Definition of Accommodation and Forms of Accommodation

Forms of Accommodation – Accommodation is a word that is quite foreign to many people’s ears, especially for those who are still in school. However, this word will become more familiar to your ears when you graduate and enter the workforce.

In the world of work, accommodation is a word that appears quite often and is familiar to the ear. Usually, accommodation is used to resolve conflicts that arise between employees in a company and can be permanent or temporary, depending on the situation and conditions in the field.

Talking about accommodation, as has been said before, this word is quite foreign to our ears. Those of you who haven’t entered the world of work, might be wondering what is the meaning and meaning behind this one term. For those of you who don’t know, here’s the meaning of accommodation and forms of accommodation that you need to know!

Definition of Accommodation

Accommodation is just a word, a term. However, the meaning behind this one term is quite diverse. In sociology, accommodation is basically a situation where there is a balance in social interaction between a person and another person, or a group with another group. Accommodation itself is closely related to social norms and values ​​that apply in society in a region.

If the science of sociology refers to accommodation as a condition that has a balance between people or groups, the Big Indonesian Dictionary or what we usually call KBBI, refers to accommodation as a process of social adjustment in interactions between one person and another, or it can also be social adjustment between one group and another. other groups in an area.

Another is sociology, another is in anthropology. In anthropology, accommodation is an adjustment made by humans or certain groups to avoid, or relieve tensions that arise due to a conflict.

Definition of Accommodation According to Experts

Apart from the notions of sociology and anthropology, some experts also have their own definition of accommodation.

1.JM Baldwin

According to a well-known philosopher and psychologist from the United States named James Mark Baldwin or JM Baldwin, accommodation is a change made by individuals to adapt to their new environment.

2.Robert Morrison Maclver

JM Baldwin is different, the opinion of a sociologist and Scottish educator named Robert Morrison Maclver is different. According to Maclver, accommodation is a process that humans go through to be in harmony with their environment. This process is sometimes not easy, and takes a while, but it is necessary to allow someone to survive and be accepted in their new environment.

3. John Gillin and Lewis Gillin

Finally, there is a father and son pair, John Gillin and Lewis Gillin who are well-known anthropologists and sociology professors from the United States. Both mentioned that accommodation is a process in which individuals or groups who are or have had conflicts try to adjust their relationships in order to overcome difficulties that arise as a result of conflicts that have occurred in the past.

From the opinions above, you can definitely draw your own conclusions about the meaning of accommodation. In simple terms, accommodation is a series of adjustment processes carried out by a person or a group to overcome conflicts that arise. Accommodation is sometimes short, but sometimes long and even permanent.

Forms of Accommodation

Not only has a variety of meanings, accommodation is also divided into several different forms. Forms of accommodation include tolerance, stalemate, adjudication, coercion, compromise, arbitration, mediation, conciliation. How are these different forms of accommodation? Here’s the full explanation!

1. Tolerance

For us Indonesians, tolerance is not a foreign term. However, living in a country where the population consists of various ethnicities, races, religions and cultures, requires us to have a high sense of tolerance towards other people who come from different backgrounds than ourselves. Indonesians, although not all, tend to have a high tolerance for differences. Instead of feeling strange about the differences, we choose to respect them.

Tolerance itself is part of the form of accommodation. In general, tolerance is an attitude of respect and respect for the differences that exist in others. With notes, the difference does not have a bad effect and harm other people around them.

2. Stalemate

Rather than tolerance, this one term is a little more foreign. Just like tolerance, stalemate is also part of a form of accommodation, where parties who previously had a conflict decide to stop conflicting with each other.

Stalemate itself was caused because the two parties had no other possibility, either to advance or withdraw. An example is the war waged by North Korea and South Korea. Starting in 1950, the Korean war has actually not been declared over until now. The status of the two countries is also still a ceasefire.

However, the war must be stopped because the two countries have equal power. As a result, the two countries still impose military conscription on their citizens to anticipate if war re-erupts one day. Both North and South Korea are still talking today, but these talks sadly never end in peace.

3. Adjudication

Adjudication becomes another form of accommodation. In contrast to the form of stalemate accommodation, where the conflict does not end, adjudication is a problem-solving process that is carried out using the help of a person or third party who is neutral and does not side with one side.

Adjudication is often made at trial in most cases. Divorce cases, for example, before agreeing to a divorce suit, the court will try to reconcile the two parties so that they want to continue to maintain their household. Sometimes this process is successful, but many also end in failure.

4. Coercion

Coercion means coercion, and is another form of accommodation. Just like other forms of accommodation, coercion is actually used to reduce conflict. This peace was made not solely because both parties wanted to make peace, but because there was coercion that arose and made them have no other choice but to make peace.

One example is when World War II ended in 1945. Allied troops led by the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan to surrender and admit defeat. Japan, which at that time was under pressure, finally decided to surrender and signed a peace agreement.

5. Compromise

If coercion is forced, compromise is just the opposite. Compromise is a form of accommodation in which conflicting parties try to reduce demands to create peace.

Even though it sounds so easy, compromise can sometimes be tough because both parties are stubborn and have no desire to make peace.

6. Arbitration

As previously mentioned, compromise can sometimes be tough because both parties don’t want to reduce their demands on their opponent. When a compromise goes bad, both parties need a third person who serves as an intermediary between the two.

