Definition of Mixture, Types, Properties, and Existing Examples!

Definition of Mixture – In chemistry lessons there are various substances that we can see or touch. Matter or substance is something that occupies space and also has mass. In fact, the objects around us are also contained in matter. For example air, land, water and other objects.

You can also see it by tasting pure water and drinking it, then also mix a glass of hot water and mix ground coffee and sugar. This way you can distinguish between what is a mixture of substances.

Most people like syrup, sweet tea, jelly or something else. However, it can be said that only a small portion of us have ever cared about the substances or ingredients that make up all these drinks or foods. Is it a mix of elements with elements, elements with connections, or something else? So what’s the use of the mixture?

The definition of a mixture is a substance or material that is formed by combining or mixing two or more individual substances in unspecified proportions. Mixtures can be combinations of elements with elements, combinations of elements or compounds with compounds, and can be solids, gases, and liquids.

The composition of the elements that make up the mixture is uncertain or fixed, so the chemical formula of the mixture cannot be determined. Stainless steel, for example, is made of an alloy of iron, chromium and nickel.

Mixtures can be separated physically. The original nature of the substances that make up the mixture is still visible, so that the components of the mixture can be recognized and separated again.

Well, for that, so that all Sinaumeds friends can understand more about the meaning of these mixtures, of course in this discussion we will try to discuss the meaning of mixtures, types, characteristics and examples that you can learn.

Furthermore, the discussion regarding the meaning of the mixture can be seen below!

Definition of Mixed

In chemistry courses, a mixture is a substance that is formed by combining two or more different substances without a chemical reaction (objects don’t stick together).

Even if no physical change occurs in the mixture, the chemical properties of the mixture may differ with that of the components, such as melting point. Mixtures can be separated mechanically into their original components. Mixtures can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.

A mixture is the result of mechanical mixing of chemical substances such as elements and compounds without a chemical combination or other chemical change in such a way that each substance retains its chemical properties and properties. The definition of a mixture is a substance or material that is formed by combining or mixing two or more individual substances in unspecified proportions. Mixtures can be combinations of elements with elements, combinations of elements or compounds with compounds, and can be solids, gases, and liquids.

The composition of the elements that make up the mixture is uncertain or fixed, so the chemical formula of the mixture cannot be determined. Stainless steel, for example, is made of an alloy of iron, chromium and nickel.

Types of Mixed Substances

Mixtures are divided into two types, namely homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures.
Here is an explanation of the difference:

1. Homogeneous Mixture

Homogeneous mixtures are called solutions. Here each section has the same layout. For example, syrup has two components in its solution, namely water and sugar. Water is called the solvent in this case, while sugar is the solute.

In a homogeneous mixture, the components cannot be separated. The solute in solution is dispersed in the form of particles whose molecular size is so small that they are invisible to the naked eye. Although we use an ultramicroscope. The size of these dissolved particles is less than 10-7 cm.

A homogeneous mixture is a mixture of substances in which the ingredients are completely mixed (mixed). In this type of mixture, the ingredients are a single substance that cannot be seen and physically separated. This is due to the merging of these materials so that the eye can no longer distinguish them with certainty.

Here are some examples of homogeneous mixtures in everyday life.

  • The air that a person breathes when it is cold contains several gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.
  • Syrup drinks consist of various components such as fruit flavours, artificial sugar, and food coloring. Steel consists of components iron and carbon.

2. Heterogeneous mixture

A heterogeneous mixture, on the other hand, is a mixture of two or more types of substances whose components can still be separated from each other. Examples of these mixtures are land, water, rivers, food, pastries and many others. In a mixture that is basically heterogeneous, the walls between the substances are still visible.

Heterogeneous mixtures can be divided into two parts, namely suspensions and colloids.

  • Suspension is a heterogeneous mixture of substances whose particles are larger than the particles in solution. If the suspension is left for a while, the particles will sink to the bottom and the components will fall.
  • Colloid is a mixture of two or more substances that are between a solution and a suspension. The size of colloidal particles is 10-7 cm – 10-5 cm. At first glance, colloids appear homogeneous, but under an ultramicroscope they are heterogeneous. Colloids have two phases namely dispersed and diffused.

