No matter how expensive the hard drive you buy, it will eventually break down over time. The more often you use it, the more vulnerable the hard drive will be to damage. The problem is, the damage often happens unexpectedly. Many hard drives can last for years, but many break down after less than a year of use.
Because the hard drive is part of the computer that is in charge of storing files, the damage to the hard drive will also have a bad impact on these files. Some files may also be damaged so that their contents are no longer intact or even completely inaccessible. To prevent this, you must know the condition of the hard drive at all times. Software that will really help you in this case is Hard Disk Sentinel.
Hard Disk Sentinel Features
Hard Disk Sentinel Display
Hard Disk Sentinel monitors hard drive health continuously. The report presented is also very detailed, but you can also immediately find out the condition of the hard drive without having to read the report, namely through the temperature indicator located in the system tray. By placing the mouse cursor over the temperature indicator, brief information indicating the health status of the hard drive will instantly appear.
Another way to see that your hard drive is still in fine shape is through File Explorer. The shape of the icon for each drive in File Explorer will get a slight change in the form of two indicators that show the health condition of the hard drive and the amount of hard drive storage space that has been used.
As for the temperature indicator in the system tray, not only the number changes according to the temperature of the hard drive, but also the color. As long as the hard drive temperature is still below 43 degrees Celsius, the color of the indicator will remain green. But if the temperature is higher than that, then the color will change to yellow. Above 50 degrees centigrade, the color of the indicator becomes red.
Inside the Hard Disk Sentinel window, there is a special section that reports the temperature of the hard drive in more detail. From there you can find out the highest temperature of the hard drive since you installed Hard Disk Sentinel.
Download Hard Disk Sentinel
Hard Disk Sentinel can also perform several actions when the hard drive health status drops below 50% or 25% (or when the hard drive temperature soars) such as displaying notifications, sounding alerts repeatedly, sending notifications via email, shutting down the computer, and creating backups. The backup creation option is unfortunately only available for the Professional version.
With Hard Disk Sentinel, you can find out the problems that occur on the hard drive as early as possible, diagnose all these problems, and fix them if it is still possible to fix. Download the latest and free Hard Disk Sentinel via the link below:
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