Understanding Appreciation, Functions, and Relation to Literature!

Understanding Appreciation – Many of us as human beings want acknowledgment or just appreciation for everything we have achieved. Whether it’s starting from yourself or others.

Because as social beings, it is not surprising that we also have the feeling of wanting to be recognized or appreciated by others because of an achievement or an achievement in life that we have achieved. Appreciation from the closest people or from other people who enjoy and like our work is an achievement that we might crave in our lives.

Appreciation in any form is our way of respecting others and it is possible that we should also appreciate ourselves when we succeed in realizing one of our dreams, whether it is: creating a work of art, succeeding in living a healthier lifestyle, or succeeding in being proud of parents with the results of our own hard work.

All of these things really deserve appreciation to give awards to those who in their lives have succeeded in becoming someone who is influential both for themselves and for others.

Furthermore, in this discussion we will try to explore the meaning of appreciation, its function, and its close relationship with a work of art.

Definition of Appreciation

In terms of the origin of the word, the meaning of appreciation is a word that comes from the Latin ” apreciatio” which means to appreciate. In English ” awareness ” means recognizing, understanding, praising, and appreciating. Meanwhile, in terminology, evaluation is the process of assessing something done for something from one person to another.

Meanwhile, according to some experts the definition of appreciation is as follows:

1. Albert R. Candler

Understanding the meaning of Appreciation According to Albert R. Candler is the activity of fully understanding and interpreting the contents of a work of art, as well as being sensitive to aesthetic and artistic phenomena in order to properly appreciate the work.

2. Prayogi

Prayogi defines evaluation as any evaluation activity carried out as a result of one’s use, perception, and evaluation of certain works of literature or art. Appreciation can also be understood as a form of admiration or awe that radiates from users or connoisseurs of a particular work of art or literature.

3. Aminuddin

According to Aminuddin, the concept of evaluation includes the introduction of feelings or inner sensitivity and the introduction of the elements of beauty expressed by the author.

The difference in the definition of appreciation above mainly refers to the act of appreciating someone for a particular work of art. Most of the appreciation concepts are based on the appreciation of a work of art or literature

4. Alfred North Whitehead

According to Alfred North Whitehead, appreciation is the process of appreciating something done by someone in an activity to achieve something, and to participate in it with the same appreciation.

5. Tirta Wijaya

According to Tirta Wijaya, rating is a person’s ability to identify and know the high and low quality or quality of a literary work.

The function of an Appreciation

In understanding an appreciation, we also need to review how much influence an appreciation has in its use and purpose for appreciation.

  • Appreciate more the work or process of other people to achieve success.
  • As a means to show appreciation to others and oneself, it can also be a form of concern, empathy, for someone for the performance or results of their work.
  • Appreciation also functions as a way to improve, develop, and motivate someone for their achievements or hard work.
  • As a means to inflame the people’s love for the nation’s child workers and as a form of concern for others.
  • Increase knowledge and teach how to better respect others through their hard work.

Appreciation Steps

After knowing the meaning and function of appreciating, you must know the evaluation steps that can be done by anyone. The following are the stages of appreciation that we have summarized for Sinaumedia friends:

1. Caution

In this first stage, the appreciator or appreciator has no other purpose than to express pleasure in observing certain works.

2. Care

The second stage of this evaluation is when the evaluator is able to show sensitivity, as if trapped and dissolved in a situation or condition in a work presented by someone.

3. Criticism

In addition to a sense of attention and care for a work of art, appreciation can also be interpreted as criticism. At this stage, the appreciation has reached a high. Criticism is done by those who see it in order to be able to judge and judge aesthetically in the artistic reality of a work.

Form of Appreciation

Forms of assessment in general can be divided into two, namely oral and written. The following is a form of appreciation written orally by a connoisseur of literary works to the author.

Verbal Appreciation

  • Giving a response through applause for a performance of a literary work being performed.
  • Give feedback in the form of criticism or praise to the authors for the work they have made.
  • Rereading or re-performing a literary work in the form of a performance of appreciation through poetry readings, musicalization, or drama.

