The 5 Types of Influencers You Need to Know!

In the marketing world, an influencer is an individual or a group of people who can influence people’s perceptions or preferences for a brand which is marked by the large audience they have.

Audiences can be seen from many Instagram or Twitter followers, Youtube subscribers, and so on. Influencers can be artists, politicians, religious leaders, academics, experts, community leaders, and so on.

Target consumers who are increasingly skeptical of brands make it increasingly challenging to build trust in brands. So that opinions or reviews from influencers regarding the brand can foster target consumer trust in the brand.

In addition, influencers with a specific audience group are an effective medium for reaching target consumers. Target consumers will seek information through influencers.

So, brands don’t need to hunt or look for media consumed by target consumers but convey marketing communication messages through influencers.

Types of Influencers Based on Followers

Information and communication technology development through social media makes it easier to define influencers. In marketing via social media, influencers are grouped based on the number of followers they have.

The following are the types of influencers based on the number of followers they have:

1. Nano Influencers

The influencer with the most minor reach is the nano influencer, which has 1,000 to 10,000 followers.

Because the number of followers is small, influencers and their followers know each other and interact with each other through social media. So the engagement that is created is getting stronger.

Strong engagement makes the level of trust of its followers very high. The costs incurred to use the services of nano influencers are relatively cheap and affordable.

2. Micro-Influencers

Influencers who have 10,000 to 100,000 followers are micro-influencers. Generally, people trust this type of influencer highly because they have capabilities in specific fields, for example, a beauty expert, a health expert, and so on.

In addition, the number of followers makes the engagement between influencers and their followers reasonably strong. The costs that brands have to incur to use micro-influencer services are still relatively cheap and affordable.

3. Macro Influencers

Influencers categorized as macro influencers are influencers who have followers between 100,000 and 1 million followers. With a more significant number of followers, of course, the range of messages he will convey is more comprehensive. Still, of course, the costs that must be incurred by the brand are higher.

Engagement between influencers and their followers is still there, but it can be said that it needs to be stronger.

4. Mega Influencers

Mega influencers are influencers who have more than 1 million followers. Generally, this type of influencer is an artist or community leader who is known or has a national reach.

A considerable number of followers allows influencers to spread messages widely quickly. However, of course, the costs that must be incurred to use the services of mega influencers are enormous.

Types of Influencers Based on Social Media Platforms

Suppose the above is a discussion of influencer categories based on the number of followers. In that case, this section is the platform category used by these influencers.

1. Bloggers

This type of influencer is already known among blog writers or readers. Their posts are searchable by keywords embedded in each post. A blogger is someone who owns and/or manages a blog.

Many blogs are used or focused on conducting reviews/reviews about a product, for example, the latest gadgets or skin care.

Reviews written on a blog are more complete and longer, so readers get more precise information than if they get it on other social media. Suppose the blogger has quite several loyal readers.

In that case, it’s easy for the blogger to recommend a product based on the style of writing and client directions and entice readers to try buying and using the product.

The number of blog readers affects the success of a product campaign up to the marketing stage.

2. YouTube influencers

Better known as YouTubers, these influencers with loyal customers/subscribers always create content in the form of videos about information, including product reviews.

Unlike bloggers who write information or product reviews on a blog, YouTubers review things in video form.

Initially, the term pinned on them was vlogger, aka video blogger. The role of YouTube influencers or YouTubers seems significant, especially with the development of digital technology as it is today.

The reason is that more than 90% of internet users get to know a new product through videos uploaded on the YouTube platform. From a video, viewers can see clearly how the product being reviewed by the YouTuber is described.

3. Instagram influencers

The term that is more familiar or often heard for an Instagram influencer is Instagram celebgram or celebrity. Usually refers to a public figure who uses the Instagram platform to record various activities, including reviewing a product.

Instagram has the potential to target the market in US because our country ranks fourth with the most number of 159.75 millions Instagram users in the world.

This data can be a mainstay for business owners or companies to partner with Instagram celebrities or influencers in campaigning or promoting products.

4. TikTok influencers

Similar to YouTubers and celebgrams, TikTok influencers or creators who are usually called have loyal fans and followers who follow the latest content on the homepage.

The TikTok algorithm is programmed to rate the videos you like and share. Then, the algorithm starts counting the hours watched and the number of lives, including when the video was shared by its users.

The number of TikTok users is currently more than one billion. This allows anyone to access videos uploaded on TikTok, and the opportunity to earn money from these uploads is even more comprehensive.

Creators with significant followers on TikTok can become influencers that you can work with because your opportunity to expand market share can be wide open.

Effect of Number of Followers

One important note to remember is that the influencer service fee will be more expensive as the number of followers they have increased.

However, you don’t need to worry if you want to use their services. The quality of digital influencers’ content on each social media account will improve because they, especially mega influencers, have a production team that can produce the best content.

This is because influencers with many followers will pay great attention to the quality of their social media content for the benefit of their business.

Another important note you should pay attention to is that choosing an influencer doesn’t necessarily look at the number of followers. The brand message and corporate image will have an impact if you choose random influencers.

Make sure you choose influencers carefully. Check first whether the influencer you choose is relevant to the brand, and pay attention to social media content quality.

The influencer’s image in the eyes of the public, and of course, adjust the price offered by the influencer according to the budget you have.