Definition of Dynamics: Types, Characteristics, and Examples

Definition of dynamics – Dynamics is a movement from within, moving energy, or spirit. Dynamics itself can be interpreted as a movement or force possessed by a group of people which is carried out continuously so that it results in changes in the living order of the community concerned. The term dynamics is commonly used in various fields, ranging from economics, music to social.

Dynamics also has a dynamic nature which can be interpreted as something that cannot stay still and will always move. If in the context of individuals or groups, dynamics can be interpreted as a source of strength so that they can continue to adapt and adjust to the environment.

The explanation of the dynamics does not end there. The reason is, there are still many interesting things that we can learn together about dynamics.

Definition of Dynamics

The first thing we will discuss is the notion of dynamics. Although previously explained briefly what dynamics is, at this point it will be explained more broadly.

The word dynamics comes from the Greek word dynamics which means strength. While the notion of dynamics itself is the behavior of people who will be able to have a direct impact on the lives of people or other groups in a reciprocal manner.

Dynamics can show the existence of interaction and interdependence between members of one group with other group members as a whole. In this case, it can be interpreted that dynamics is a form of regularity that is so clear in psychological relationships.

According to Hurlock, the notion of dynamics is a force, always moving, developing which can adapt adequately to the current situation and is also capable of being a factor related to maturation and learning.

From this explanation it can be concluded that the notion of dynamics is a force that will always develop and change.

Dynamic Types

Previously it has been explained that dynamics can exist in several fields. This makes dynamics have several types. Each type of dynamics always has a different meaning. So that you understand better, here are the types of dynamics.

1. Group Dynamics

The term group dynamics comes from two words, namely dynamics and group. Dynamics has the meaning as something that contains energy, always moves, develops and can adapt adequately to existing conditions. In addition, dynamics can also be interpreted as interaction and interdependence between groups and other groups as a whole.

Where this condition can occur because of the existence of groups and group enthusiasm continuously. Because of this, the group concerned will have a dynamic nature. This means that at any time the group in question can experience something called change.

As for the group itself, it means a group of people with social unity who will hold an intensive interaction and have a common goal. WHY Sprott explains the definition of a group as a number of people who are related to one another.

A group will usually have characteristics such as consisting of two or more people, their interactions with each other, sharing the same goals, seeing themselves in one group.

From this explanation it can be concluded that the group cannot be separated from the presence of two or more people who will carry out one interaction in order to achieve the goals that have been set together.

Meanwhile, the understanding of group dynamics in accordance with the explanation above can be interpreted as a group consisting of two or more people who basically have a clear sociological relationship between one member and another and can take place in situations that are experienced together.

Group dynamics can also be defined as a concept that explains the process of a group that is always moving, developing and able to adapt to circumstances that will always change over time.

2. Social Dynamics

Social dynamics is related to research related to the factors of the occurrence of social groups on the basis of behavior or actions in a social group. This can happen with the existence of various forms of dynamic interaction and the existence of a supportive social situation.

In addition, social dynamics also have something to do with the formation of social structures within groups, feelings of mutual belonging, social norms to the internalization of every embodiment of norms that exist in that social environment.

It can also be interpreted if the notion of social dynamics is a series of forms of life problems that will be experienced by an individual or group that carries out a form of social mobilization with a fast nature so that in the end it is able to provide changes to the social order that already exists in the social environment of society.

Soerjono Soekanto has the opinion that social dynamics are social changes that exist in society that experience forms of problems that can be carried out by an individual or group. The existence of social dynamics also makes social order unable to run as it should.

Meanwhile, according to Soerjono Soekanto related to the notion of social dynamics is a form of action that can be carried out by someone who is used to achieve goals without any main purpose in these needs, this will be able to have an impact on circumstances that force everyone to justify any means.

This social dynamic can occur in the world of work. Therefore, it is also necessary for us to know the dynamics of the world of work, such as the dynamics of preparing collaborative projects. 

3. Population Dynamics

Population dynamics comes from two words, namely dynamics and population. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI, dynamics is a movement that comes from within or the energy that moves and enthusiasm. Meanwhile, the definition of population according to KBBI can be interpreted as a person or group of people who are in one place, village, country, island and so on.

From these two meanings, the meaning of population dynamics can be interpreted as a movement and growth of people or groups of people who can influence various kinds of things that happen in an area from time to time.

