Download Total Video Converter (Latest 2023)

Using Total Video Converter, videos and audios can be converted to other formats in just a few easy steps. It starts by inserting the video, choosing a format, and ends by pressing the Convert Now button. From start to finish it only takes three steps to get the video in the desired format.

This convenience is thanks to its appearance which is divided into two modes, namely Easy and Advanced. By default, the active is Easy Mode where some of the features are hidden so that beginners are not confused when using it. Of course, these features can be displayed at any time easily when needed.

Features of Total Video Converter

Download Total Video Converter

Total Display Video Converter

Total Video Converter gives users the freedom to choose the format based on the multimedia device they have. So if you want to play videos on iPhone but don’t know what formats the device supports, you can directly select the iPhone Video option when you want to convert.

Of course, you can also choose the format by its name like mp4, avi, mov, mkv, ts, mpeg, flv or wmv. As for the audio you can choose aac, ac3, wav, ogg, wma, mp3, mp2, amr, au, flac, mmf and m4a formats.

There is also an option to extract images sequentially from a video. The extracted image can be set to have the exact same resolution or different from the video. How many pictures are taken can also be determined manually. As for the format, there is only one image format supported, which is JPEG.

Once the video has finished converting, you can run Total Video Player to watch the video. The first time you run it you will be asked to set up file associations. In addition, there is also an option to determine whether the video player runs in Single Instance or Multiple Instance mode. If you really intend to play several videos at once, then what needs to be activated is the Multiple Instance option.

You can also merge videos, but the process is done in a separate window. For users who use a mouse, videos can be added by dragging and dropping files. While those who use a touchpad, it will be easier to add videos by using the Add button that has been provided. After that, the video order can be arranged as desired.

Download Total Video Converter

Total Video Converter includes multi-functional software. In addition to the video player and features to combine videos mentioned above, you can also try other features such as the ability to edit videos, record desktop and game screens, extract audio from videos, download videos, burn videos to DVDs, and create slideshows.

Overall, Total Video Converter’s main advantage lies in its conversion speed. In one experiment, it only took about 15 minutes to convert a video that was 1 hour long. Download Total Video Converter for free via the link below:

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Download Total Video Converter (Latest 2023) - Matob EN