Definition of Solids and Their Properties

Properties of Solids – If we discuss various kinds of objects, then of course there will be lots of types which are grouped into three. Starting from solid objects, liquid objects, and gas objects. These three objects must be familiar to us, because we can find them in everyday life, be it at home, on the street, or in other public places. So, in this article, we will discuss the properties of solid objects, which are indeed one of the types of objects that people usually encounter and use.

In fact, humans themselves can hardly be separated from the need for solid objects in each of their daily activities. For that, let’s discuss more deeply about what solid objects are, their properties, and also other interesting facts in them.

Of course, you are definitely familiar with the shape of solid objects. However, it should be understood that in fact the form of an object has its own characteristics, types, and characteristics. This is one of the causes of the shape of objects will also experience symptoms of change respectively. For example, the nature of solid objects that will experience a different form with liquid or gas objects.

Since the forms of matter have their own symptoms, you need to know each of them. We may have learned the lessons of the form of objects when we were still in elementary school to high school. Then it was developed again with more complicated and complex chemistry and physics. The material form of the object then becomes a lesson and also the basic theory to learn more about the various forms in chemistry and physics.

Well, to understand it more deeply, we will start from the properties of solid objects. In this article, we will discuss the definition, properties, characteristics, form, and also examples of solid objects themselves. Let’s see the full explanation below.

Definition of Solids

A solid object is a form of object that has a solid shape or form with mass and occupies a certain space or is in a certain volume. The most obvious characteristic of solids is that they have a fixed shape and size. Previously, later on, action will be given to make changes. In addition, solid objects also have a very strong attraction between molecules. So that the shape of a solid object can have a fixed volume with a large molecular density.

If a solid object is put into a container or a certain place. Then the shape will remain the same as before and does not follow the shape of the container or place. Except when it is given energy or heat to bring about a change, whether it becomes a liquid or a gas. This of course will be very different from the properties of liquids and gases whose form will follow the shape of the container when placed in a certain container.




The definition of a solid is a material that has a shape and also a volume or space occupied by certain solids, liquids, and also gases. There are two main ways in which solid particles can be arranged, namely in neatly ordered rows and in an erratic arrangement. Where solids whose particles are arranged in regular and neat rows are usually called crystals. Examples of crystals include diamonds, metals, ice, and salt crystals.

Meanwhile, solids whose particles are not arranged in an orderly or neat manner are usually referred to as amorphous. Amorphous solids generally have a shiny and elastic texture. Examples of amorphous solids include glass, wax, plastic, and rubber. Because the particles that are arranged in it are very closely packed together, solids cannot be compressed easily nor can they be reduced by compressing them. In solids, the individual particles do not move quickly to overcome the attractive forces between them. Which is where the particles vibrate but are tightly bound in place.

Properties of Solids

Based on the explanation of the definition of solids above, we can conclude that some of the properties of solids can be characteristic of certain solids. The following are some of the properties of objects that you need to understand to be able to recognize solid objects in more depth.

1. Fixed Shape

The first and most visible property of solids is that they will always remain in shape under certain conditions. Whether it’s in the container or in the open. The shape of a solid object which is always fixed is affected by the density of the molecules in it. So that it can survive under certain conditions to maintain its shape to remain the same. Its solid form also requires a certain process and method to change it.

That means, it will be very difficult for solid objects to experience changes naturally in certain solid state forms. For example, plastic, iron, metal, wood, and so on. To change it, we need heat or heat energy to change the shape of the solid object. However, there are also solid objects that change easily, such as ice cubes.

2. Fixed Volume

Besides having a shape that is always fixed, solids also have another property, namely having a fixed volume. It is influenced by its fixed shape. So the mass also tends to remain the same. So, the volume of a solid object will not easily change under certain conditions. The volume in a solid will remain the same when it is transferred from one container to another. Where to change the volume in a solid object requires a process and also a way of changing its shape or form. In order to reduce or increase the mass of the volume. The result of changing into a solid object will also determine the volume of a fixed object.

3. Can be Changed in a Certain Way

Almost the same as the properties of other objects, solid objects can also experience changes in form and other forms, whether liquid or gas. Although the shape and volume tend to be the same, solid objects can change shape and form in certain ways. For example, such as melting and sublimation. Where the process can change the shape and appearance of solid objects with several symptoms, such as changes in color and smell.

Changes in solid objects can experience different processes or ways. So it requires time and also certain equipment. For example, to turn wood into paper, cupboards, tables, chairs, and so on, it also takes time and a certain method. However, there are changes in solids that can change easily. For example, melting ice cubes or putting camphor in an open place. So, the solid object will change slowly.

