Leadership Theory – Hello Gramedians, future leaders, every individual has the opportunity to become a leader, without exception. Although individuals are born diverse, this diversity can be a unique characteristic of each individual.
Thus, the style and type of leadership possessed by each individual must also be unique. Uniquely, every individual who is trusted to be a leader, will definitely have a way of motivating his members. When faced with certain situations or conditions, a leader also has his own method or strategy in finding a way out.
From this diversity, new leadership styles will emerge that can be obtained from adopting the leadership styles of several individuals, modifying the leadership styles of other individuals, problem-solving strategies from other individuals, and much more that can be adopted scientifically.
For you future leaders, what do you need to prepare to become a leader?
Academic provision, of course, but there’s nothing wrong with equipping yourself with other knowledge, which you can use as a guide, when you are preparing to become a leader or are now a leader in a social organization, or in your work environment. For brevity, let’s immediately refer to the following explanations.
A. Definition of Leadership
1. According to Wahjosumidjo (1987:11)
Leadership is essentially something that is inherent in a leader in the form of certain characteristics such as personality , ability and capability . Leadership is also a series of activities (activities) of leaders that cannot be separated from the position (position) and style or behavior of the leader himself. Leadership is a process of interrelationships or interactions between leaders, followers, and situations.
2. According to Moejiono (2002)
Seeing that leadership is actually a result of one-way influence, because leaders may have certain qualities that distinguish themselves from their followers. Voluntary theorists (compliance induction theorists) tend to view leadership as forcing or forcing indirect influence and as a means to form groups according to the wishes of the leader (Moejiono, 2002).
3. According to Fiedler (1967)
Leadership is basically a pattern of relationships between individuals who use their authority and influence over groups of people to work together to achieve goals.
4. According to Ott (1996)
Leadership can be defined as an interpersonal process in which a person influences the attitudes, beliefs, and especially the behavior of others.
So that’s the meaning of leadership according to experts, Gramedian. Why do so many experts argue about leadership, huh? Then, what is the meaning of leadership in general? Gramedians, in general, leadership can be interpreted as an art that shapes individuals, to become strong and resilient, to be able to motivate a group of people, without coercion, without pressure, and without threats, to want to do something together, to achieve goals together.
In developing the ability to lead, a person must be able to become a figure who can be a good example for others and this requires practice and experience. The Leader + Leadership book can be used as a reference for you future leaders.
Book Description:
There are not soldiers, only bad officers. Napoleon’s metaphorical phrase has the meaning of “wings” that a group, both private and government organizations, its success lies in its leaders and leadership. Meanwhile, subordinates are the implementing “extension” of the leader’s ideas, strategies, and policies. Some of the requirements for a reliable leader include being good and wise and full of humanity, not selfish, not overambitious, not selfish, and not crazy about power.
On the other hand, abnormal leaders who have inferior characteristics, for example, will have an impact on behavioral deviations or psychological symptoms, mungkar, and social deviations in their members. However, for some cases of abnormality in their character – they are not always a “dark shadow” for themselves and their members. If the abnormality is in accordance with the demands of the situation and conditions at the time. For example, in the case of Ford and Mao Tse Tung, who were always plagued with obsession, they were able to build great works in the field of business and state administration. This leader and leadership book can be used as a mandatory book for prospective leaders, be it students who are in the process of forming themselves into future leaders or workers who are moving towards a career path.
Including those who are sitting in leadership chairs, can make this book as a goal in managing leadership better. This book does not only provide concepts, theories, characteristics, models, types, and examples of leaders and leadership. Furthermore, this book provides a clear path to leadership and become a successful leader.
B. Definition of Leadership Theory
Well, now you understand the meaning of leadership right? Many people say, or think, that leadership is a natural trait that a person is born with, that assumption may be true, but not a few also think that leadership is a trait that a person acquires, because it is shaped by the environment, experience, and also education. this is also not wrong.
From the review above, there are several theories which state that having certain traits can help an individual become a leader, which in fact, these traits are innate in individuals. However, there is a theory which states that a person’s leadership model can be influenced or shaped by experience, environment, and education in certain situations and conditions.
