Definition of Dissociative and its Forms

Definition of Dissociative – Do you know the meaning of dissociative social interaction? Perhaps this dissociative word is rarely heard, but it is part of social interaction. Yes, social interaction has two types, namely associative and dissociative. However, before discussing further about dissociative, you need to know in advance the meaning of social interaction.

There are several forms of social interaction that need to be known. In everyday life, people certainly interact with each other. This is because humans as social beings need other people to survive.

Quoted from the book Social Interaction written by Sudaryanto (2020), social interaction is the relationship between a person and another, a person and a group, and a group and a group. In general, the notion of social interaction is a reciprocal relationship between individuals and individuals or groups, or groups and groups.

Social interaction can occur anywhere, including in the environment around us in everyday life. Social interaction requires two important conditions for it to occur, namely communication and social contact. Something called interaction will definitely cause an effect, whether it’s good or bad. Well, one of the processes that can occur in our daily lives is associative and dissociative social interaction.

Associative social interaction is a form of positive social interaction, which leads to unity and cooperation, while dissociative social interaction is a form of social interaction which is more towards conflict and division, both individually and in groups.

Each type of social interaction has its own form. What are the forms of social interaction, both associative and dissociative? The following is a summary of the forms of social interaction

Characteristics of Social Interaction

Before knowing the forms of social interaction, it is also necessary to know some of their characteristics. The following are the characteristics of social interaction.

  • The number of perpetrators is more than one person, this is because interactions require action and reaction.
  • There is communication using certain symbols. The most commonly used symbol to communicate is language. One thing to note is that the symbols conveyed must be understood by the parties communicating so that the communication runs smoothly.
  • In social interaction there is also a dimension of time, namely past, present, and future. This means that in every social interaction there is a time context that determines the boundaries of the interaction.
  • There is a goal to be achieved. These goals can determine whether the interaction will lead to cooperation or lead to conflict.

Definition of Dissociative Social Process

Dissociative social processes are social interactions that lead to division and conflict. But basically, dissociative social processes refer to various human efforts to maintain survival.

According to experts, humans have three main struggles in maintaining survival. These three things include the struggle against others, against other creatures, and against nature. In this struggle, the social processes carried out include competition, contradiction, and conflict.

Social disorder ( social disorder ) gave rise to social disintegration due to conflict between members of the community. Dissociative social processes are also called disintegrative or disjunctive social processes. While this process hinders the growth and development of society, dissociative absence results in societal stagnation.

In short, the notion of dissociative is social interaction that is more negative or conflict. Although this dissociative process can hinder the development and growth of society, it also has benefits. One of them, with this dissociative community will be able to develop because they have the desire to move forward.

Forms of Dissociative Social Interaction

As mentioned above, dissociative social interaction is a form of social interaction that is more directed towards conflict and division, both individually and in groups.

1. Competition

Competition or rivalry is a form of dissociative social interaction, in which people or groups compete to achieve the same goals. The competition is carried out in a sporty manner according to the rules without any physical clashes. Competition occurs when several parties want something that is very limited in number or something that is the center of public attention.

Competition can occur in the scope of school to work. For example, students compete with school friends to achieve achievements. In a broader case, competition can appear in more distant aspects, such as economic competition, cultural competition, position and role competition, even race.

Competition can be said to function as a means of procuring social selection. If the competition that occurs between parties can be realized with healthy thoughts, the competition that occurs will act as a selection tool between individuals and groups that have better quality. This is because in the world of marketing itself, the ones that are able to survive are the products with the best quality and the most affordable prices. We can see this based on the victory of imported products originating from Korea and China.

There are several functions of competition, including:

  • Channeling individual or group desires that both demand fulfillment, even though it is difficult to fulfill all of them simultaneously.
  • Distributing interests and values ​​in society, especially interests and values ​​that cause conflict.
  • Selecting individuals who deserve positions and roles according to their abilities.
  • As a way in which the desires, interests and values ​​that existed at one time were the center of attention channeled as well as possible.
  • As a tool to hold selection on the basis of sex and social selection.
  • As a tool to filter citizens from working groups to hold a division of labor.

The results of a competition, among others:

  • Changes in one’s personality.
  • Progress.
  • Group solidarity.
  • Disorganization.

2. Contraventions

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) convention means a process of competition marked by symptoms of uncertainty about one’s personality and feelings of dislike that are hidden against one’s personality.

In general, contravention is social interaction that lies between competition and conflict or conflict. Contravention is a form of dissociative social interaction in the form of an attitude of hidden resistance so that there is no dispute or open conflict. In addition, contravention is also a social process with signs of uncertainty, doubt, rejection, and denial that are not expressed openly.

According to Leopold von Wise and Howard Becker, forms of contravention include:

  • General contradictions, such as refusal, threatening the other party, and resistance.
  • Simple contradictions, for example, denying someone’s statements in public.
  • Intensive contravention, for example incitement or dissemination of rumors.
  • Confidential contraventions, e.g. leaking of secrets.
  • Tactical countermeasures, surprising the other party, provocation, and intimidation.

An example of intervention in general is when someone is aware of differences with other parties such as culture, opinions, intelligence, and behavior patterns. If these differences are not accompanied by an open heart, it will trigger conflict or conflict.

An example of the existence of contradictions in society, for example, is an incident involving a demonstration by workers at a factory. The demonstration was carried out in an effort to straighten out government policies that did not meet the expectations of the workers. The cause of this contradiction is more driven by policy and can easily accommodate the number of masses.

