Dev-C ++ is one of the Integrated Development Environment or C ++ IDE equipped with TDM-GCC Compiler and is under the distribution of General Public License. So, for brevity, this software is used as an integrated worksheet for program development.
Until now, Dev-C ++ has had various versions, for example Dev-C ++ version with MinGW compiler released in 2012 and Dev-C ++ 5.11 with TDM-GCC compiler. The use of the TDM-GCC compiler has more features, less storage space and less chance of crashes.
Dev-C++ Operating Procedures
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For those of you who are still confused about how to operate this software, then the following are the procedures for operating Dev-C ++.
Creating a New File
The first step to writing a program, of course, is to create a new file. In this first procedure, you will have program code in a new part of the worksheet that can be compiled and run so that the results can be displayed.
This new file will later have the format *. CPP which is a special format for the use of C++ language. To be able to open a new file, you can press the keyboard (CTRL+N) or click on the file section – click new – click source file.
Save a worksheet
After writing the program on the new file, then definitely the next step is to save your worksheet. The easiest way to save a worksheet is to press the keyboard (CTRL+S), then write down the file name and click save.
Running the Program
A short way to be able to run programs with run directly is to press the keyboard (F10) or (Fn + F10), depending on each computer device. As for running the program with run and compile, you can press (F11) or (Fn + 11).
Software Dev-C ++ has a lot of functions that will really help you in creating programs. The following are some of these functions.
- Able to save the size of a program.
- Program creation just got easier.
- Being able to decompose complex programs becomes simpler.
- The code can be used for a variety of different programs.
- Minimize the occurrence of code duplication in a program.
Errors in the program can be tracked better. If something goes wrong, you just have to search for the corresponding function and don’t have to search the entire program.
Download Dev-C++ Latest
Dev-C ++ software can be downloaded for free and also full featur through their official website. You can also choose the version of this software according to the device’s computer capabilities.
However, if you want to create a program using the C ++ language, it is recommended to install Dev-C ++ from Dev-C ++ version 5.11. This is because it is the most recent version and contains more complete information. Download the latest Dev-C++ for free via the link below:
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