What Is Agile? Introduction To Agile Methodology and Principles

Agile is a software development method that is increasingly popular. This method is increasingly being used because it can help developers create software more efficiently and according to consumer needs.

Then, what is agile development exactly? And should your development team use it?

Relax. In this article, we will thoroughly discuss agile development. From understanding agile principles and advantages to various agile methodologies, you must master them.

Agile Methodology

Agile development uses 8 different methods as a framework as follows:

1. Scrum Methodology

This Agile method focuses on complex software development. Scrum software development consists of several sprints. Agile Sprints are several small processes that each have specific features.

2. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) exists specifically for large companies that want to use Agile methods. SAFe is a solution because there is collaboration between divisions when carrying out projects, so it is more flexible and effective.

3. Lean Software Development (LSD)

Lean Software Development (LSD) is an Agile method that aims to develop software using a minimum number of human resources. LSD is carried out by launching products with limited features or Minimum Viable Products (MVP) according to consumer needs.

4. Kanbans

Kanban is an Agile method with processes that are carried out visually, so workflow activities are better monitored. This visual is called the Kanban Board in the form of a virtual board with three stages To Do, in Progress, and Done.

5. Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is an Agile method that focuses primarily on the technical side of development so that high-quality software results. Thus, the potential of the development team will increase significantly because they have worked extra hard.

6. Crystal Methodology

Crystal Methodology is an Agile method focusing more on team working conditions than on tools or processes. Focus on team communication, interaction, documentation, and feedback. Thus, the results of software development that is made can be maximized.

7. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

The Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is an Agile method that focuses on the involvement of all team members on an ongoing basis to deliver software that is of actual use to the business world.

8. Feature Driven Development (FDD)

Feature Driven Development (FDD) is an Agile method that focuses on completing one feature. Like Scrum, each iteration is only 2–20 days long. Thus, the FDD feature has a more specific scale to be completed on time.

Agile vs Waterfall

Agile is an alternative to the Waterfall method, which is linear and immutable in the middle of the development process. The problem is market needs are starting to change rapidly. In effect, a lot of software with the waterfall method is no longer needed in the market when it is released.

Therefore, on 11-13 February 2001, 17 developers gathered and discussed to find a solution. As a result, this Agile Methodology was created.

Agile Manifesto and Agile Principles

The meeting of the 17 developers above resulted in the Agile Manifesto, which contains four critical values in software development, namely:

1. Prioritizing individuals and their interactions rather than processes and tools.

2. Prioritizing working software rather than creating complete documentation.

3. Prioritizing cooperation with consumers rather than contract negotiations.

4. Prioritize responding to change rather than just following a plan

So, from the development of the Manifesto, 12 Agile principles emerged, which became the basis for implementing the Agile methodology, include:

1. The main priority is customer satisfaction through software that is released quickly and regularly

Consumers will certainly be more satisfied because they can immediately enjoy the software and its improvements quickly at each iteration instead of waiting months or years for the project to finish.

2. Be open to changing needs, even at the end of development.

Agile supports this change for the good of consumers.

Any changes can be immediately applied without going through a complicated process. The reason is that implementing changes is better than releasing software that does not meet consumer needs.

3. Release software regularly, starting from a few weeks up to once every few months.

However, the sooner, the better — Releasing software regularly and quickly ensures that the software always meets market needs.

4. Developers and the business department must work together every day while the project is running

Decisions taken will have better results if both parties provide criticism and suggestions to each other.

5. Create projects with motivated individuals.

Please give them the environment and support they need. Then, believe me, they will get the job done. A motivated team is more likely to be successful than a less motivated team. One way is to give them freedom.

6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information in a team is one-on-one

Direct communication can build trust between individuals more quickly.

7. Software that functions appropriately is a measure of project success

The goal of developing software is to produce software. Therefore, working software is the best benchmark.

8. Agile supports sustainable development. So that all parties must maintain the same pace

The team must carry out iterations regularly until the project is complete. So, no team member should hinder iteration.

9. Good technical aspects and design can increase agility

Team members should have good skills to continue to create quality software even during change.

10. The importance of simplicity to minimize unnecessary work

The team should make things easy and do work that meets the customer’s needs.

11. An independent team will produce the best architecture, requirements and design

An independent team will be proud of their work. So they will produce a better position than when restrained.

12. As often as possible, the team should think of ways to be more effective, then implement them well

Self-development for team members is also essential. Because it can improve the efficiency and quality of software. Therefore, ensure you properly apply Agile values and principles to produce the high-quality software consumers need.


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