What is Computer Security and its Types

Computer security systems are also known as cyber security or IT security.

Computer security systems protect information systems from theft or damage to the hardware, software, and information contained in them and from disrupting or misdirecting the services they provide.

This field is becoming increasingly important due to the increasing dependency on computer systems in large part of society.

Computer systems now cover a wide range of “smart” devices, including smartphones, smart TVs and small devices as part of the internet of things and networking or networks that include not only the internet and personal data networks but also blue-tooth, wi-fi and wireless networks.

Other. Below we will review in full detail what a Computer Security System is.

Computer Security System Definition

Computer Security System protects computer systems and information from harm, theft and unauthorized use.

Computer hardware is usually covered in the same way that other valuable or sensitive equipment is protected, namely, serial numbers, doors and locks, and alarms.

On the other hand, protection of information and system access is achieved through different tactics, some of which are quite complex based on the conclusions we draw from the Britannica Site.

In general, a computer security system here includes controlling physical access to hardware, as well as protecting against hazards that may come through network access, data and code injection due to malpractice by operators, whether intentional, unintentional or because they are deceived. To deviate from security procedures.

Computer Security: History

To understand what a Computer Security System is, we also have to know a little about the history of this computer security system.

Computer security has become increasingly important since the late 1960s when modems (devices that allow computers to communicate over telephone lines) were introduced.

The proliferation of personal computers in the 1980s added to the problem because they allowed hackers (unscrupulous computer users) to illegally access major computer systems from the privacy of their homes.

The development of advanced security techniques continues to mitigate such threats. However, concurrent improvements in computer crime methods pose continued dangers.

Computer Security Types

Computer networks have various aspects and functions of each, as well as computer network security systems that are also designed according to their respective functions and objectives, including:

1. Web Security

The web is a very important part of technological progress. Web Security plays a role in protecting search tools or websites. In addition, web security has a very important role in e-commerce which stores thousands or millions of customer data.

Web security is usually something like a secure socket layer which is used as a tool to increase the security of a website. Like a website with an SSL certificate installed, it can be marked with a padlock icon in the browser address bar.

2. Security e-mail

Apart from websites, data theft is also common via e-mail. Some crucial information is stored in an e-mail. Therefore e-mail security is very important.

E-mail security itself works by blocking attacks that are harmful and have the potential to steal important data. Generally, e-mail security is also equipped with an anti-spam software system that protects all users.

3. Wireless Security

Currently, almost all devices are connected wirelessly or wirelessly. This wireless network is also one of the parts that are vulnerable to attack by irresponsible people. Wireless network security is very low because wireless networks only have weak configurations and encryption types.

Wireless Security is usually used to anticipate virus attacks from outside.

4. Application Security

Application Security is also very important because applications store a lot of user data and are often the target of data theft. Application Security will create a higher level of security and be free from cyber attacks.

5. Endpoint Security

Computer devices used can be targets of data theft. Endpoint security can function as a security tool for personal devices connected to a business network.

6. Firewalls

Firewalls work like shields to secure computer networks. In addition, internal computer networks from an external network also need to be suspected.

If using a firewall, network traffic can be checked against several protocols. Even a firewall can also be used to block potentially harmful traffic.

7. Data Loss Prevention

Data Loss Prevention is a type of computer network security system that functions to protect some sensitive data.

The Data Loss Prevention System has a design so that the system can work automatically. Using the system can also make it easier to check data on the computer network.

8. Behavioral Analytics

This security system was created to determine the activities of people who want to use illegal access. One way to deal with suspicious activities is with anomaly detection engines.

These tools have the function of performing analysis on a network. After that, internet users are also notified when carrying out suspicious activities and violations.

9. Antivirus and Malware

Antivirus and Antimalware are the most popular and widely used tools. These two tools work by removing all viruses and malware that are embedded in the device used.

However, malware is more dangerous than viruses because malware attacks not only devices but also networks.

Types of Computer Threats

The following are the types of threats that exist in computer security systems that exist in today’s modern times.

1. Trojan Horses

Trojan Horse is a malicious program attached to applications that legitimate users think but are, in fact, dangerous.

Once a trojan horse’s embedded application has been downloaded on your computer, it can record your secret passwords. It will log keystrokes, known as keystroke loggers, to hijack your web camera to watch and record your entire move in business.

The most popular banking threats from the trojan horse family are Zeus and the spy eye.

2. Backdoors

A backdoor is not malware, but a backdoor generates a secret path or method by an eavesdropper to bypass all regular authentication services.

3. Botnets

A botnet is a group of computer or software robots or bots that create battalions of infected computers known as zombies when connected to the internet by their originators.

The originator of this botnet controls them remotely. Botnets can spread all kinds of malware, send spam e-mails with viruses attached, use one computer to infect another, and so on.

4. Wabbits

Wabbits are self-replicating threats, unlike viruses or worms. Wabbits do not harm the Computer Security System like a virus, so it does not replicate like a worm. An example of a wabbit attack is a fork bomb.

5. Hacking

A very good term for a security breach is hacking. Hacking is an action taken by some anonymous person to gain unauthorized access to a computer.

Hackers find weaknesses in our security settings to access our information, installing trojan horses to create backdoors to find our confidential information.

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