College is expensive but you don’t have to feel that you are wasting your money. If you choose your college major wisely so you can find a well-paying job, you can get a return on your college investment.
This means that the money you earn after graduation exceeds the amount you spent on a Bachelor’s degree. By taking the right college major, you can get a job faster and can pay back the costs you spent on college many times over.
Of course, you have to choose a major that is timeless. The major must be a major that is always used at all times and you don’t need to worry about being replaced by a robot. Here are 7 of the best college majors for your college investment.
College Majors with Great Salaries
1. Economy
Economics is a major that will continue to be used, economic analysis cannot be replaced with robots. Economics majors will always be needed in every company, whether private or government, so you don’t need to worry if you don’t get a job after graduation.
The world of economics will always be related to other fields so that it will not be forgotten even though the times change. The salary of an economics graduate is very large depending on their flying hours and experience.
2. Information Technology
This course is suitable for those of you who like technology. Information technology majors will certainly always be needed considering that now everything is related to technology. It’s no wonder that many companies now need IT experts. Studying in the IT department is a good investment considering the salary of an IT expert is quite large.
3. Marketing or Marketing
Your marketing major will learn about how to build and sell brands. Being someone who is good at marketing a product or brand will definitely be sought after by companies. A marketing manager can also earn a large salary .
4. Technique
The engineering department has a broad branch of departments. This engineering major combines science and mathematics. An experienced engineering graduate can get a large salary that can reach tens of millions. Even more so if you become an expert in geology or petroleum engineering.
5. Biology
If you like natural science, you can choose this major. The biology major still has broad and interesting branches. In the major will learn about living things and their environment. This major will always be needed at all times because human life continues to develop.
Especially in the current pandemic conditions, the role of biology graduates is needed in finding vaccines. The salary of a biology graduate depends on their position in the world of work.
Those are 5 college majors that are suitable for future investment and get a big salary. If you have questions, you can ask in the comments column.