What is AWS DevOps and Tools Required to Develop a Web

Being a web developer or designer is a challenging job. Both of these professions require Web Development and Design tools to support their respective performance in achieving the targets given by the company or client.

At least those of you who work as one of the two need the tools that will be mentioned.’

The more complete the existing tools can further improve the performance of the two professions. Immediately, we discuss all the tools that can be useful for web development and design.

Tools for Web Developer

Web developers continue to grow and develop, so it is important to keep abreast of developments. The recommended web developer tools above help you make your work easier and, of course, speed up your work.

1. Sublime Text

The first tool that can be used by a web developer is Sublime Text.

Reporting from Tech Radar, it is a useful supporting tool for web design. This tool is arguably one of the most popular tools among web developers.

Some very useful features in Sublime Text are the GoTo Anything command to find a code.

Then, there are other features such as Multiple Selection, which can make changes to parts of the code, and the Split Editing feature, which can maximize the display of code on a widescreen or even multiple monitors.

This tool has a very simple interface that makes it suitable for beginners. You can use it on various devices, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux.

2. jQuery

JavaScript is one of the languages that web developers need to know. Currently, a tool called jQuery can be used to understand the JavaScript language.

According to Career Foundry, jQuery was one of the most popular JavaScript libraries in 2015. These tools allow web developers to create animations, add plugins, or even navigate documents. With jQuery, you can simplify the front-end process nicely.

3. Foundation

This web developer tool is suitable for beginners. According to Tech Radar, Foundation offers a responsive front-end framework that can be applied to website and email designs.

This tool also provides several HTML templates, each of which can be optimized for a particular application. The advantage of Foundation lies in the front-end framework provided and its very simple appearance.

The downside of this tool is that you have to pay to use it, but there is a free trial for the first use.

4. Atoms

Atom is an open-source code editor. One of the tools often used by front-end developers is a free cross-platform tool. These tools allow you to collaborate with other developers using Teletype for Atom.

These tools can also work with Git and GitHub, Edit code on different platforms, Speed up coding with automatic smart completion, and Search, install, and even package your own.

5. NPM

NPM is a package manager for Node.js. This tool can help JS devs to share packaged code modules. NPM is a command-line client that developers use to install and publish prepackaged packages.

You can also use the NPM Registry, a publicly packaged collection of open-source code for Node.js, front-end web applications, and more. The company responsible for and maintains all about NPM, namely NPM, Inc.

6. Angular

Angular is a framework created by Google, the most perfect framework of all the frameworks listed here. These front-end tools are free and open source, so you can use and develop them.

Even these tools have the support of giant companies and support from a strong community. These are cross-platform tools that you can use for web, mobile web, native mobile, and native desktop.

Many people use these tools because the speed and performance of this framework have been proven, productivity and infrastructure have been scalable, they support Google’s largest applications, and they are powerful tools.

7. React

React is a free JavaScript library for building user interfaces created by Facebook developers. These tools are very popular and have a strong community. These front-end tools are declarative, making the user interface easy to code, update, and debug. Tools are agnostic of what is used in building projects. Apart from that, these tools are component-based.

8. Am I Responsive?

Am I Responsive? Is it a free online application that lets users quickly check how your website project looks on different screen sizes? This tool serves to show how responsive a website is.

You can easily use this tool to test the web application by entering the URL of the website being tested.

In addition, this tool can work on “http://localhost/” so that your new project will not have any difficulties when testing. You use your browser’s Am I Responsive bookmarklet to start testing your website.

9. Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built right into the Google Chrome browser. These tools can help you quickly edit your pages, diagnose problems, and help build better websites faster.

10. Yarn

Yarn is a package manager for installing and sharing code and project managers. The yarn itself is almost like NPM. This tool can be developed via plugins and is stable, well-documented, free, and open-source.

11. Anime. js

Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple but powerful application programming interface. These frond tools allow you to work with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes, and JavaScript objects. This tool is completely free and open source.

12. BrowserStack

BrowserStack is a popular paid service that tests your website or app on 2000+ devices and real browsers. It works instantly and is guaranteed to be safe. With these tools, the test results will be more real because it works directly with simple test tools.

13. Gatsby

Gatsby is a free, open-source framework that helps developers build websites and apps quickly. This tool has React, webpack, modern JavaScript, and CSS capabilities.

With Gatsby, you can create progressive and diversity. Plus, Gatsby has been designed for a variety of use cases. This tool is a data-rich plugin type and super easy deployment.

14. Next. js

Next.js is a free and open-source framework for statically exported React apps. Next, js allows you to do Pre-rendering (Further supports server-side rendering). This tool allows you to design components with javascript. Besides that, the documentation of this tool is amazing.

15. SoloLearn

SoloLearn is an online playground that allows testing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. This tool is perfect for front-end developers to test existing projects.

This tool also offers basic coding courses for free. It provides a forum where developers and students can discuss various coding-related topics freely according to policy.