This third party or person is known as arbitration. These third parties are usually chosen and trusted by both parties to the conflict. As a mediator, a third party must be neutral.

7. Mediation

Mediation is another form of accommodation. In many situations, mediation will only take place if the arbitration goes well. Mediation is a conflict resolution process by means of negotiations. The parties to the conflict will meet at a designated place for negotiations.

Not only attended by conflicting parties, mediation is also attended by third parties whose job is to ensure that negotiations can run well. In addition, a third party also serves as an advisor to both. A mediation can be considered successful if both parties reach a certain agreement to produce peace.

8. Conciliation

Conciliation is the ultimate form of accommodation. Conciliation is actually another palace for peace. At this stage, the two conflicting parties have reached an agreement and decided to make peace without any coercion from any party.

In contrast to coercion, and mediation which sometimes runs tough and long, conciliation is usually far from being tense because both parties have agreed to stop arguing and start peace.

Just like mediation, conciliation is also attended by two conflicting parties and a third party. The difference was that at this meeting the two sides no longer carried out any negotiations, but instead signed a peace agreement that had been reached in the previous stages.

Purpose of Accommodation

Just like many other things, behind its forms, accommodation basically also has a specific purpose. Not only aims to resolve conflicts, more than that, accommodation also has a bigger purpose.

1. Prevent the explosion of conflict

One of the main goals of accommodation is to resolve conflicts that occur between the two groups or individuals. On the other hand, accommodation also aims to prevent a conflict from becoming bigger.

It is true, if the accommodation process does not always succeed in bringing peace to the conflicting parties, but at least accommodation can stop or even slow down the pace of the conflict so that it does not end up becoming a big fight that can not only harm both parties, but also other parties who are not involved. .

2. Creating a cooperative relationship

The main purpose of accommodation is indeed to reduce conflict, but when the conflict is over, it does not necessarily make accommodation complete. This is because, apart from mitigating and resolving ongoing conflicts, accommodation also aims to create cooperative relations between groups.

This cooperative relationship is usually carried out by social groups whose lives are separated from each other due to various factors. Cooperation can also be carried out by parties who have just made peace.

3. Melt the group

Cooperation between groups not only brings benefits to both parties, but also strengthens the relationship between the two separate groups.

Moreover, if the two groups working together are groups that were in conflict before. Collaboration can make relationships that were previously tenuous become stronger and closer.

4. Reducing conflict

Apart from resolving conflicts, accommodation also aims to reduce conflicts that may occur in the future. Be it, conflicts that arise due to misunderstandings, or differences of opinion.

With accommodation, misunderstanding parties can talk to each other and reduce the possibility of conflict, so that peace can be achieved

Accommodation Driving Factors

Resolving a conflict is not an easy thing to do. Usually, the greater the strength of the two parties, and the greater the cause of the conflict, the more difficult the process of resolving a conflict will be.

For example, the current conflict between the two countries, namely Russia and Ukraine. Considering that both of them are very strong, plus the existence of other parties that support Ukraine makes the conflict situation between the two countries even more complicated.

As already mentioned, resolving a conflict or accommodation is not an easy thing, for accommodation to occur, several driving factors are needed. What factors?

1. There is coercion against the weak

An accommodation is sometimes difficult because one party does not want to give up. If this happens, like it or not, the stronger side will have to use coercion to make the other party surrender and end the conflict.

This choice is not always good, sometimes it also leaves a lot of losses. However, if this is the only way to end the conflict, then the more powerful parties must do so.

2. The parties involved want to reduce demands

“There will be no smoke if there is no fire.” The sentence also applies to a conflict. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, for example, is currently caused by several problems. Starting from Ukraine’s desire to join Nato, to Russia’s demand for independence for two regions in Ukraine that are pro-Russia.

It is problems like these that ultimately make war or conflict difficult to stop because both parties stick to their respective demands. To be able to stop the war, both countries must be willing to reduce its demands.

The same is true for any conflict. If you want to make peace, both parties must be willing to compromise, lower their egos, and reduce their demands on one another. Without it, accommodation of any kind can never get good results.

3. There is an effort to bring together the two parties involved in the conflict

When you fight with someone, everything about them becomes really annoying. Never mind seeing his face, just hearing his name is enough to make our emotions boil. This is also felt by groups, as well as countries in conflict.

Never mind shaking hands, the two conflicting parties were even reluctant to meet face to face let alone talk. For this reason, a mediator is needed in resolving a conflict. As is known, accommodation will not work if the parties involved have never met in person.

Before discussing peace with both parties, the mediator must first persuade the two groups or individuals to want to meet and talk. Not easy, and requires great effort. However, if successful, then the opportunity to resolve the conflict that occurs will be increasingly wide open.


Accommodation is not an easy thing to do. Especially if the conflicting party or the one carrying out the conflict is a large party that has strong influence. But on the other hand, allowing a conflict to continue without doing anything is also not the right decision.

It’s called conflict, we never know where it will lead. If left alone, a conflict that was small and only involved two parties, will grow bigger and spread everywhere. The losses incurred will be even greater as a result of the conflict.

This is precisely why accommodation is so important to do. Indeed, accommodation is not a guarantee that two groups or individuals will make peace, but accommodation made by a third party can at least stop the conflict, even if only temporarily.