For example, a mixture of starch and water forms a starch colloid. Here water is the dispersed phase while starch is the dispersed phase.

Colloidal particles also cannot be separated by ordinary filtration. For example milk, coconut milk and jelly.

Meanwhile, colloid is a form of heterogeneous mixture that is formed because two or more substances to be mixed have colloid-sized or very small components.

The properties of the mixed substance

How do you separate a mixture from other substances? Of course, mixtures also have properties that only mixtures have. The following are the properties of the mixture:

  • Mixed substances result from physical changes.
  • Mixtures are substances whose composition varies
  • Mixtures have different melting and boiling points.

After a brief description of the types of mixtures, homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures are discussed in more detail below.

Homogeneous mixture

Properties of homogeneous mixtures

The following are the properties of homogeneous mixtures:

  • Composite particles cannot be separated from each other
  • Same shape and color
  • Has the same taste
  • Two mixed substances have the same composition ratio
  • The two substances have the same concentration level
  • It has solid, gaseous and liquid forms
  • consists of a solute and a solvent
  • No food at all
  • The particle size of the solvent is so small that you cannot tell them apart even with an ordinary microscope
  • Solutions that are homogeneously mixed cannot be filtered
  • These mixed forms cannot be separated mechanically. but they can be separated by distillation, which is difficult.

Example of a homogeneous mixture

Examples of homogeneous mixtures are:

  • syrup (a mixture of sugar, coloring and water),
  • ORS solution (a mixture of water and salt),
  • air (a mixture of gases)
  • Saline (a mixture of water and salt)
  • Bronze (alloy of copper and tin)
  • A cup of coffee that has gone through the filtering process is one stage because it has been mixed with coffee, sugar and water.
  • Sweet tea drinks (tea, hot water and sugar)
  • Coconut milk (a mixture of water and coconut milk)
  • Carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola Sprite, Fanta (a mixture of water and carbon dioxide)
  • Cough syrup (a mixture of medicinal compounds)
  • Margarine is an example of a homogeneous mixture of the simplest solid form that we often encounter in everyday life. Margarine is a mixture of several chemical compounds, which then forms a solid phase. Margarine is made from different mixtures, which are then mixed and combined in such a way that they are difficult to separate.
  • Agar is a mixture of microscopic particles that contain these substances
  • Jello-gelatin is a special type of colloid, which is a homogeneous mixture of microscopic particles dispersed in a dust-like substance and honey clouds produced by bees.
  • Paraffin wax (a mixture of solid hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum by drying light lubricating oils). Generally, this mixture is used to make polishes, cosmetics, wax paper, candles, and electrical insulators.
  • Seawater (contains water and salt).
  • Glucose solutions (a combination of glucose and water) are often used in hospitals.
  • Iodine tincture (mixing a solid substance or iodine with liquid alcohol into a homogeneous mixture) This substance is usually used to disinfect wounds. Brass (copper and zinc alloy)
  • Silver (a mixture of copper and white gold)
  • Ruby (a mixture of Al2O3 and Cr2O3)
  • Duralium (an alloy of aluminum, copper, magnesium and manganese) is a type of steel with high mechanical strength.
  • Gold amalgam (a homogeneous mixture of mercury and gold) is often found in copper, brass, and silver.
  • Gasoline (mixture of hydrocarbons)
  • Petroleum (a mixture of hydrocarbons with naturally occurring organic matter)
  • Stainless steel (metal, nickel and iron alloy)
  • Gunpowder (homogeneous mixture of elements such as sulfur, coal and hydrochloric acid or potassium nitrate)
  • Detergent (homogeneous mixture of soap and other chemicals)
  • Detergent solution (a mixture of detergent and water)
  • vinegar (a mixture of water and acetic acid)
  • Dilute hydrochloric acid (a mixture of different acids)
  • Mouthwash for cleaning the mouth, teeth and gums (a mixture of alcohol and other chemicals)
  • Battery water (a mixture of sulfuric acid solution)
  • 70% alcohol (a mixture of pure alcohol and other compounds such as Italian wine or Scotch whiskey)
  • LPG (propane and artificial gas mixture)
  • Perfume (a mixture of chemicals and dyes)
  • Ink (a mixture of dyes, oils, solvents and other ink materials)
  • Blood plasma (a colorless liquid mixture containing blood cells in suspension.

