Job Changing and How to Effectively Communicate Them in an Interview

Changing jobs is a common occurrence in today’s job market, but it can be a source of anxiety when it comes to explaining the reasons for leaving a previous position during a job interview.

Whether you’re looking for career growth, a better work-life balance, or simply a change of pace, it’s important to have a clear and confident explanation for your job changing.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 reasons for job changing and provide tips on how to effectively communicate them in an interview.

Proven Research

It is becoming increasingly common for individuals to change jobs multiple times throughout their careers.

According to a survey, 82% of Indian professionals plan to reconsider their career paths in 2023. Furthermore, data from the US Bureau of Labour Statistics shows that the average American has 12.4 jobs between the ages of 18 and 54.

The reasons for job changing can vary, whether it’s losing interest in the current role, feeling underpaid or exploited, or seeking a better work-life balance.

In fact, 27% of people cite the need for a better work-life balance as a primary reason for job changing.

However, discussing the reasons for job changing in an interview can be challenging. That’s why we’re providing you with top tips on how to effectively explain your reasons for job changing, including dos and don’ts and sample explanations.

Best Answer For The Reason of A Career Switch

One of the best ways to explain a job changing during an interview is to focus on your transferable skills and how they align with the new position you’re applying for.

You can also speak about your interests, experiences and related skills that drew you to this new industry or field, and how the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge aligns with your career goals.

Here is the example:

“”I’ve been working in [previous industry] for several years and while I’ve gained valuable experience and skills, I’ve always had an interest in [new industry].

I’ve taken several coursework and even volunteered on projects related to [new industry] on my spare time.

I’ve come to realize that this field aligns more closely with my values, interests and career aspirations.

I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience in [previous industry] to [new industry] and develop new ones.”

On the other hand, planning a compelling, positive answer may go a long way to showing your potential and professionalism for the new work.

Into The Mind of Interviewer

It’s understandable that employers want to find the best fit for the role, someone who is loyal, efficient, and skilled.

To stand out as a candidate, it’s important to not only have the necessary skills for the role but also to demonstrate your commitment to continuously improving them. One way to do this is by taking relevant training courses in your field.

To sum up, while continuing to develop your skills is important, don’t overlook the importance of demonstrating your interest, passion and how you would align with the company’s culture and mission.

1. Reasons for Job Changing

When explaining the reasons for leaving a previous job, it’s important for future employers to understand if you left for the right reasons.

For example, if you abruptly quit your previous job to pursue a hobby, it may be viewed as a lack of maturity and responsibility.

However, if you quit because you felt underutilized and outgrew your role, it may be viewed as a willingness to take on new tasks with more power and responsibility.

2. Circumstances Surrounding Job Changing

Employers will want to know if you quit your job on your own or if the company let you go.

They will be interested in understanding the circumstances surrounding the career switch, such as disciplinary action, poor performance, company restructuring, or cost reduction.

3. Relationship With Former Employer

Maintaining a positive relationship with a former employer can be viewed favorably by potential employers.

Being able to provide a positive reference from your previous employer can help demonstrate your professionalism and the reason behind your job changing.

Powerful Tips Do’s and Dont’s

The Do’s:

1. Position as an Opportunity for Growth

When discussing a potential job changing, it’s important to frame it as an opportunity for greater professional fulfillment, rather than a demotion from your previous position.

Emphasize the aspects of the new job that involve more responsibility and how it aligns with your career goals.

You can also mention that the new job might serve as a stepping stone for future professional growth and advancement.

This framing helps to give the impression that you are not leaving a negative situation, but rather actively seeking to improve your professional prospects.

2. Positive Experiences in Previous Roles

In addition to discussing the opportunities in the new role, it’s also helpful to mention positive experiences from your previous roles.

This can include good interactions with superiors, coworkers, and clients. You can talk about a particularly satisfying experience with a customer or how the organization provided you with opportunities for professional development.

This will help to establish that your decision to leave was not based on a negative experience, but rather a desire to take on new challenges and advance your career.

The Dont’s:

It’s important to be honest when explaining the reasons for leaving a previous job, but it’s also important to avoid going too far in your explanations and avoid the following responses during an interview:

1. Negative comments about your previous company or colleagues

This can create the impression that you have a negative attitude and that’s something that most employers would like to avoid in an employee.

Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your previous job such as the opportunities you had and what you learned from it.

2. Criticizing management, as this can show a lack of maturity, professionalism, and disrespect

If you had a difficult experience with management, focus on explaining how you appreciated their interest in your work, but were looking for more autonomy or responsibilities in a new position.

3. Repeating the same reasons for leaving in every interview

Instead, tailor your answers to the specific company culture and policies. Research the company you are interviewing with and discuss how your reasons align with their goals and expectations.

4. Bringing up salary too early

While salary may be a reason for leaving a job, it’s often best to wait for the interviewer to bring it up and avoid discussing it too early in the interview process. Instead, focus on discussing how the new role aligns with your career goals and how you can add value to the company.