Writing Appreciation

  • Creating a new literary work based on inspiration from a previous literary work.
  • Make articles or reviews that review a literary work that has been read.
  • Make a thesis or thesis based on the literary works of the authors.

Appreciation of Literary Works

Literary appreciation is a form of appreciation for a literary work that has been born and has had an influential impact on the development of existing literature. Appreciation is born through an expressive form of re-reading literary works such as poetry readings, declamations, musicalizations, and the staging of a play in a theater production.

Appreciation is not just re-reading a literary work but also reminding readers again about the fighting spirit of literary writers born through their works which of course has had a major influence on the development of literary works that have taken place hundreds of years ago.

According to Hornby (in Sayuti, 2000), the term appreciate (appreciation) refers to the concept of proper understanding and recognition, review, evaluation and reporting, providing evaluation. The term respect can be understood as a word about someone who is consciously interested in and satisfied with something, and can appreciate and see that the thing he chooses contains values ​​that are useful, useful in his life.

Sayuti (2000) states that if literature is regarded as the embodiment of the author’s experience in a linguistic medium forming a complex structure, then literary appreciation can be understood as an activity of recognizing, understanding, and appreciating experience and language. it embodies that experience, as well as the relationship between the two in the overall structure that is formed.

Oemarjati (2005) explains that appreciating means reacting with affective capacities, understanding values, and trying to decipher patterns and values ​​derived from literary works which are evaluated according to proportions that are appropriate to the context of the problem.

According to Panuti Sudjiman (1988), literary evaluation is an assessment (literary work) based on understanding. Literary appreciation is an appreciation and understanding of an artistic or cultural product (Suparman Natawidaja, 1981). Meanwhile, according to Tarigan (1981), literary evaluation is assessing the quality of a literary work and giving a fair value based on observation and experience consciously and critically.

In line with that, Effendi (1973) argues that literary evaluation is a serious activity carried out in the creation of literature for understanding, appreciation, sensitivity to critical thinking and feelings, kindness is expressed for literary creativity. Furthermore, Panuti Sudjiman (1988) argues that literary appreciation is an evaluation (literary work) based on understanding. According to Zakaria (1981), literary evaluation is an activity that aims to critically examine literary works in order to create a correct understanding and appreciation of these literary works.

Based on the differences of opinion of the literary experts mentioned above, it can be said that literary appreciation is an activity of reading literary works accompanied by sincere appreciation to generate appreciation, the value of works and generate an understanding of values. in terms of the moral message it contains. This includes being emotionally sensitive and concerned about the values ​​of life, especially human beings, so they can not only sympathize, but also empathize and tolerate other people.

Thus, the activity of appreciating literature is not just reading, appreciating, experiencing, enjoying, and perceiving literary works. The last, very important step in literary appreciation is understanding literary works so that readers can penetrate and capture the values ​​or moral messages of the appreciated literary works. Understanding of values ​​or moral messages in literary works directs readers to enjoy, perceive, and live literary works.

Readers in turn will enjoy and even love literary works. Therefore, in summary, literary appreciation is an activity that aims to make readers or connoisseurs of literature “fall in love” with a literary work. This “love of literature” will motivate literary readers to “work hard” reading different literary works because reading literature for him is an activity of “making love with literature” which brings feelings of happiness. . By appreciating literary works, he will find various useful life values ​​to enrich his inner treasures that he cannot find in other works.

The values ​​of life or moral messages in literary works, especially the ideas conveyed by the author in different literary works. Values ​​or moral messages are universal, including but not limited to ideas related to people, culture, traditions, social, political, economic, psychological (psychological), religion (including religion and Sufism), ideology, philosophy, and sexuality or femininity. . In fact, local intellectual values ​​(local genius) of Indonesian culture, which enrich national culture and are no less important than world culture, are found in many literary works.

Forms of Literary Appreciation

1. Kinetic or evaluation of attitudes towards action

Appreciation is kinetic, namely the attitude of being interested in a literary work and then seriously taking proactive steps towards evaluation. For example, for literary works in the form of prose fiction such as short stories and novels, the act of appreciation is choosing a short story or novel according to one’s wishes.

