Definition and Structure of Observation Reports and Examples of Text – In general, the text of the observation report is a text that contains general explanations or can also be used to report something based on what is obtained from the observations. The text of this observation report has contents regarding the classification of what types were observed based on certain criteria.
The text of the observation report is basically a description of an object in its form, characteristics and general nature. Objects observed in the text of the observation report include humans, animals, plants, objects, social, culture to various events that occur with reference to facts and objectives or reality.
As a text in the form of a report, the report itself can be understood as a way of communication that is generally carried out by researchers to experts so that information can be conveyed optimally. This is what makes reports written based on various types and forms of documents that contain facts and information from a problem.
Meanwhile, observation can be defined as a tool used to determine measurements regarding the behavior of certain individuals. However, observation is often also interpreted as a tool used to perform calculations on an activity process that is being observed. Margono in his academic work argues that observation means an observation as well as a systematic recording of various signs that appear on the object of research. This is what makes the observational notes contain various facts obtained by the observer based on what was seen and heard.
The characteristics of the observation report text are actually almost the same as the description text. These two texts have similarities in how to convey information based on various existing facts. Meanwhile, the difference between the observation report text and the description text is in the results of the interviews, where the interview results in the observation report text contain general characteristics and are in accordance with the facts, resulting in a text that is more universal. Meanwhile, the results of interviews on descriptive text have more specific characteristics or focus, so that they are able to produce texts that are individual and of course more.
A. Understanding the text of the Observation Report
Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the text of the observation report can be said to be a manuscript that has the original form of the author’s words. Meanwhile, when interpreted literally, a report has a definition as everything that is conveyed, complained about, and reported. Meanwhile, observation itself has a meaning as an observation activity that has the task of carrying out a careful review.
Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that the text of the observation report is a note or script written based on observational activities. Observation report texts are usually used to obtain in-depth research results about humans, animals, plants, objects, social, culture or a particular environment. The text of the observation report also generally contains various facts that can be scientifically proven.
B. Purpose of the Observation Report Text
The purpose of the observation report text is basically to obtain information or an explanation about a problem based on a certain scientific point of view. The observation report text also has the objective of presenting various observation results to the reader with in-depth, systematic, thorough explanations, and of course according to the facts.
So, here is the purpose of the observation report text that needs to be known, including:
1. Information About Classification
The text of the observation report contains a variety of important information from the observations which are adjusted based on certain criteria. Observation activities carried out are also systematic and objective, so as to find an answer or hypothesis to the problem.
2. Based on Facts
The text of the observation report has the objective of presenting information about a matter based on existing criteria and facts.
3. Draw conclusions
After successfully determining the object of research from the results of observations, a conclusion can be drawn that has benefits for learning and knowledge. The conclusion in the text of the observation report is the same as the conclusion of this manuscript.
C. Text Characteristics of the Observation Report
After understanding the meaning as well as the purpose of the observation report text, the following are the characteristics or characteristics of the observation report text.
1. Arranged Systematically
The first characteristics of the text of the observation report are the systematic arrangement. It can be understood that this text has a sequential arrangement according to the structure of the text of the observation report.
2. Explanation from a scientific point of view
The second characteristic of the observation report text is an explanation that uses a certain scientific point of view. The text of the observation report has the task of presenting the information obtained from the observations according to the facts that actually happened. Various information that has been obtained must be scientifically proven.
3. Contains Discussion of Specific Objects or Situations
The third feature of the observation report text is that it contains a discussion of a particular object or situation that is discussed in general. There are quite a lot of objects that are observed in the text of the observation report, for example humans, animals, plants, ecosystems, social, to culture.
4. There are details of parts of an object
The fourth feature of the observation report text is that it contains details of the parts of an object written. The details of the section intended in the text of this observation report are in the form of classification and information about object characteristics. For example, a student is observing the growth of a sprout. The characteristics that can be obtained by these objects can be in the form of leguminous plants that live in the tropics, their stems are hairy, green and brown in color.
5. The text is prepared in standard and clear language
The fifth feature of the observation report text is using standard and clear language. In writing observation report texts, a writer must understand good and correct language so that he can write using standard language. This is because the text of the observation report is scientific writing, so the writer is required to use standard language so that it makes it easier for the reader to understand more easily.
D. Text Structure of the Observation Report
After knowing the meaning, purpose, and characteristics of the observation report text, the next is the structure of the observation report text that needs to be known.
1. Title
The first part of the text of the observation report is the title. This title itself is usually located at the front before the initial paragraph. The usual title can be a characteristic that contains overall information from the results of observations that have been made.
2. General Statement
The second part of the text of the observation report is the general classification. The general classification itself contains an outline of the object phenomenon being discussed. In this observation report text the general classification has the task of introducing various information that will be presented to the reader.
3. Part Description
The third part of the observation report text is the section description. The section description usually contains various descriptions of the object or phenomenon being observed. For example, when researching plants, the information presented must be able to introduce the physical characteristics of flowers, roots, fruits, as well as data from other people.
4. Description of Benefits
The fourth part of the observation report text is a description of the parts or benefits of the written report. The description of the benefits itself contains various aspects of the benefits as well as some special characteristics of the object being reported. In the description of the benefits, the author usually also presents a conclusion that represents all the information from the observation report text.
