What is Query SQL?

What is Query SQL

On this occasion we will discuss what is Query SQL. You can read it to the end to find out For those of you who are just getting to know databases or are just learning MySQL databases. Must be familiar with the term query on the database. This query is very familiar in database processing. However, what is a query? Then, how to use MySQL database queries? Come on! Check out our article below! Here we will thoroughly explain the explanation of database queries and the use of database queries in MySQL. What are Query? Query is a syntax or command used to access and … Read more

What is NoSQL? Definition, Function and Advantages


You must know what is NosQL. In this discussion, we will share a little knowledge about the understanding and concepts of NoSQL databases. First, let’s explore from the name first what NoSQL is, literally ‘non SQL’ or ‘non relational SQL’. But sometimes it is also referred to as ‘not only SQL’ which has a better connotation than SQL. Because NoSQL is claimed to have the ability to exceed conventional RDBMS databases which are table-based ( tabular ). For those of you who have studied or worked in the field of database programming, of course you are familiar with the concept of RDBMS-based databases … Read more