What Is a Project: Set Project Goals and Objectives Tips

What is Project? If you work as an architect, project is a term you often hear. But not only architects but projects are also activities that can be carried out in other career fields.

This article will explain the various types of projects and their properties. You can also find out the elements of a project and can help your job desk if you handle one of the types of projects below. So, let’s take a look!

Project Definition and Meaning

A project is an activity that takes place temporarily with a predetermined start and finishes deadline. The term for starting a project is usually called kick-off, and the end of the project is called closing.

The project will start with an idea, rough planning, activities, and closing. All stages are well, neatly integrated and carried out by every team involved.

During implementation, those involved are, of course, not only the internal team of the company, institution or organization but also external parties. Some of the parties include clients, media partners, and sponsorships.

Later in the internal team, the project leader or project manager will carry out the division of tasks. This division of functions makes it easier for anyone who can be contacted by outsiders who want to find out more about the project being worked on.

Project Parts and Elements

There are several ways you can do so that the project runs smoothly, such as compiling terms of reference or TOR and making Gantt charts.

With TOR, you can brief the team about the project’s implementation and the needs. You can make Gantt charts at the time of and during the project to coordinate and monitor project progress.

Apart from the two things above, the main thing that must be done so that the implementation of the project runs smoothly is to understand the elements of the project. If one is fulfilled, there could be something right in the planning and implementation.

The project elements are as follows:

1. Scope

One element of the project is the scope. This element must be determined from the start by considering time and cost. The goal is that the end result is straightforward and does not extend to other work outside the project’s scope.

2. HR

In implementing a project so that it is on time, of course, qualified human resources are needed. Usually, HR will be divided into several divisions according to needs. But in general, HR includes supervisors, staff, and project managers as project leaders.

3. Time

Another element of the project is time. There should be an explanation of when and how long the project will be carried out. Usually, the project leader will specify what goals must be achieved from time to time to determine the final destination.

4. Money

The last element of the project is money. A task will only be easier to run if there is financial support to buy the materials needed or pay for the labor.

It’s like, money is like gasoline. If there is no gasoline, the vehicle cannot run and reach its destination. Without money, the project cannot be carried out and reach its final goal.

Project’s Trait

An activity can be said as a project if it has the following characteristics:

1. The project is temporary. It will not be implemented forever

2. Has the potential as a sustainable thing to be improved in the subsequent implementation

3. Have exceptional results because each project does not produce the same thing. It must be different

4. Measurable results because the scope of activities is clearly known

5. Beneficial for many parties

6. Have a conflict that will need a resolution later

7. Have an implementation team

Project Objectives and Goals

Project objectives are what you want to achieve at the end of the project. This could include end results and assets or more abstract goals such as increasing productivity or motivation.

Project objectives should be achievable, time-bound, and specific goals that can be foreseen at the end of the project. Project objectives are an essential element of project management.

Without them, there is no concise way to communicate goals before and during a project or a measurable way to evaluate your success after the project ends.

Project Objectives vs Project Goals

While some teams may use these two terms interchangeably, there is a unique difference between goals vs project goals. Generally, the level of project goals is higher than project goals.

Project goals should describe what happens after the project is successful and the project’s alignment with the overall business goals.

On the other hand, project goals are more detailed and specific than project goals. While many project goals can influence business goals, your goals are more focused on the particular, actual result at the project’s end.

Example project goal: Add five new ways customers can find in-product feedback forms in the next two months.

Example of a project goal: Make it easier for the technical team to receive and respond to customer feedback.

Why Do We Need Project Goals and Objectives?

Clear project goals help you know where the project is headed. With project goals, it’s easier to tell whether a project succeeded or failed, and you can plan improvements for future projects.

Team members must understand whether their work aligns with the larger company goals and projects to be more motivated and engaged.

According to Asana’s Goals Report, only 26% of intellectual workers understand the contribution of their individual work to company goals. Your project goals are not company goals but processes linking personal work to project work and company goals.

So when you have clear project goals, team members can evaluate their work consistently and refocus on those goals if they don’t align. Think of your goals as a compass to help the team keep moving in the right direction.

Create Project Objectives Tips!

The secret to writing the best project goals is to make them clear and useful. You can do this using the SMART methodology, which stands for:

1. Specific

Ensure the project goal statement clearly addresses the project the team is working on. Avoid writing overly broad project objectives that are not directly related to project results.

2. Measurable (Measurable)

At the end of the project, you need a way to clearly look back and determine if the project was successful. Make sure the project objectives are clearly measurable, such as changes in a certain percentage or amount of assets.

3. Achievable

What project objectives would one reasonably want to achieve in the project? This relates to the scope of the project. If the project scope is unrealistic, the project objectives will likely be the same.

Without achievable project goals, projects can experience scope creep, delays, or work overload.

4. Realistic 

When creating project goals, you must understand the available project resources. Make sure the goals are achievable within the time frame with the resources available for the project.

5. Time-bound

Project objectives should consider the duration of the project timeline. Be sure to factor in the time available to work on the project.

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