The difference between needs and wants – In everyday life, humans cannot be separated from eating and drinking. Why? Because eating and drinking is one of the needs that must be met.
Well, what is a need? What are the types and examples? Then, what is the difference with desire?
Come on, see the following explanation!
Definition of Needs
In simple terms, the definition of need has been put forward by KBBI namely ‘something that is needed or needed’.
Needs are everything that is needed by humans to achieve welfare. If these individual needs are not met, it is possible for an unhealthy life to occur.
Basically, the needs of each individual are different, which are influenced by the level of income and satisfaction contained in each individual. Even in the current era, a person’s needs tend to change because of the increasing human thinking that depends on the situation and conditions.
This is also expressed in the following book entitled Basic Human Needs by Dwi Wijayanti
Types of Needs
Generally, we often know that human needs are divided into three needs, namely primary needs, secondary needs, and tertiary needs.
Meanwhile, according to Abraham Maslow (Prihartanta, 2015) argues that basically, all individuals have basic needs. Maslow divides into five basic human needs, namely physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.
The following is an explanation of primary needs, secondary needs, and tertiary needs!
1. Primary Needs
Primary needs are the main needs that must be met so that individuals can survive. These primary needs can also be referred to as basic needs.
There are many primary needs, namely clothing, food, and boards. Sandang which means (proper) clothes to wear. After that there is food, which means food and drink as energy materials for the human body. Then there is a board which means a place to live as a place to take shelter and rest.
This is also stated in the following book entitled Basic Human Needs by Dwi Wijayanti.
2. Secondary Needs
Secondary needs are types of needs that are complementary because these needs are not so obligatory to be met, alias only as a complement to primary needs. For example, clothing is a primary need, but clothing with certain patterns and colors is a secondary need.
To meet secondary needs, depending on the economic ability of the individual. Even though they are referred to as complementary needs, these secondary needs run straight following the culture and lifestyle that develop in society.
Another example of a secondary need is the need to have a refrigerator, laptop, television, and so on.
3. Tertiary Needs
Tertiary needs can be referred to as luxury needs. This is because the purpose of fulfilling this type of need is only for personal pleasure and each individual has different tertiary needs from one another.
An example is the ownership of car transportation equipment, overseas tours, musical instruments, and others.
But keep in mind that the fulfillment of this type of need is very dependent on the position, strata, and economic income of each individual in a society.
Mostly, these tertiary needs are in the form of luxury objects. Even so, each individual’s view of tertiary needs is different. There are those who think that a laptop is a luxury item so that it is included in a tertiary need that is not mandatory. However, for some individuals, a laptop can be one of their basic needs because they work using these electronic devices.
Basically, the needs of each individual are different from one another and are influenced by the level of income and individual satisfaction. The higher the income, the level of desire to meet needs, be it primary, secondary and tertiary needs, will also be higher.
So, as human beings who have an intelligent mindset, we should prioritize our primary needs first. After that, just fulfill secondary and tertiary needs with sufficient portions.
Human Needs According to Maslow
Previously it was mentioned that Abraham Maslow had divided basic human needs into five levels, namely:
1. Physiological needs
This need is an absolute necessity that must be met by individuals if they want to survive. These needs consist of meeting the need for oxygen, the need for drinks, the need for food or nutrition, the need for rest, and others.
2. The need for security
This need is the feeling of being safe and protected from any danger. In this level needs are divided into physical protection and psychological protection.
3. The need for love and affection
This need is to belong and be possessed by bonds with other individuals. For example getting affection from family, friends, social groups, or even partners of the opposite sex.
4. The need for appreciation
This need is closely related to the desire within the individual to gain strength, to achieve achievements, to gain recognition from others for their achievements, and so on.
5. The need for self-actualization
This need is in the form of individual participation in other environments in order to achieve his potential. In this level, the needs are divided into several types, namely cognitive needs, aesthetic needs, and self-actualization needs.
If you are looking for material on various basic human needs, maybe this book entitled Basic Human Needs can be of use to you!
The difference between Needs and Wants
According to Rochmawan (in Gunawijaya, 2017) human needs are many and varied. In fact, these needs will continue to grow and will never end in line with the development of civilization, scientific and technological advances like today.
If one need is fulfilled, surely you will feel that you need another need, continuously like that.
Unfulfilled needs can also affect individual survival, for example when you are sick, you definitely need medicine. However, you don’t have enough money to buy medicine, of course this can affect your health.
Usually, humans will never be satisfied with their needs. When these needs are met, new desires will arise for other needs.
So it can be concluded that needs and wants are two different things. Needs are human desires for goods and services that must be met in order to sustain life. While desire is something we want to have, but if we don’t get it, it won’t have a big effect on our survival.
If you don’t understand the difference, pay attention to the following illustration!
Clothing is one of the basic human needs. The clothes worn should be clean and modest. Meanwhile, in a condition, humans also have the desire to have clothes with certain brands, motifs, and colors.
A girl has a desire to wear branded clothes like ZARA , even though without those brands, her need for clothing will be fulfilled.
Another example is the existence of a student who wants a sophisticated smartphone with the Apple brand, even though if seen from their urgent needs, the student’s needs are just calls, SMS, and surfing activities on social media which actually can also be done using other brands of smartphones that are cheaper. .
Why Are Human Needs Infinite?
Then, why are human needs unlimited? Constantly wanting other needs after the previous one was fulfilled?
The answer is because it has become human nature to always feel lacking. Well, here are the factors that cause humans to behave this way,
1. Human nature
As previously explained that human nature is to have traits and feelings that are always lacking. The more facilities you have, the more needs you feel have not been met.
2. Natural and environmental factors
The natural structure in which humans live is also a factor that encourages humans to act in accordance with their natural environment.
3. Community environmental factors
In this case, humans as social beings tend to want to adapt to the lifestyle of the people in their environment. For example, rural communities, of course, have different lifestyles from urban communities.
4. International trade factors
As a result of the rapid globalization, the existence of international trade makes more and more goods imported from abroad, causing the needs of the people to increase rapidly.
5. Demonstration effect factor
Following the fourth factor, namely the factor of international trade which not only causes the smooth running of international trade, but also the culture. In this factor, people usually tend to imitate other people’s behavior, clothing styles, and hair styles based on what they see.
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