to beautify a sentence or add to the aesthetic value of the sentence because it gives an impression at the end of each repetition.
Examples of Repetition Majas
1. Examples of Repetition in Sentences
The form of repetition figure of speech will be easier to understand if you look at the example sentences. The following are examples of figurative language repetition as quoted from the Indonesian Spelling General Guidelines (PUEBI) and Formation of Terms written by the BIP Team and the book Ultracomplete Indonesian Proverbs, Majas, Plus Pantun, Poetry, and Indonesian Standard Words by Nur Indah Sholikhati:
- Now, right now, right now I have to start turning into an adult.
- Heru promised to keep fighting, fighting, and continuing to fight for the happiness of his wife and children.
- Love is mistery. Love is loyalty. Love is longing. Love is sacrifice.
- He’s the one I’ve been waiting for, he’s the one I’ve been waiting for, and he’s the one I’ve been waiting for.
- Bung Karno is an example, Bung Karno is a role model, Bung Karno is a role model for all of us.
- When we are happy or when we are sad, we as servants should always be grateful, grateful, and always grateful to God, because all of this is only temporary.
- Planting activities, once again planting, is one way to promote food self-sufficiency.
- Any religion will teach goodness in human life with humans, humans with the environment, and humans with God.
- To achieve your goals, one thing you must remember is study, study, and once again study.
- He will continue to work, work, and work to pay off his family’s debts to loan sharks.
- I will always be with you, always with you, always with you, and will always be with you in every life that God creates.
- When in the middle of the night my sister screamed, “Mom, mom, mom” so I called mom to help her.
- Wrong again, wrong again, and wrong again. So hard to find a solution to this calculus problem. Really makes me nervous.
- I warned you to stay away from alcohol but you never listen to me, you drink it, drink it, drink it and drink it all the time, it will make your health decline.
- Even though Andi’s mother had forbidden him to meet the woman, Andi was stubborn. He kept seeing her, seeing her, and seeing her as if Andi had been hypnotized by the woman to the point of ignoring her mother’s advice.
- Even though she already knew the consequences, her mother kept praying and trying, praying and trying, and praying and trying, what could be done for Andi’s recovery from the hereditary disease that had befallen him.
- Even though she was given repeated warnings, Siska continued to wear a miniskirt to school, Siska continued to wear a miniskirt to school, Siska continued to wear a miniskirt to school, until the teacher finally cut off her skirt.
- Enjoy your dinner at our house, enjoy our traditional cultural food menu. Enjoy, hope you guys enjoy.
- Bye my friend, bye my best friend.
- I love you, I love you, I miss you.
- What I glorify are politicians, what I honor are parents, what I honor are the invited guests who attend.
- Lost is longing, lost is heavy, lost is patience.
- Sorrow is a trial, sorrow is fortitude, sorrow is wisdom.
- Diligent, diligent and diligent to get the desired result.
- Global warming must be prevented, prevented, and prevented.
- Be optimistic, be optimistic, and stay optimistic in starting good behavior changes.
- Our lives are only wrong, our lives are only opinions and entrusted, our lives are obstacles that come to face us.
- For obese people it should be recommended to reduce the size of the meal, but instead you eat, eat and eat alone.
- Your face is beautiful and very, very, very sweet.
- You can’t make fun of my parents because they raised me. They sent me to school, they found me a job, and they took care of me, they took care of me.
- In a clean self there is a soul that is faithful, in a believer there is a soul that is sincere.
- Everyone will not like arrogant, arrogant, and always lying traits.
- In his complaints, he always called his mother’s name, mother and mother.
- The government made this regulation solely to respond to citizens’ suggestions.
- Both muslims and muslim women have to say the names of Allah, Allah, and Allah.
- The glance of your eyes makes my heart melt, melts your eyes.
- Loss of culture, loss of habits, loss of habits in society is the effect of globalization.
- Diligent, diligent and studious, that should be your activity ahead of the exam later.
- The food you make is delicious, hearty and delicious.
- Basketball competitions must win first, first, and first.
- I told you to do it carefully, but you are very, very, very reckless.
- To have success there must be business, business, and business very big.
- I will continue to rise, rise, and rise to get a job that suits my skills and skills.
- According to his friend, he always gives alms, alms and alms because of his wealth.
- After his wife died, he felt that he had no purpose in life anymore and every night he always shouted at my wife, my wife, my wife.
- After her husband died, she felt she was no longer useful and every night she always screamed at my husband, my husband, my husband.
- I told him that democracy must be upheld, must be upheld, must be maintained.
- I don’t eat sweets but she always refuses and refuses and refuses.
- I have to practice diligently, practice, and keep practicing to win the singing competition.
- Rafi and Diah are lovers who love each other, but due to religious differences, it is difficult for them to unite, unite and unite.
- Radit and Nina are lovers who love each other but because of differences in beliefs it is difficult for them to meet, meet and meet.
- The Heroes’ Day ceremony took place solemnly, solemnly and solemnly by all ceremony participants.
- The prayer given by a mother is a blessing, a blessing, and a blessing given to her child. Therefore, we as children should love our mothers more.
- Whatever Allah SWT gives us is sustenance, sustenance, and sustenance to be grateful for because all of that is a gift.
- My dear village, it’s where I was born, it’s where I grew up and grew, it’s where I joked with my parents, friends and everyone around me.
- My beloved village, where I was born, is where I grew and developed, where I associate with my parents, friends and the people around me.
- When we visited grandma’s house in the Jogja area, we were greeted politely, politely and very politely.
- When we visited relatives in Sragen, we were greeted warmly, kindly and very hospitably.
- The smell of food makes me want to eat it, eat a little bit, eat it deliciously.
- I love you very much, love you very much, love you very much until the end of your life.
- I love you so much, love you so much, love you so much that you die.
- Human rights (HAM) must be upheld, and upheld, and must be upheld.
- All successful entrepreneurs always fight hard, keep fighting hard, and always fight hard before achieving success.
- The air on the beach is hot, hot, and so hot that your feet burn.
- According to his neighbors, he was always showing off, showing off, and showing off because of his immense wealth.
- I tried to advise him not to eat spicy food, but he always argued, denied and denied.
- She has to keep practicing, practicing and practicing to win the dance competition.
- The independence day speeches were continued with wisdom, wisdom, and wisdom by all ceremony participants.
- A mother’s prayer is sincerity, sincerity and sincerity given to her child. Therefore, you as a child should be even more grateful.
- Anything God gives is a help, a favor and a blessing to be grateful for because it is a gift.
- The smell of food makes me want to taste it, taste it a little, taste it deliciously.
- Successful entrepreneurs always work hard, keep working hard, and always work hard before their desires are achieved.
- This mountain breeze is so cold, so cold, and so cold, that I can’t feel my ankles.
2. Examples of Repetition in Poetry
Meanwhile, Nani Darmayanti and Nurul Hidayati in Indonesian for Vocational High Schools wrote that repetition is a figure of speech that contains repeated repetition of the same word or group of words. The form of repetition can be seen clearly in a poem entitled Grief by Ibrahim Sattah.
Grief is so and
so Grief is me I am you you are sorrow Mourning
flowers of mourning leaves of sorrow thorns of sorrow on a sad day
D ukaku sad who is your sorrow who is sad if you are sad What is the
sorrow of the world?
Grief duki
Dukaku. your grief. Grief two fingers from loneliness
There are faces on the posters.
Posted to tree trunks.
Posted to utility poles.
Posted to station walls
On the eve of the election
Posters with whispering faces
Raising the noise
Amid the hustle and bustle of traffic
Causing an unpleasant smell
Among the piles of rotting garbage