Another example of events that are included in the convention at school as an educational institution. For example, with the differences of opinion that occur when both students carry out discussion tasks. The implementation of the discussion carried out by these students will generally provide a fairly fierce difference, even so the scope of this convention is classified as a positive contradiction, because it provides a stimulus for self-confidence in the students themselves.

The next example is about contradiction in religion. For example, with regard to the establishment of Eid al-Fitr and the observance of the Shawwal month, there are many differences among fellow Muslims. This condition can be regarded as an example of contradiction in religion.

Examples of conventions in political institutions, for example, are disputes involving members of the DPR in the MPR/DPR building. Such disputes can be based on differences in party coalitions or in differences in views on achieving goals.

Consciously or unknowingly, in essence, in our daily lives there is often contravention, for example, neighbors or relatives, in associating with giving news that is not true (slander), slander in this condition is called contravention, therefore as much as possible finah can avoided, because this is classified as an example of intensive contraception.

From the explanation above, it can be said that the causes of contradiction include differences in stance between certain groups and other groups in society, or it could also be that the stance of one society and others is different. However, what is certain is that in a convention, if good directions are not given, it will lead to conflict in people’s lives.

The negative impact of the convention is the occurrence of divisions in a community relationship. When disputes and disputes cannot be controlled, it is certain that division will occur. Various social conflicts will emerge which will disrupt the system of social life and the process of mobility in carrying out the duties and functions of society.

In addition, convention also has a positive impact that cannot be ignored. Contravention in the sense of differences of opinion in various discussions is precisely necessary. Society will be aware of the existence of various differences so that the feeling of love for identity will get stronger.

3. Social Conflict

Social conflict or conflict, which is a form of dissociative social interaction that occurs due to differences in understanding and interests between individuals or groups. The existence of conflict is characterized by threats, violence and physical contact between conflicting parties.

Opposition or conflict is a form of social process between individuals or certain groups due to differences in understanding and interests. Opposition creates a gap that can interfere with social interaction. In general, an attempt is made by each party in an unreasonable way, giving rise to disputes, both physical conflicts and interests that fall on each other.

As a form of social interaction, conflict leads to violence. Because, the purpose of the conflict is to oppose the opposing party accompanied by threats and violence. Causes of conflict in society include:

  • There are differences between individuals.
  • There are cultural differences.
  • There are different interests.
  • There is social change.

Some forms of conflict that are often encountered in community life include:

  • Personal conflict.
  • Racial conflict.
  • Opposition between social classes.
  • Political conflict.

The consequences of this form of conflict include:

  • He added ” in-group ” solidarity.
  • Shaky or fractured group unity.
  • Personality changes.
  • Accommodation, domination, and subordination of one particular party.

It needs to be underlined, conflict is not always in the form and has a negative impact. An example is in a discussion, conflict is expected to bring each party to a meeting point regarding a social phenomenon. As long as the conflict does not conflict with the pattern of social relations that have been standardized in a particular social structure, the conflict can have a positive meaning.

4. Showdown

Disputes are an advanced form of contradiction, meaning that disputes are already open. This can happen because the differences between certain circles in society are getting sharper. Conflict can arise when individuals or groups try to fulfill their needs or goals by opposing other parties by means of threats or violence.

The term conflict actually belongs to a part of social conflict that occurs due to differences between interests in fulfilling the meaning of needs in society, so that this social reality is considered to be directly detrimental, even having a deep psychological impact. Therefore, at least to avoid it, it is necessary to resolve conflicts in society with preventive and repressive actions.

The definitions of conflict according to experts include:

  • Asep Mulyana (2017), conflict is part of a social process that occurs by dropping it accompanied by acts of violence or threats.
  • Sri Sudarmi (2009), conflict is the occurrence of disputes with an open nature accompanied by violence and threats to fulfill the needs and desires obtained.
  • Mahmud (2010), conflict is tension that occurs between individuals and groups by opposing steps accompanied by threats or violence.

As for the type of conflict itself is divided into two types, namely:

a. Individual Disputes

These disputes are carried out individually, which means that they are based on personal problems and are small in scope, so disputes like this rarely occur. Of course the occurrence of these disputes is closer to family problems that cause family disorganization.

As for examples of individual disputes, for example between brothers and sisters in one family member fighting over to use a car. Where when the struggle occurred, the younger siblings and older siblings hit each other which caused their parents to become angry and at the same time intervene.

b. Group Disputes

Group disputes are quite large in scope compared to other disputes. Group disputes are usually triggered by sara issues, sara issues include religion, culture, race, or customs that are at risk of splitting society.

An example of group disputes is the case of very sharp competition between one motorcycle gang member and another motorcycle gang member. In this case, the conflict occurs on the basis of gaining more existence in society.

This type of dispute usually occurs because there are several driving factors, including:

  • There are differences in interests, opinions, or goals that are not accompanied by an attitude of respect for the differences that exist.
  • The occurrence of forms of social change quickly due to shifts in social values ​​and social norms that are not accepted by other groups or individuals. Therefore, this condition can have a negative impact compared to the positive impact it gets.
  • There are differences in the nature of culture that are not accompanied by a sense of tolerance, which in turn leads to the disintegration of individuals or groups.

As a result of conflict, it has a negative impact on life. that is:

  • Damaging harmony between human life.
  • Encouraging conflict in people’s lives.
  • Harming both parties, both materially and non-materially.
  • Triggering the disintegration of society.

Thus the writing and discussion regarding the meaning and form of dissociative social interaction. Hopefully this material can provide insight and also provide knowledge for all readers who are looking for references regarding “dissociative”.