Download Epson L3150 Resetter for Free (2023 Latest)

Printers that are versatile, save electricity, have high printing capabilities, to be able to be connected using a wireless network, are ideal printers for those who work with high performance.

Epson L3150 will be a versatile printer recommendation that is very suitable for you, which has high work performance. This printer has a very reliable printing capability, where it is able to print documents up to thousands of sheets just by filling in printer ink.

How can it be? This is because of the ink-saving technology developed by Epson, the company has developed a technology named EcoTank. With the integration between the tank and the cartridge, this printer is able to save more printer ink to use, thus reducing wasteful ink use.

Epson L3150 Features

Epson L3150

Epson L3150

Epson L3150 certainly offers superior features to maximize print quality, where it has full features for printing, scanning documents, and photocopying physical documents. In addition, other features also allow you to be able to print with a fairly large paper size, reaching A4 and Letter sizes.

Interestingly, the Epson L3150 is not only equipped with a scanning engine, it is also capable of being used to scan black and white and color documents. So, it will be maximally used as a printer need in archiving any document. The Epson L3150 can save scanned documents using PDF format.

Interested in using Epson L3150? Check out what other features can be used when using the Epson L3150 service, including the following:

Print Speed

Epson L3150 is able to print your documents at a fairly satisfactory speed, where it can print black and white documents up to a maximum speed of 10 ppm, and support up to 5 ppm for image documents.

Print Resolution

The ability of the sharpness of this printer print resolution can also be the best choice for high-level printing, where it supports printing up to a maximum resolution of 5760 dpi.


The Epson L3150 can be connected using a USB connection, with the high speed of Hi-Speed USB technology. Also, you can use it by connecting a wireless network.

Photocopy Resolution

You can use the photocopying feature on the Epson L3150 to print physical documents, with a maximum of 90 sheets. The result will also be very high, because it can print up to a resolution of 600 x 600 dpi.

Epson L3150 Resetter at a Glance

Resetter Epson L3150

Resetter Epson L3150 is a tool that serves to solve various problems on the printer such as the appearance of error notifications such as:

  • Ink pad is at the end of its service life
  • It is nearly time to reset the ink levels
  • It is time to reset the ink levels
  • Waste ink is full
  • Service required

On the printer there is a sponge pad as an ink dump called Waste Ink Pad, where every time the printer cleans the printer head, the dirty ink previously contained in the head will be thrown into the ink disposal sponge (Waste Ink Pad) and if this sponge is full, an error notification will appear / the printer indicator light will flash and the printer cannot be used to print.

Download Latest Epson L3150 Resetter

For those of you who need an Epson L3150 resetter to reset your printer so that the printer returns to normal and can be used as usual, you can download it here. Download link for the latest and free Epson L3150 resetter you can get below:

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Download Epson L3150 Resetter for Free (2023 Latest) - Matob EN