Definition of da’wah – Da’wah is a term in the Arah language which means invitation. Da’wah is an activity that calls for, invites and summons people to believe and obey Allah, Lord of the Worlds in accordance with Islamic beliefs, morals and Shari’a with full awareness and in a planned manner. The main purpose of da’wah is to be able to achieve happiness in the world and in the hereafter.
The definition of da’wah in terminology in Arabic is that the word da’wah is a noun from the verb da’a yad’u which means a call, call, invitation or banquet. The word da’wah is often combined with the word knowledge and the word Islam, so that it becomes the science of da’wah and Islamic da’wah or ad dakwah al Islamiyah. For more on discussing the meaning of da’wah and its types, see in the following article.
Definition of Da’wah
Etymologically, according to experts, the word da’wah is rooted in the word da’a yad’u da’watan which means to invite or call. In terminology, the meaning of da’wah is to invite or call on people to lead a life in the way of Allah in accordance with the words of Allah in QS. An-Nahl verse 125, the following meaning:
“Call all of you (mankind) on the way of your Lord with wisdom, good advice and argue with them in a good way …” (QS. An-Nahl: 125).
The scholars of Basrah, Iraq are of the opinion that the word da’wah actually comes from mashdar da’watan which means calling. Meanwhile, the scholars of Kufa, Iraq said that the word da’wah actually comes from the root word da’aa which means to have called.
Scholars have different opinions regarding the meaning of this da’wah. According to the book Introduction to the Study of Da’wah Science (2010) written by Muhammad Abu Al-Fath Al Bayanuni, it is explained that some people view da’wah as a delivery and explanation of Islamic religious teachings.
Not only that, there are also people who interpret the word da’wah in general as a collaboration of religious understanding and da’wah itself.
Every word, deed or thought that is present or carried out explicitly or implicitly will invite people towards goodness (according to an Islamic perspective), good deeds, good deeds or towards truth within the framework of Islamic teachings can be referred to as da’wah.
Definition of Da’wah According to Experts
There are several experts who also express opinions regarding the meaning of da’wah. Here’s an explanation.
1. Muhammad Natsir (2000)
Da’wah is an attempt to call for and convey to individual human beings and all people about the views and goals of human life in the world.
This appeal includes amar ma’ruf nahi munkar with various kinds of media and ways that are permissible morals and guide people to gain experience in the realm of individual life, build a household, state and society.
2. Endang S. Ansari (1991)
According to Endang, da’wah is an effort or attempt to convey the teachings of Islam to humans, either orally or in writing.
3. Amrullah Ahmad (1999)
The definition of da’wah according to Amarullah Ahmad is an effort to invite people to enter the path of Allah as a whole or kaffah, either orally, in writing or in action as a Muslim endeavor in realizing Islam as a reality in personal life, usrah or groups, congregations and ummah .
4. Ibn Taimiyah
According to Ibn Taimiyah, a scholar from Harran, Turkey, he explained that da’wah is a call to believe in Allah SWT and all the teachings brought by His messengers. Da’wah also confirms the news delivered by the messenger of Allah SWT and obeys orders from Allah SWT.
5. Sheikh Ali Mahfudz
Syekh Ali Mahfudz was an Indonesian scholar in the 14th century. In a book entitled Hidayah Al Mursyidin (1952), it is explained that da’wah is an invitation to humans to the goodness and guidance of Allah SWT. Dakwah is also an appeal to humans to practice good habits and forbid bad things, so that they are lucky in this world and the hereafter.
6. Sheikh Muhammad Ar-Radhi (Caliph of the Bani Abbasids in Baghdad around 934-940 AD)
Syekh Muhammad Ar-Radhi is one of the scholars who combines the meanings of the words da’wah and religion in a book entitled Ad-Da’wah Al-Islamiyyah Da’wah Alamiyah . In the book, it is explained that da’wah is a perfect regulation for human attitudes and behavior and determines rights and obligations.
Da’wah in Islam is fardhu kifayah. Although the law of the implementation of da’wah still has differences of opinion, some consider that the law of da’wah is fardhu ain. One of the suggestions for preaching has been contained in the word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Imran verse 104, which means:
“Let there be a group of people among you who call for virtue, order to do what is right and prevent what is wrong. They are lucky people.” (QS. Al-Imran (3): 104).
Provisions of Da’wah in Islam
As has been explained that da’wah according to Islam is obligatory, whether it is fardhu ain or fardhu kifayah preaching for a Muslim is an obligation.
Even though it is mandatory, in preaching a da’wah needs to know the provisions in the implementation of da’wah. A preacher can preach in two ways, namely orally or in words (da’wah bil verbal) and both actions (da’wah bil things).
Da’wah bil oral is an appeal to Islamic religious law (goodness) which is carried out using words, for example, such as advice, lectures and so on.
While da’wah bi hal is preaching carried out by a preacher by giving examples of good behavior to the congregation or the people. Examples are like the poor, helping victims who have been struck by certain disasters and so on.
In addition, in a book entitled Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics (2017), Mustahdi and Mustakim explain that a preacher must also pay attention to several provisions in preaching, so that his da’wah call can be successful.
A preacher is required to fulfill 4 conditions which include Islam, baligh, intelligence and deepen the teachings of Islam. In addition, a preacher is required to apply ethics in preaching as follows:
- Da’wah must be carried out with wisdom, namely by prioritizing words firmly, clearly and with a wise attitude.
- Da’wah must be carried out with good advice or mauizatul hasanah, namely by using persuasive methods without violence and containing teaching or conveying educative matters.
- Da’wah must be done by setting a good example or uswatun repertoire.
- Da’wah is carried out in a mujaladah way, namely by conducting discussions dynamically, politely and respecting the opinions of others.
