Download EasyWorship Latest 2023 (Free Download)

EasyWorship is a software that functions to display the background and also the writing of songs. Usually this software is used for worship purposes in the church. EasyWorship presents several menus with different functions from one another.

It can be said that the function of EasyWorship is almost the same as that of Microsoft PowerPoint. However, EasyWorship has more unique capabilities than the software from Microsoft. With EasyWorship, you can bring up a display or presentation in the form of text, video, or songs through a projector.

Features of EasyWorship

Features of EasyWorship

1. Schedule

In the Schedule menu, you can enter songs or text as you want. In this menu you can set what the display will look like. Whether you want to display images, text, video, or audio. In the Schedule menu, there are also several other sub menus.

Some of these sub-menus are New Schedule to load new schedules. There is also a Save Schedule that you use to save the schedule that you have created. There is also an Open Schedule that is useful for opening files that you have saved.

In addition, you will also find a sub menu called Create a New Song. You can use this menu to create new text or songs as you wish.

2. Live

In this menu there is a background and text that will be displayed. Later when the file is displayed, then the Live button will flash. You can also change the background with a look according to your taste. In the Live menu, you will also find several sub menus.

For example, Clear to delete text or songs without the need to change images, videos, and backgrounds. There is also Blakc that you can choose to make the screen black. The triangle logo with an exclamation point serves to display the message below.

3. Preview

On the preview menu, you can see again which text you want to display. In general, the preview display is white. You can also add a Go Live background or logo that you can use later to display files on the screen.

In this menu you will also find a background that functions to remove and add a background as you want. There are many other menus that you can try. Just download EasyWorship and get a software that has indeed provided many conveniences to its users.

Download Latest EasyWorship

Another thing that makes EasyWorship more interesting is its ability to be able to produce a handycam camera into a background or background. You can also recite Bible verses during the process of praise to God. As of now, the number of EasyWorship downloaders is quite large and they are satisfied with what the EasyWorship software brings. Download the latest and free EasyWorship via the link below:

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Download EasyWorship Latest 2023 (Free Download) - Matob EN