What is Django Python? – Everything You Need to Know!

You Python developers, you may be familiar with the Django framework. But for those who don’t, you might be wondering. What is the Django Python framework, and where is the specialty of this framework?

A little sneak peeks, the Django framework is a framework that can be used to create all kinds of websites. We invite you to get acquainted with Django and practice the Django framework tutorial in this article.

Curious right? Let’s learn the Django framework to completion!

Django Framework

The Django framework is one of many Python frameworks currently available. Like other frameworks, the Django framework functions to make it easier and speed up the work of developers in building websites.

However, you must remember or are unfamiliar with frameworks and their functions. In that case, you can read our article about what frameworks are.

Coming back to Django provides various modules, libraries, and APIs for developers to make free use of. So, they can code from scratch when using the Django framework.

Unlike other frameworks, Django implements the MTV architecture or Model Template View. Automatically, its use is different when compared to the framework in general.


Django was initially developed in 2003 and 2005 by several web developers tasked with creating and maintaining web portals (newspaper websites).

After creating several websites, these people started to recreate the code they had written by applying several design patterns. It was then deployed as an open-source project under “Django” in July 2005.

Django then continued to develop, then released version 1.0 in September 2008. Now (2018), Django has reached version 2.0.

Django Components

Here, each component has its own duties, such as:

Model: Just like a model in general, it functions to process and process ordered data from the database.

View & URLconf:  This is Django’s “Controller.” View and URLconf are in charge of distributing data from Model to Template, or vice versa, receiving data requests from Clients or Users.

Templates: This is Django’s “View.” The template here’s job is to display data received from the database according to the command inputted by the Client.

Armed with this MTV architecture, the Django framework is a whole stack framework. Because all back-end activities, such as logic and queries, are done by the Model. Meanwhile, everything related to the front-end display is managed by the template.

The advantage is you don’t need to use two different frameworks for the back end and front end when building websites with the Django framework.

Django Features

1. Rapid Development

Django was designed to facilitate the rapid development of web applications. It streamlines the project implementation process, allowing developers to build applications quickly.

2. Enhanced Security

Django’s security measures go beyond its built-in security features. The extensive experience and expertise of the Django user base also contribute to its security efforts.

Using a framework like Django reduces the risk of accidentally introducing security vulnerabilities into your application, as compared to building from scratch.

3. Versatility

Django is a versatile framework that can be used to create applications in a wide range of domains. Companies use it to create various types of applications, including content management systems, social networking sites, and scientific computing platforms.

4. Open-Source

Django is a free and open-source web application framework. The source code is publicly available, and can be downloaded from the repository. Using open-source reduces the overall cost of developing an application.

5. Vast and Supportive Community

The Django web framework has a large, dedicated user base, with many talented developers contributing their time and expertise to improve and develop the software.

This commitment results in well-designed packages that are available to anyone building with Django, thus benefiting your application.

Why You Need To Learn About Django

In the previous point, you already understood what Django is. Continuing in this section, we will present why you should learn the Django Framework.

1. Complete & Fast Coding Process

As briefly mentioned, the Django framework is a framework that has lots of libraries, APIs, and modules. Whatever your needs, whether it’s just creating a simple website or a complex feature-packed web application, Django can serve everything.

Plus, Django is written in the Python programming language. Automatically, all the features in Python can also be installed in the Django framework without any compatibility issues. That’s why Django is called a complete framework.

In addition to its exclusive features, Django also uses the MTV architecture, which helps your coding process. MTV provides default script templates while tidying up the website structure.

The above makes your coding experience with the Django framework faster and more enjoyable. Because you don’t need to build everything from scratch or add third-party features.

If the coding is fast, the website can automatically be completed quickly.

2. Guarded Security

Another reason you should learn the Django framework is that it comes with up-to-date protection. With Django, developers can avoid various security errors that commonly occur during the coding process.

For example, in the management of usernames and passwords. Here, Django will not store any sensitive information in vulnerable cookies. Instead, only the key or a copy remains, while the original data remains in the database.

3. Easy to Maintain & Grow

It still has something to do with coding. Django applies the principle of DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself. You must write one or more lines of code to create a command. Then, these commands can be applied to other parts of the website.

That way, you avoid writing the same code over and over again. And again, the final result of coding is getting more concise. Thus, Django websites are easier to maintain and repair if errors occur from time to time.
Apart from DRY, the Django framework also uses a modular principle in its architecture. More specifically, each component is independent and can be disassembled without causing errors in other parts.

Say you want to deprecate a feature for some reason. All you have to do is remove the feature component and then replace it with a new one. Django applications can be developed according to your needs.

4. Portable & Flexible

If you are familiar with Python, you know it is a multiplatform language. Automatically, all Python-based frameworks, including Django, can be run on various platforms. Or another term is portable.

Indeed, Django is identical to being used to create websites. But that means Django websites can be placed on various hosting servers. Whether it’s a Linux, Windows, or even macOS platform.

Speaking of websites, the Django framework is also very flexible. That said, all types of websites can be built using Django. Call it a Content Management System or CMS, news websites, social media, to online encyclopedias.

Even so flexible, it can display website content in various formats according to your needs. For example, HTML, JSON, XML, and RSS feeds.

If you find yourself in need of assistance with implementing Django for your web development projects, don’t hesitate to reach out to Webisoft. With their expertise and experience in Django development, they are well-equipped to provide guidance and support to ensure the successful execution of your web applications. Whether it’s refining your Django code, troubleshooting issues, or customizing features, Webisoft’s team of professionals can offer valuable assistance to help you achieve your project goals efficiently and effectively.