In knowing more clearly about leadership theory, you can read the book Effective Leadership Theory, Research & Practice which explains in detail the definitions, approaches, theories, models, and styles for leadership.
So, in this case, we can interpret that leadership theory is a fruit of thought that contains an explanation of what, how, who, when, where and why individuals are said to be leaders. We can use these theories as a guide, to explore the emerging concept of self-leadership, so that at the very least, we can become leaders for ourselves.
C. Kinds of leadership theory
1. Great Man Theory
The Great Man Theory , also known as the great man theory, makes the assumption that leadership traits and leadership talents are innate in a person since that person is born. This theory developed since the 19th century.
Although it cannot be identified with a scientific study of what human characteristics and combinations can be said to be a great leader, many people admit that only one person among many individuals, must have the characteristics of a great leader.
2. Traits Theory
Trait theory , or what we often refer to as personality trait theory, believes that people who are born or trained with a certain personality will make them excel in leadership roles.
This can be interpreted as, certain personality qualities such as courage, intelligence, knowledge, skill, responsiveness, imagination, physique, creativity, sense of responsibility, discipline and other values can make someone a good leader.
This leadership theory focuses on analyzing mental, physical and social characteristics in order to gain more understanding and knowledge about the characteristics and combinations of characteristics that are common among leaders.
3. Contingency Theory
Contingency theory or derived from the word Contingency Theory assumes that there is no best way to lead and states that each leadership style must be based on certain situations and conditions.
On the basis of this contingency theory, a person may succeed in appearing and leading very effectively in certain conditions, situations and places, but his leadership performance changes according to the existing situations and conditions, if the leader is transferred to other situations and conditions or when factors in The surroundings have changed too.
Contingency theory or Contingency Theory is also often referred to as situational leadership theory.
4. Theory of style and behavior
The theory of leadership based on style and behavior is referred to as the opposite of The Great Man Theory.
Theories based on style and behavior state that great leaders are made, not born. This leadership theory focuses on the actions of a leader. Not on the mental quality or nature or innate character of that person.
This theory also states, a person can learn and practice to become a leader through good teaching, experience, and observation. This theory shows that effective leadership is the result of three main skills possessed by individuals, namely skills in the form of technical, human, and conceptual skills.
5. Behavioral Theories
Behavioral theories are a reaction to Trait Theory . Behavioral theories present a new perspective on leadership. This theory pays attention to the behavior of the leaders themselves, rather than the mental, physical, and social characteristics of the leaders. This theory assumes that the success of a leader is determined by his behavior in carrying out leadership functions and this behavior can be learned or trained. In addition, this theory assumes that successful leadership is leadership based on learned behavior.
6. Servant Theory
Servant leadership theory or in Indonesian it is referred to as a servant was first introduced in the early 1970s. This theory believes that a good leader is a leader whose job is to serve, look after, and maintain the physical and mental well-being of his followers or members. This leadership style tends to focus on meeting the needs of followers and helping them become more independent and broad-minded.
In this theory, a good leader is also required to be able to sympathize and be able to relieve the excessive anxiety of his followers. Therefore, the leadership function is given to someone who basically has the soul of a servant or serving. This theory suggests that the task of a leader is to contribute to the welfare of others as a form of social responsibility.
7. Transactional theory
Derived from the basic word transaction, this theory describes a leadership style based on agreements or agreements made by someone with other people. In this case, of course, the executors are the leader and the staff or their followers. This agreement was made with the aim of obtaining an equivalent or mutually beneficial exchange (transaction) between the leader and the staff.
A staff who can carry out the duties of a leader well is a plus for the staff and also for the leader who gives the task. When the task can be completed properly, a leader will give appreciation in the form of allowances, bonuses, salary increases, position increases, and so on. Giving appreciation in the form of money or other tokens is a form of appreciation for one’s performance, which makes that person feel that their hard work is appreciated. This award is also a form of things that have been mutually agreed upon beforehand.
