When you just bought a PC or laptop then of course you will get complete additions such as boxes and manuals in it. Where the specifications of the computer device you bought earlier are listed on the cardboard and guidebook earlier. There are computer specifications with very complete and serial numbers.
Then what if the cardboard and guidebook are missing? How do you see the specifications of the computer you have? This is where CPU-Z plays a role to display computer specifications very completely. So even though the cardboard and manual from the PC or laptop were gone, you don’t need to worry about finding the information.
CPU-Z Usability

Latest CPU-Z Display
The functions possessed by CPU-Z are:
1. Provide information about the CPU. The main function of CPU-Z is to display completely about the CPU information owned by the computer. Starting from information on CPU name, processor number, external internal clock, clock multiplier, and also core voltage.
2. Provide information about the motherboard. In addition to providing complete information about the CPU of the computer, CPU-Z will also provide information about the motherboard used. Even CPU-Z can display BIOS mode from the motherboard.
3. Provides information about memory. CPU-Z also provides comprehensive information about the memory used by the computer.
Existing Tabs in CPU-Z
The display of CPU-Z is divided into several tabs as below.
This CPU tab will present detailed information about the computer’s CPU from name information to computer CPU speed.
Tab Cache
In the Cache tab you can see all the caches located in L1, L2, and L3 on your computer. You can even find out how much cache is in memory.
Tab Mainboard
The mainboard tab will present data about the mainboard used along with the BIOS display.
Tab Memory
While the memory tab serves for the size, chane, and also the model of memory used by your computer.
Tab Graphic
As the name suggests, the graphics tab shows about the graphics card used by the computer to display colors on your computer.
The SPD tab is a tab with complementary information from the memory tab. Where from here you can see if the computer has two memory slots or only one.
Download Latest CPU-Z
CPU-Z is a software that can be accessed for free to view information about the computer, especially CPU and hardware information on the computer. This one software is also user friendly where for everyone who has just tried it must have understood how to use CPU-Z without having to find out first. Download the latest CPU-Z for free via the link below:
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