PHP POST Method: Everything You Need to Know

As a developer developing an application project, you must be familiar with version control services, such as Git, GitHub, or GitLab. Check the blog post Differences between Git and GitHub to understand the difference between the two.

So, in the application development process, you must have gone through ups and downs or annoying and confusing dramas, one related to version control services, merge-conflict. Are you one of those who hate this one conflict?

This article will discuss a merge conflict, how and when it occurs, and how to resolve it. Come on, read it to the end.

What is Pull Request

A pull request is a request to merge (merge) the code we modified with the central repository or another repository. In the pull request process, we can usually set access rights for users who can perform code merging and determine which users can provide comments or reviews.

Pull requests are common nowadays because they are used by all companies with a development team of at least 3 people or more.

Especially in open-source projects that are already mainstream using the pull request method for collaboration management among contributors.

What is Pull Request: Benefits

Why should I use a pull request:

  • Ensuring that the code combined with a branch is according to standards. For example, file naming rules, variables, and so on
  • Reduces the risk of conflicting code when merged
  • Stimulate transparent collaboration through feedback on every pull request

What is Merge Request

Merge conflict is a case where there is a conflict when the process of integration (merge) between two different sources.

The integration process (merge) in question does not only involve changes between branches but as long as the command being executed can trigger the integration process.

Conflicts can occur, for example, as follows.

  1. Reverts changes stored in a git stash.
  2. Fetch changes from the remote branch with the git pull command.
  3. Run the git merge command to merge changes to the main branch.
  4. Executes the Git rebase command to integrate changes to the current branch with the main stem.
  5. Select several commits to move to another branch with the Git cherry-pick command.

However, each of the above actions doesn’t necessarily result in a conflict because Git can determine how changes are applied between two different sources.

However, in certain situations, Git will also find it challenging to determine which changes to apply, one of which is contradictory changes when a conflicting change is detected in a file or component.

PHP POST Method: Pull Request and Merge Request Differences

Git pull requests and Git merge requests are similar in that they both aim to merge a developer’s branch with the main or master branch of a project.

The main difference is the platform they are used on, with GitHub utilizing Git pull requests and GitLab using Git merge requests.

Both requests promote collaboration among team members by allowing them to review suggested branch merges, provide feedback, and make any necessary commits.

Essentially, they serve as a web-based way of asking the project team for approval before adding new changes. Both pull and merge requests collect changes from other branches or forks and merge them with the existing code.

However, it’s important to note that the request and the command are distinct, with users initiating a pull request to execute a Git pull command, and submitting a merge request to run a Git merge command.

Benefits of Pull Request and Merge Request

Not only are pull requests and merge requests similar, but they also both offer the same benefits to the Git developer team. Granted, users can just use a simple Git command to accomplish what a pull request or a merge request can do, and it makes sense that people would ask, “why bother?”

However, both requests have benefits that can last throughout the project’s lifecycle:

1. Improved Access to Resources:

  • Request includes a pointer to the main branch so you can distinguish and compare codes in your fix or feature branch.
  • You also get the ability to merge feature and fix branches into your main branch.
  • Requests also offer team members a chance to meet, discuss the fix or feature branch, and perform the pushes.

2. Facilitates Communication:

  • Requests let you summarize software fixes and features into easily identifiable containers (e.g., GitHub).
  • Also, it provides a convenient centralized place for developer team members to view changes and leave comments.
  • Thus, rather than depending on e-mail, text messages, or other communication channels, everything resides in one self-contained tool, which reduces the chances of miscommunication

3. Clear History of Changes:

  • The team can see any changes present between the feature branch and the main branch.
  • This advantage reduces the chance of error because team members can easily see what’s changed.
  • Team discussions are recorded and saved based on chronological order.

The Mechanisms Behind Pull Request vs. Merge Request

Git pull or merge requests allow developers to make changes to a project’s code without directly modifying the main code or affecting the user experience. This allows developers to write and test code changes in a local environment without risking damage to the overall product.

The process for pull and merge requests is as follows:

1. Create a fork of the main repository and generate a local clone: The developer creates a copy of the main repository and downloads it to their local workspace.

2. Make the needed changes locally: The developer resolves an issue or adds a new feature by making changes to the code in their local environment.

3. Push all local changes to the forked repository: Once the developer has finished and tested their changes, they upload them back to the forked repository they created in step 1.

4. Make a pull or merge request: The developer submits a request to merge their changes with the main repository.

5. Review by the main repository maintainer: The maintainer reviews the changes made by the developer in their forked repository, leaving comments or requesting edits as necessary.

6. Approval by the maintainer: If no further edits are needed, the maintainer approves the request.

7. Updates are merged with the main project repository: The developer’s changes are merged with the main repository, updating the product with bug fixes or new features for users to see.