10 Types of Backlinks Every Marketer Should Know for SEO Success

One of the supporting factors for the existence of our website or blog on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is backlinks. In fact, building a backlink is considered essential in creating an SEO-friendly website.

Therefore, website or blog owners must get to know the various types of backlinks so that their website pages have the potential to appear on the first page of search engines.

Before discussing the various types of backlinks, we need to know what backlinks are. Simply put, backlinks are links or links that point to our website.

Generally, backlinks are installed by other websites or blogs that have sources or references from our blog.

What is Backlink?

The backlink is a term in SEO that refers to links on other websites that point to your website.

From a search engine point of view, backlinks prove that the site/content is of good quality and worthy of being used as a reference for users looking for information.

Not only that, search engines can find your website because it has been crawled through backlinks.

Even though it sounds simple, the concept of backlinks is not as easy as you think because if you put too many backlinks without consideration, your website will actually be considered spam by search engines instead of getting the top position.

Because they see the benefits of backlinks that can increase a website’s ranking in SERP, sometimes users are just fixated on making as many backlinks as possible instead of improving the quality of the content.

Types of Backlinks for SEO

Do you know the types of backlinks? If not, you need to listen to this article to the end. Let’s take a closer look at this article!

1. Contextual Backlinks

On websites that provide a CMS (Content Management System), you can write articles and insert various links in your writing. This type of backlink is powerful enough to create backlinks on a website.

Various sites have CMS, such as Kompasiana, Blogspot, WordPress, Kaskus, etc. However, you must create posts in the same context as the links you directly to your website to avoid spam flags from Google’s crawlers.

2. Blog Comments Backlinks

This type of backlink uses the comment column feature from other people’s blogs or websites to include a link to your website. Still, not just any blog or website can be a means of “promoting” these backlinks.

The website that is your backlink target must have a theme relevant to your website; the fewer people who comment on the site, the greater the chances of your site being seen by site visitors.

3. Backlinks Profile Links

You can find these backlinks on social media, community websites and forums that require you to create a profile. Those backlinks can be placed in your account profile, which is called profile backlinks.

To include this type of backlink, you need to create an account and place a link pointing to your website in the profile of the report you made.

4. Social Bookmark Backlinks

This type of backlink is the most popular backlink used by bloggers and website developers in building backlinks to their websites. A Social Bookmarking site is a place to store and mark many website lists.

For example, sites that can be used as social bookmarking sites are Reddit, Pinterest, and Dig. You can store backlinks on various sites.

5. Backlinks Blogrolls

Blogrolls backlinks are very popular among old bloggers, Blogspot or WordPress users. On a website or blog page, there is a sidebar that contains a collection of visitor blogrolls.

Unfortunately, the blogroll function is deprecated today as websites need to be free of unnecessary widgets.

6. Document or Image Sharing Backlinks

Document or Image Sharing Backlinks use features like sharing documents or images to get backlinks. Of course, stored documents or pictures must be uploaded first so they can be connected to our website.

You can include a link to your website when editing a document. Meanwhile, when we upload an image, we can go directly to our website in the image description column.

7. Social Media Backlinks

As the name suggests, this type of backlink is a backlink that is obtained by placing a link on the home page of social media. This backlink is very easy to get because you only need to share the link on your social media.

However, some social media websites use no-follow, thus making this backlink ineffective for website optimization. (ADR)

8. Footer Backlinks

If you are a website developer, you can insert backlinks in the website’s footer. But this is rarely done because this type of backlink is less effective, especially if you want to optimize several links simultaneously.

However, suppose you are authorized to edit articles on Wikipedia. In that case, you have a good chance of posting backlinks in Wikipedia’s bibliography section.

9. Guestbook Backlinks

If the blog comment backlink inserts a link in the comments section, Guestbook Backlink inserts a link in the guestbook or contact page.

However, you need to be careful about positioning backlinks in this way because if the guestbook is full of spam backlinks, the backlinks you get are of low quality and are very vulnerable to being marked as spam by Google’s crawlers.

10. Image Sharing Backlinks

In principle, Image Sharing Backlinks is the same as document-sharing backlinks. When you upload an image to an image-sharing site, you can insert a link to the website in the description of the image you are about to upload.

How to Get Backlinks?

Because it has such significant advantages and benefits, there is nothing wrong if you want to get quality backlinks to increase the credibility of your website. For that, find out how to get the following backlinks.

1. Create quality content

The main secret to getting quality backlinks is to produce quality content. What are the categories of quality content? One way is to use simple language and explanations that are easy to understand and can answer the questions readers are looking for.

Therefore, don’t be surprised if other websites use your content as an information reference because of the quality of the content they have and feel free to provide backlinks as a form of appreciation.

2. Create Guest Posts

Creating content on other websites/blogs also has the potential to get high-quality backlinks. To access sites that offer guest posting, you can search for information on social media blogger forums/groups.

The critical thing to remember is to continually refine your niche with blogs that open up opportunities for guest posting.

3. Using backlink services

Backlink Services now offer many backlink price packages on sites with good credibility. You can use backlink services if you want to get backlinks and don’t want to spend time building PBNs / guest posts.

Of course, you have to prepare a fee for this backlink service because the price varies.