The ethical point when preaching is in accordance with the word of Allah in Surah An-Nahl verse 125, which means the following:
“Call (to people) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching and argue with them in a better way. Truly your Lord, He is the one who knows best who has strayed from His path and He also knows best who is guided.” (QS. An-Nahl (16): 125).
Purpose of Da’wah
Da’wah is obligatory for a Muslim, of course, to achieve certain goals. Here are some of the goals of da’wah:
1. The form of happiness that is blessed by Allah SWT
Da’wah is an activity that has the goal of being able to realize the happiness and welfare of human life in the world and in the hereafter in accordance with what is blessed by Allah.
This is because da’wah activities are to convey values that will bring happiness to those who spread them, because they can strengthen Allah’s religion which of course can bring rewards and happiness.
2. Invites to always obey and follow the teachings of Islam
Prophet Muhammad’s way of carrying out da’wah has certainly been a worthy example for his people. After being appointed as an Apostle, the Prophet Muhammad continued to spread the teachings of Islam both in writing, orally or through his actions.
The Messenger of Allah then started preaching to family, friends and companions, then the Prophet Muhammad also carried out his preaching in secret.
As a result of the sweet fruit of the Prophet for being patient in conveying the teachings of Islam, the followers of the Prophet also tried to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet in preaching openly.
Al-Quran, the holy book of Muslims is a source of law as well as a guideline for Muslims which is used as the basis for preaching. Because the Al-Quran contains sharia provisions that descended from Allah to the Prophet and in essence is an invitation to obey and follow the teachings of the Islamic religion.
Types of Da’wah in Islam
In the teachings of Islam, a preacher can preach or proclaim the teachings of Islam in various ways. The method of preaching from a preacher can be adjusted to the needs and desires of the preacher. The methods of preaching also need to be adjusted to the type of preaching. The following is an explanation of the types of da’wah in Islam:
Individual Preaching
The first type of da’wah is individual da’wah or fardiyah da’wah. This type of da’wah is a da’wah method carried out by a preacher or preacher with only individual recipients of da’wah, not groups.
The purpose of individual da’wah is to increase a person’s faith for the better, so that person will get the pleasure of Allah.
Individual preaching can also be done to several people at once, but in small and limited numbers. This individual da’wah is generally carried out without any preparation, for example, such as advising co-workers, giving reprimands or advocating by giving examples.
In addition, individual preaching can also be done when a preacher is visiting someone who is sick, congratulating them or attending a birth.
Da’wah Ammah
The second type of da’wah is ammah da’wah, namely the type of da’wah carried out by someone with oral media and aimed at many people with the intention of instilling influence on that group of people.
The da’wah media used is usually in the form of sermons or speeches. Ammah da’wah, when viewed from the perspective of the subject, some are carried out by individuals and some are carried out by certain organizations involved in da’wah.
Bill-oral da’wah
The third type of da’wah is bil-lisan da’wah. This type of da’wah is the delivery of information and messages of da’wah through speech such as lectures or direct communication between the subject and the object of the da’wah.
Bilisan da’wah will be an effective method, if delivered related to the day of worship, for example, such as sermons after Friday prayers or sermons on Islamic holidays, studies delivered with bil-lisan da’wah regarding practical worship, the context of da’wah with programmed offerings, delivered with using the dialogue method with the audience.
Da’wah Through Charity
Furthermore, da’wah through charity is preaching that is carried out through deeds and the methods used prioritize the real deeds of the preacher.
The purpose of using this type of da’wah is to increase the dignity and welfare of people’s lives. Da’wah through charity can make the recipients of da’wah follow the example of charity that has been done by the da’wah giver.
Da’wah through this charity has a considerable influence on the recipients of the da’wah. For example, when the Prophet Muhammad first arrived in the city of Medina, the Prophet at that time gave an example of preaching through charity by establishing still Quba, the Prophet then united the Ansar and Muhajirin in the bonds of Islamic brotherhood.
Da’wah Bit-Tadwin
Entering the current era of globalization, the pattern of preaching from bit-tadwin or preaching through writing is easier and more effective. An example is by publishing books, magazines, articles on the internet, newspapers or writings that have da’wah messages that are quite important and effective as a da’wah method.
Another advantage of this type of bit-tadwin da’wah is that this one model will not disappear, even though the preacher or the author of the book or book has died. This type of bit tadwin preaching, was also mentioned by the Apostle, “actually the ink of the scholars is better than the blood of the martyrs.”
Da’wah Through Wisdom
The last type of preaching is preaching through wisdom. Da’wah through wisdom is a way of conveying da’wah with wisdom. This method is suitable to be applied to scholars.
Scholars often seek the truth and are capable of critical thinking. Therefore, every issue discussed will be easily understood by the da’wah method through wisdom.
Da’wah through wisdom is carried out using such an approach. So, the party or object of da’wah is also able to carry out da’wah of his own free will, does not feel forced, does not feel pressure or conflict.
So in other words, da’wah through wisdom or da’wah bi al-hiksih is a method of da’wah communication approach that is carried out on a persuasive basis.
According to the book Al Hikmah Fi Ad-Dakwah Illallah Ta’ala written by Said bin Ali bin Wahif Al-Qathani, the meaning of al-hikmah is explained, among other things, linguistically as follows:
- Fair, patient, knowledge, prophethood, Al-Quran
- Repairing and making things better and avoiding any damage.
- Reveal to know something, the main thing is with knowledge.
- The object of truth is al haq which is obtained through reason and knowledge.
- Knowledge or ma’rifat.
Meanwhile, according to Syar’i terms, it is valid in words and deeds to know what is right and practice it.
This is an explanation of the meaning of da’wah in Islamic teachings. Friends who want to become a preacher, can learn it by reading books.