Besides that, reading and enjoying similar novels, liking the theme or the author, understanding the message, the script and knowing the characters and personality traits, even in the extreme, there are people who want to be identified as a favorite character in prose. Work.

The pinnacle of his appreciative attitude is wanting to be able to write short stories or novels like that. At least you can give comments or input about things related to your favorite novel.

For poetry, pay attention to reading poetry, such as some poetry, try to understand the meaning of the poem you like, learn the poet of the type of poetry you like, try to be able to read poetry well, and finally wish. to be able to write similar poems and write comments or reviews about these poems.

To appreciate literary works, dramaturgy enjoys certain theatrical performances, knows the characters, the team behind them, and wants to play certain characters in similar plays. Now maybe the object is a form of film projection that has elements similar to the television series.

2. Verbal appreciation

Verbal appreciation means providing explanations, appreciation and appreciation in the form of explanations, responses, comments, criticisms and suggestions as well as praise both verbally and in writing.

For the aspect of listening skills, the assessment begins with listening to the oral transmission of literary works with earnestness and attention, then continues with the completion of the evaluation stages described above.

To know the appreciation of literature, one must study all forms of literary works that can be heard. Literary works exist in the form of prose and poetry.

Examples of Forms of Literary Appreciation

1. Poetry Declamation

In poetry, a poetry reading called declamation will be introduced. Why is it called declamation? Reading poetry by reciting it is reading poetry with songs and gestures as tools. Singing is a form of presentation in poetry readings accompanied by songs and body types (body movements).

The movement referred to here is the movement of the poetic instruments, following the rhythm of the reading content, accompanied by the movements and expressions of the poet. The person who reads it is called a declarant.

2. Poetry Musicalization

Poetry sung with musical accompaniment is often called musicalization. Poetry musicalization is used to make poetry reading more enjoyable and expressive. Poems are sung or accompanied appropriately. According to Mohd. Harun in his book Learning Poetry for Students (2018), musicalization of poetry is a type of musical work that is composed or composed from a poetic text written by a poet and posted to the media as Literature. Some examples of poetry that have been quite successful in musicalization are:

  • The musicalization of a poem entitled “Sia-sia” by Chairil Anwar
  • Musicalization of the poem entitled “I want” by Sapardi Djoko Damono
  • Musicalization of a poem entitled “Kangen” by WS Rendra
  • Drama

Furthermore, the form of a literary appreciation is drama. Drama is a genre of literary works that describes human life with motion. This form of literary appreciation describes the reality of life, personality, and people’s behavior through choreographed roles and dialogues. Dramatic stories and stories contain conflict and emotion specific to theatrical performances.

In staging dramas, the theme of the story is usually based on an existing story, such as a short story or a novel by well-known writers. An example of a drama that has recently been staged in a theater is the play from the novel “Like Rendid Rindu Must Be Paid Fully” by Eka Kurniawan.

3. Ecranization

Finally, there is literary appreciation in the form of ecranization, namely the process of translating from a literary work to a film or the process of translating literary works. In practice, ecranization is a way to appreciate a literary work by turning the literary work into a film, which of course has to go through various character selections and proper execution in order to get maximum results and not make the readers disappointed when they see the results of the translation of the literary work.

Ecranization has been widely carried out both domestic and foreign literary works. The most recently ecranized literary work is a novel entitled “Like Revenge of Rindu Must Be Paid Fully” by Eka Kurniawan.


This is a brief discussion on understanding appreciation: definition, function and relation to literature. The discussion this time does not only discuss the definition of appreciation, but also discusses the function of appreciation, steps of appreciation and forms of appreciation. Appreciation does not only provide space for us to respect ourselves and others but also makes it a vessel for the expression of our hidden talents through the form of literary appreciation.

Thus a review of the meaning of appreciation. For Matobers who want to learn all about the notion of appreciation and knowledge related to other literature, you can visit sinaumedia.com to get related books.