Heterogeneous Mix

Heterogeneous mixture properties

Heterogeneous mixtures have different properties and can be seen with the naked eye without the aid of a magnifying glass or separator. The following are the properties of heterogeneous mixtures:

  • The shape of the mixture is not uniform.
  • The size of the material is larger than the size of the molecule.
  • The shape of each substance to be mixed can still be easily distinguished by the human eye and easily identified by its properties. The particle forms of the solvent (water) and solute are separated.
  • Most of it is cloudy and impenetrable.
  • Heterogeneous mixed solutions will precipitate if allowed to stand because the solute and solvent particles are allowed to separate naturally.
  • Heterogeneous mixtures are usually cloudy and opaque.
  • Separation processes, especially screening, can be carried out, which is not difficult. The resulting mixture can be solid, liquid or gaseous.
  • Mixed ingredients have inconsistent proportions in the mix.
  • Has a concentration according to the original nature of the substance, which is not the same.
  • The colors are different, so it’s hard to disassemble.
  • As already explained, this mixed substance is divided into two parts, namely suspension and colloid. Therefore, in the following discussion, examples of heterogeneous mixtures in suspension and examples of colloidal mixtures are given.

Example of a heterogeneous suspension mixture

Examples of suspended heterogeneous mixtures are:

  • Water with oil.
  • water on sand.
  • Red blood cells and white plasma, which are found in the blood plasma of the human body.
  • Green bean porridge. Vegetable soup.
  • A salad dish made from fruits or vegetables.
  • Eat pizza.
  • Cement paste mixed with gravel and water.
  • Breakfast is a mixture of cereal and milk. Gasoline is accidentally mixed with water.
  • oil mixed with water.
  • Coffee ingredients mixed with sand.
  • Ink mixed with water.
  • Toothpaste mixed with water. Eucalyptus oil mixed with water.
  • Drink or water mixed with smelling ice.
  • Earth consists of sand, plants and other substances.
  • Beach sand consisting of pebbles and other marine creatures or organisms such as pieces of coral.
  • vinegar mixed with oil.

The difference between a pure substance and a mixture

Below is the difference between a single substance and a mixture of substances for all Sinaumeds friends to learn:

1. Separation of substances

Pure substances consist only of core substances and cannot be separated into other substances.

Whereas a mixture can be separated into two or more pure substances. Individual substances have different physical and chemical properties.

However, mixtures have different properties depending on the proportion of pure substances in the mixture and the location of the mixture.

2. Number of atoms

According to science, a substance can be an element consisting of only one type of atom, or it can be a compound consisting of molecules containing two or more elements.

Mixed substances consist of two or more atoms and can be homogeneous or heterogeneous depending on the fineness of the components. Homogeneous mixtures have the same appearance and properties throughout the mixture.

Heterogeneous mixtures are more rugged and their appearance and properties show variation in different parts of the mixture.

3. Elements and Compounds

Elements are always individual substances, compounds are combinations of two or more elements and can also be pure.

In our daily life, substances such as elements and compounds are rarely considered pure, as they are usually contaminated by the container, the environment, or the way they were prepared. In theory that means cleaning without contaminants.

Compounds are made up of more than one substance, and compounds differ from mixtures in that they can only be separated chemically.

Mixtures can be separated by physical processes, but physical separation does not separate compounds.

What if an element or compound is in two states at once?

This allows for the simultaneous presence of substances and mixtures of substances. For example pure water with pure crushed ice is still pure matter, but it is also a mixture of two states of pure matter.

As a mixture, ice can be formed by physical means such as scooping up crushed ice, to be separated from water.


This is a brief discussion of the definition of a mixture. The discussion this time does not only discuss the definition of a mixture, but also discusses more about the types, properties, and examples of a mixture that Sinaumeds can see carefully.

Understanding the meaning of a mixture of substances gives us additional knowledge about various substances that dissolve together in a form of object or food that we consume, it turns out that many have experienced the process of mixing a material beforehand.