E. Language Rules of Observation Report Text
After knowing the meaning, purpose, characteristics, and structure, then it will be explained about the language rules in the text of the observation report. The language rule itself is a typical style of language that is owned by a text. This linguistic rule is usually used to distinguish one text from another.
The use of linguistic rules in the observation report text uses many nouns or noun phrases. Furthermore, after using a lot of nouns, it will be followed by a description or description. For example, in the example sentence, ‘food in the kitchen’. In that sentence, the noun in the form of ‘food’ is included in the group of nouns or noun phrases. Meanwhile, the word ‘in the kitchen’ has a word function as a descriptive word, namely to explain the previous word. This means, the phrase in the sentence is all the food in the kitchen.
1. Relational Verbs
The first linguistic rule in the observation report text is a relational verb. Relational verbs are usually used in certain terms in certain fields. Examples of these verbs are like, consist of, called, are, include, classified. An example of using a relational verb sentence is for example ‘a pencil is a writing tool’.
In the text of the observation report, not only use relational verbs, but also often use active verbs. There are not too many words in active verbs, such as eating, drinking, sleeping.
2. Conjunctions
The second language rule in the observation report text is conjunctions. The use of connecting words in the text of the observation report is found a lot. For example, namely, addition conjunctions such as and, as well. Then, equation conjunctions, such as while, however, but, equation, but. And finally the choice conjunctions, such as or.
3. Using Scientific Terms
The third language rule in the text of the observation report is a scientific term. The scientific term itself has several examples, namely degenerative, mutualism, symbiosis, carnivore, osteoporosis.
4. Main Sentence
The last language rule in the text of the observation report is the main sentence. Main sentences in the text of the observation report to compile and present information. Furthermore, after using the main sentence, it will be followed by an explanatory sentence which contains detailed information reported in several paragraphs.
F. Sample Text of Observation Report
1. Sample Text of Observation Report 1
General statement
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a fruit plant native to Indonesia. Mangosteen is a kind of evergreen tree from the tropics which is believed to have originated from the Indonesian Archipelago. The fruit of the mangosteen tree is also called mangosteen. Mangosteen is related to kokam, kandis acid and gelugur acid. Mangosteen holds a variety of extraordinary benefits for health or commonly referred to as functional food.
Part Description
The mangosteen tree and leaves are distinctive. The average height of the mangosteen tree reaches 6-25 m. Mangosteen has dense (lush) leaves, sitting opposite leaves, and short petioles. Mangosteen leaves are thick and wide.
Mangosteen also has special characteristics in its flowers. The mangosteen flower is called a two-house flower. On the mangosteen tree, female flowers are found, while male flowers are not fully developed. Male flowers grow small and then dry up and can no longer function. Therefore, the mangosteen fruit is produced without pollination. Mangosteen flowers include flowers alone or in pairs at the ends of branches, with handles, and are short and thick. Mangosteen flowers are 5.5 cm in diameter. Two pairs of petals, two pairs of corolla, thick and fleshy, green – yellow with a reddish edge. Pseudo stamens and usually numerous.
Mangosteen fruit has several benefits. Among the traditional people themselves, the mangosteen fruit is believed to be able to cure several diseases such as mouth sores, dysentery, tonsillitis, abscesses, with anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties. The results of scientific research state that the skin of the mangosteen fruit is very rich in antioxidants, especially xanthones, tannins, phenolic acids and anthocyanins.
Description of Benefits
Mangosteen is a typical native Indonesian fruit. In addition to a sweet taste and an unsightly appearance, the mangosteen fruit also has many health benefits.
2. Sample Text of Observation Report 2
Marine biota
General Statement
Marine biota are all living things that reproduce in the sea. Marine biota in Indonesian waters is one of the most abundant wealth. The marine biota includes coral reefs, fish and marine plants which are part of the marine ecosystem.
Part Description
There are many types of coral reefs in Bunaken National Park. These coral reefs live on beaches or areas exposed to sunlight and live in waters that are approximately fifty meters below sea level with a certain temperature, as well as in clear water that is not affected by pollution. In addition to coral reefs, Bunaken National Park is also inhabited by various types of fish, such as horsefish gusumi, white oci, yellow tail, and goropa. Other fish in the Indonesian seas that have been used as industries include tuna, tuna, mackerel, grouper, and baronang.
In addition to coral reefs and fish, the Indonesian sea also has marine plants. On Pari Island, Thousand Islands Regency, for example, seaweed cultivation and mangrove planting. The seaweed here is very diverse in shape, some are round like a tube, flat and flat, some are round like a bag, and some are loose like hair. All can live because the treatment is monitored regularly to see the progress.
Description of Benefits
The three marine biota are very beneficial for human life, such as fish and seaweed which are beneficial for health because they contain nutrients. Coral reefs are also useful for ecology and economy. In addition, Indonesia’s marine biota is also beneficial for tourism development, such as Raja Ampat in Papua, Wangi-Wangi Island in Southeast Sulawesi, and Bunaken in Manado. This diversity of biota is also beneficial for the environment, especially mangroves which have withstood abrasion from the massive waves and sea waves.
Thus, an explanation of the meaning of the text of the observation report, starting from the purpose of the characteristics, structure, language rules, to examples. Before you start making observations, it’s better to do it in groups. This can facilitate observation while preventing mistakes when making observations. Hopefully this article is clear enough so that it is easy to understand and able to answer your curiosity about the text of the observation report.