8. Transformational theory
Refers to the word transformation, which has the general meaning of change. The theory of transformational leadership is a theory that leads to the term humanizing humans . This theory puts forward a leader’s personal approach to staff or subordinates, it can also be an organization, in order to build enthusiasm, change awareness, and provide inspiration, in order to achieve common goals without feeling pressured or pressured, even being able to motivate each of its members. The transformational leader style always wants to manage the institution or organization entrusted to him more effectively and efficiently.
In studying leadership theory and how to apply it, you can read the Sixth Edition of Leadership Theory and Practice written by Peter GN below.
D. Organizing
In general, an individual is said to be a leader, because the individual is in an organization or institution, in that organization or institution there is a management structure for service mandate holders in an organization. These administrators are divided into various fields of work according to the potential of each administrator, and this trust is given by the leadership and all members, not without basis, but the members together with the leadership have carried out a fit and proper test on candidates for managing an organization.
One of the case studies that we can see is the education system in Indonesia, such as schools, where the success of education is largely determined by the ability of the principal who leads the organization. To understand more deeply about the use of leadership theory in it,
E. Organizational structure
In carrying out his mandate, a leader is expected to have the ability to organize an institution, or organization, where a leader carries out his mandate. Several researchers and management practitioners have developed an understanding of the relationship between structures and the performance of a leader within a structure.
In an organization there are various forms of structure, behavior, processes, which can affect the results of the performance of an organization. This is discussed in the book Organization: Structure, Behavior, Process and Results.
1. Formalization
Formalization comes from the word formal, which means according to legal regulations, according to prevailing customs, or something that is considered official. Formalization is a process, in which a leader of an organization, runs the wheels of its organizational activities with procedures and rules that are regulated in a terms and conditions that have been formulated.
The degree to which all expectations regarding the manner and purpose of work are formulated, written down and enforced. Then the running of this activity must be in accordance with the formal rules that have been enforced. Formalization is also the result of high performance characteristics, high delegation of tasks and authority, division of job descriptions based on functions, and wide areas of control.
2. Centralization
Centralization which comes from the word central which means center, is a parameter of the structure of an organization where the authority to make a decision rests with the leadership.
The authority structure of the leadership in an organization with these characteristics, if the specificity of performance is high, then the centralization will be even greater.
Fewer tasks and authorities are delegated, because they are determined by the authority of the leadership. The greater the use of departments based on function, the greater the centralization. The wider the control area, the wider the centralization.
3. Hassle
Complexity or complexity, is an organizational structure that uses reference to the number of different jobs or units within the organization.
Gramedian, to further deepen our understanding of leadership theory, let’s try to answer the following questions. Sentences in bold type are the answers.
1. Which is not a leadership criterion?
a. Always refers to position
b. Focus on abilities
c. Have influence
d. The art of influencing
e. Ability, Art, and Process
2. What is the difference between a manager and a leader in achieving a result?
a. Managers achieve results by directing the activities of others while leaders create and inspire others to achieve a vision
b. Managers achieve results by planning, while leaders achieve them by working alone
c. Managers achieve results by creating a vision while leaders direct the activities of others
d. Answers A and C are correct
e. All answers are correct
3. The leadership function according to Ott (1996) is…
a. Following the Process, Aligning the Vision, Empowering Members, Motivating, As a Model
b. Challenging the Process and Status Quo, Equalizing the Vision, Empowering Members, Motivating, Setting an Example
c. Challenging the Process and Status Quo, Shared Vision, and Grouping Members
d. Creating a shared VISION, Living and Organizing, Motivating, Being a Model
e. the interpersonal process by which one person influences the attitudes, beliefs, and especially the behavior of others.
4. What causes a decrease in employee commitment?
a. Achievement of satisfactory output and weak supervision.
b. Too focused on short-range goals and intervening variables.
c. Output Variable achieved is not very good.
d. The low effectiveness of achieving output and ignoring intervening variables
e. Emphasis on achieving output that is too high and ignoring intervening variables.
5. Which of the following elements are in accordance with the theory of style and behavior?…
a. Focus on the actions of a leader.
b. Prioritize a personal approach.
c. Based on an agreement or agreement.
d. Based on certain situations and conditions.
e. The nature of the leader, innate.