In its growth, the population in a region will be different from other regions. There are areas that can have population growth quickly, resulting in population density and there are also areas that have population growth with conditions that are not too fast, this will result in a population shortage.

Population density or population output has an influence on the growth of a region, both in terms of health, economy, education, income and other matters. Therefore, each region should have better and clearer population data in order to know how the growth conditions in that region are. Does it run optimally or not.

In addition, if there are problems that occur, it will also be easier to solve when the population data is clear. Therefore, in an area there is usually a population agency that plays an important role in knowing the latest number of residents in that area.


Dynamic Characteristics Based on Type

Each type of dynamics has its own characteristics. Having these characteristics will make it easier for us to understand what the differences are between one type of dynamics and another. So, so that you know more about the characteristics of each type of dynamics, here’s a full explanation.

a. Characteristics of Group Dynamics

The following are characteristics of group dynamics that you can read.

  1. Group dynamics will have the same motives between one individual and another. This can lead to an interaction or cooperation to achieve the same goal.
  2. There will be different interactions between one individual and another. The consequences that arise depend on the taste and also the skill of the individual who is late.
  3. There is the establishment of a group structure and organization as well as clear assignments consisting of roles and positions.
  4. There is confirmation of the norms of behavior guidelines of each group member which will regulate interaction in an activity of group members so that they can more easily achieve the goals that exist together.

b. Characteristics of Social Dynamics

The following is an explanation of the characteristics possessed by social dynamics.

  1. Social dynamics have motives between one individual and another.
  2. Social dynamics will impact the interaction.
  3. Social dynamics are able to create social orders and groups.
  4. Social dynamics will be based on the norms that apply to people’s lives.

c. Characteristics of Population Dynamics

Below is an explanation of the characteristics of population dynamics.

  1. There is a population.
  2. There is population distribution.
  3. There is a composition of the population based on age and sex.
  4. There is population growth and quality.

Dynamics Example

After knowing the meaning and characteristics of dynamics, then we will discuss examples of each type of dynamics. Because the aspects in each type of dynamics are different, of course the examples given are also different.

a. Example of Group Dynamics

Examples of group dynamics can occur in group discussion conditions. As we know, discussion is one of the ways used to solve problems in a group. However, in practice, the discussion process often creates new problems.

The first thing that can be done is that every member of the group must be able to discuss and really understand how to discuss in a group. With this discussion, group members will be able to have a psychological relationship because they have experienced the situation together. That way, will be created in the group.

b. Example of Social Dynamics

Indonesian people have many views of the people in the Papua region with characteristics that tend to be different, such as hard and left behind. The meaning of the word loud here is in the social aspect and the way of speaking and the culture they have.

This condition is part of the dynamics that come from social groups because in fact it is not certain that all people from the Papua region are left behind and have ape ways. This perception is a form of national integration and a form of discrimination against certain groups based on differences in race and ethnicity.

c. Examples of Population Dynamics

Fertility is the number of births in a region and region within a certain period of time. Another name for birth in demographic terms is fertility. Humans are basically living things that will reproduce by giving birth in order to extend their offspring. In Indonesia, the birth of a baby will be based on marriage so that it can get legal value from a legal and religious perspective.

A marriage that takes place in a country that is an eastern culture like Indonesia makes it so sacred in the process of fertility. This is because if a woman gives birth without any basis for marriage, then the woman will get a bad allele.

This is of course different from western culture such as America which does not question marital status in the birth process. Parties who contribute in the birth process are maternity hospitals, traditional birth attendants, midwives and so on.

When these services are not available, the delivery process that takes place will be worrying and may not even run smoothly. As a result, the baby born will have a risk of not surviving. From the side of the mother also has a higher risk of death when it is not treated by the doctor concerned.

Migration is the movement of people from one region to another, from densely populated areas to less densely populated areas. The nature of the migration process will usually be permanent, but some are temporary. Judging from the classification, migration will be divided into several types such as urbanization, transmigration, immigration, ruralization, emigration and remigration. The division of these types is usually based on the process that is happening;

Now that’s a review of dynamics, starting from an explanation of the meaning of dynamics, types of dynamics, the characteristics of each dynamics to examples of each type of dynamics that have been explained more broadly only in this article.