What Is Quality Control: Benefits, Examples, Techniques

In every company, of course, there is a quality control section whose goal is to check quality products and be liked by customers, so it’s no wonder that many companies currently need this profession to have products that can be sold with good quality.

To get quality product quality, the company needs people who can carry out the quality control process so that the products that have been made are tested for quality, for those of you who want to know more about what quality control is can listen to the understanding.

Intro to Quality Control

QC is a process to ensure that the products produced are of high quality. This checking process is carried out according to company standards. This profession plays an important role.

This is because they are fully responsible for the quality of the product before it is distributed to the market. In carrying out its duties to test products, QC usually cooperates with QA because they are still in the same department.

The company’s salary is also relatively high, considering the tremendous responsibility. The average salary per month is 10 to 15 million. Salaries in each region vary depending on the size of the UMR.

The requirements for quality control in each company are different, generally according to the type of industry. An example is the food industry, which requires employees with a bachelor’s degree in food technology.

In contrast to drug companies, a graduate from the pharmacy is needed. As for the chemical industry, one of the requirements is a graduate in chemical engineering or a pure chemistry major.

The purpose of QC is to control work activities so that the results meet standards and are completed on time. Then, produce products that are friendly to the environment so that they can guarantee work safety.

Quality Control Implementation

Broadly speaking, the implementation of quality control is to test and assess the feasibility of the product before deployment. To minimize errors, the company must carry out quality control on the appropriate product with the proper personnel.

This process usually begins with raw material testing. After passing and processing into products, several samples were taken to be tested and seen if they needed improvement. At this stage, the staff should record the details of the error and the number of products that need to be repaired.

Based on the report, both production and QC can decide on the following steps. After the product has been repaired, quality control is applied again to the end product before being distributed to clients or users.

A quality control chart can be used to facilitate inspection. The graph will show the production and results of products that have passed quality control, whether they are as expected or if there are parts that need to be improved and how much.

Several types of charts can be used as needed, such as the X-Bar chart (random sample according to specified attributes), the Taguchi method (focusing on the role of product design research and development), and the 100% inspection method with various levels of rigor.

Quality Control Benefits

1. Production is more consistent

The first benefit of quality control is to maintain product consistency. This includes the production process and also the quality offered.

When carrying out quality control, standards are inevitably determined at the beginning.

The function of QC is to ensure that everyone has carried out their duties, the product complies with the given quality standards, and that there are no defects before the product or service is launched.

2. Increase efficiency

The second benefit is increased production, labor, and time efficiency. If QC is not carried out, errors or defects in a product may be found.

Once found, you must repair it again, which is time-consuming, costly, and laborious. It’s better to check at the beginning. The costs, time, and energy you have can focus on developing quality or expanding the business.

3. Maintain customer satisfaction

The next benefit of quality control is maintaining customer satisfaction. When producing a product that has been traded or a service that has been used, there are standards attached to the customer.

Well, customer satisfaction must be maintained because this is one aspect that can affect customer loyalty. Refrain from letting fatal errors go undetected, then make customers not want to buy your product or use your service again.

4. Enable business to grow

The last benefit of quality control is increasing the possibility of a business continuing to grow. If the production process is efficient and consistent, and customers are satisfied, wouldn’t it be easier to grow a business?

Companies can optimize workers because there are already established standards for the production process. Not only that, companies can even update products, systems, and other details.

What Do They Do?

In carrying out quality control, there are procedures that must be passed. Here is the procedure, abstracted from TechTarget.

1. Define standards

The first quality control procedure is to set standards.

What standards must be met before the product can be launched? Should one by one be checked? Can you check just a few percent of production in one batch?

This is very important to do at the beginning because it will determine the effectiveness of the production and preparation process for the product or service provided.

2. Aligning the vision and mission of the company

The next procedure must be followed to align the company’s vision and mission with its employees.

Why is this important? When carrying out quality control, the main goal is to maintain the product or service quality.

This can be achieved optimally if management and employees have the same view that product quality is maintained and by the specified standards.

To align this vision and mission, companies can train their employees and set standards, as mentioned in the previous point.

3. Improve the product or service offered

After determining benchmarks or company standards and aligning the vision and mission of management and employees, the next step is to run the QC itself.

In the quality control procedure, one of the things that must be found is how many failed products. After that, the responsible team can fix it to the standard.

With quality control, it is expected that the percentage of failed products will continue to decrease. Then, what if not? What if too many failed products or services don’t satisfy the customer?

When it reaches that point, the company must plan to improve the production process for the products and services offered. In essence, this process will continue to rotate to ensure or reduce errors made during the product development stage.

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