4. Has Mass

Every shape or form of an object certainly has mass, including solid objects which also have mass properties. That mass will later affect various kinds of symptoms of these solid objects in our daily lives. For example, when a change in shape or shape of a solid object occurs, the mass inside the object will change. As for the evidence that solid objects have mass, you can prove them when you carry or hold solid objects. There are solid objects that are light and there are also heavy ones.

If you feel that, it means that solid objects have mass. The mass in these solid objects is usually measured in kilograms, grams, and so on. For example, metal, wood, iron, sand, and so forth.

5. Incompressible

There are some solid objects that are incompressible. That means, solid objects are difficult to suppress. Because, it has density and also molecular density. Some solids don’t have voids, so they are very difficult to compress. Solid objects that cannot be compressed include wood, iron, plastic, and stone. Although there are solid objects that have softer properties, many solid objects actually have hard properties and are also difficult to compress or compress. So it is very natural for solid objects to have a fixed shape and volume. Because, indeed the nature of solid objects is also very difficult to compress.

6. Cannot Flow

Surely we all understand that solid objects cannot flow like liquids can flow. That means that solid objects are also not easy to propagate. One of the reasons why solids cannot flow is because they have a fixed shape and volume. This can affect the process of flow, because flowing is a process that can change the shape and volume of an object, which tends to follow its container like liquid or water.

Solid Change

Just like the shape of other objects, the shape of solid objects can also change even though the shape and volume are always the same. Changes in solid objects can be in the form of changes in shape and form which can be followed by changes in color and also the smell of these solid objects. So that the change in shape will definitely be followed by a change in color and also the smell in the solid object.

Changes in the state of solid objects can also occur naturally or chemical or physical or chemical changes. Then we can recognize the changes that occur in solid objects from the process of change, such as sublimation, melting, or freezing which requires energy or heat in the process of change. Below is complete information about changes in solid objects along with examples of changes that we often see in everyday life.

1. Changes in Form

Deformation is the change of a solid object into another solid object with a different shape. Where the change in shape that occurs in a solid object into another solid object still requires a special way to change it and will change the structure of the molecules in the solid object. So that changes in shape in solid objects can occur through physical changes as well as chemical changes that can replace the chemical elements in the solid object.

Changes in shape that occur in solid objects cannot chemically restore the original shape of the solid before the change occurred. Below are some examples of solid objects that change shape:

a. Plastic is one of the solid objects, because plastic has a high density or molecular density and has properties that are flexible, slippery, and also a little strong. When plastic undergoes a heating process, these objects can turn into various forms of objects, such as basins, buckets, cupboards, tables, chairs, and various other plastic material objects. Plastic material is considered to be one of the materials that is easy to find and the price is also cheap. That is why it is very easy for us to find various kinds of plastic objects. In this form change there will be no chemical change. This is because the chemical elements in plastic are still the same, but only the shape is different, that is, some are reduced and some are increased.

b. Paper is one of the solid objects which is the result of changes in solid objects that have different shapes, namely wood which is processed and cooked into pulp or pulp. The paper material will later undergo several screening processes to form paper that we can use for writing.

2. Changes in Form

Changes in form are changes that occur in solid objects that are not only different in shape but also change in shape. Where the change in form is that which was originally solid and then becomes another form of object, namely liquid or gas. Changes in form that occur in liquid objects can undergo a process of physical changes that can be returned to their original form or chemical changes that occur in changes in the chemical elements. So it can not be returned to its original form.

Below are some examples of solid objects that change shape that you need to understand:

a. Ice

Ice cubes are solid objects that have fast-changing properties. This one object has a density and also a fixed size of object under certain conditions. However, when exposed to energy or heat, it will be very easy to change. You can observe the change in the form of ice cubes into liquid form with the process of looking for changes if left alone at room temperature which contains a lot of heat energy.

The ice cubes will turn into water which has very different properties from solid objects. Where liquid objects will follow the shape of the container and do not have a fixed volume mass. Even so, changing ice cubes to water is a physical change, because it doesn’t experience a chemical change and only changes form.

b. Margarine

Margarine is included in solids even though it has a softer shape. This one object when it undergoes a heating process it will change its form to become more liquid. Margarine that has melted will experience a change in form but will not experience a change in its chemical elements. So it goes into a physical change. Meanwhile, the elements that make up a solid object are still the same when it has changed into a liquid.

Thus an explanation of the properties of solid objects that we can discuss. Can you understand the concept of the properties of solids? So, apart from being able to use it to study physics lessons, understanding the properties of solid objects is already useful for everyday life. You can optimize your understanding of the properties of solid objects to meet your needs in your daily activities.