What is the meaning and type of monsoon wind? Monsoon winds are something that is familiar, especially in Indonesia. This is because the monsoon winds have a huge impact on Indonesia.
Many impacts arise as a result of monsoon winds. However, before knowing the impacts, let’s find out what a monsoon wind is. This article will discuss the meaning and types of monsoon winds and the impact of monsoons in Indonesia.
Definition of Monsoon Winds
In simpler terms, the notion of monsoon winds is something that is used to describe changes in each season. These changes in the atmospheric circulation. As well as precipitation associated with warming on asymmetrical land and sea.
Generally, the term monsoon will be used to describe the rainy phase. From a pattern that changes each season. Although technically it can also occur in the dry phase.
Monsoons are a movement of air masses. This movement occurs because of a striking difference in air pressure. This difference occurs on land and oceans or seas. This monsoon wind can change direction.
Changes occur every year. Monsoon winds experience changes in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia.
Types of Monsoon Winds
Monsoons can be divided into two types, namely west monsoons and east monsoons. Here’s the explanation:
1. West Monsoon
At this time, the sun is in the southern hemisphere or 23.5 ° south latitude. Then the sun will move towards the equator. In these conditions, the plains of Australia will get maximum sunlight.
That would keep the air pressure in Australia low, and the temperature would be relatively high. While on the plains of Asia will occur winter. This makes the temperature low while the air pressure becomes high.
2. East Monsoon
At this time, the position of the sun will be in the northern hemisphere or 23.5 ° north latitude. Asia will get maximum sunlight. This will make the air pressure relatively low. While the temperature will be relatively high.
Different things happen, Australia is in winter conditions. This causes the temperature to be relatively low and the air pressure relatively high. The contents of water vapor carried by the east monsoon are relatively low.
That’s because the wind only passes through some narrow seas. As a result of this wind, the rainfall becomes less in the Indonesian area.
Impact of Monsoon Winds
Monsoon winds don’t just happen. Monsoon winds have many benefits. Examples such as being used to speed up shipping in his day.
This allows people who sail from the Asian continent to Australia to take advantage of the west monsoon. Instead, people who will sail from Australia to Asia will take advantage of the east monsoon. Through the help of the monsoon winds, the shipping process can occur in a short time.
Not only that, the energy expended can also be reduced. Since the times, many people no longer use monsoon winds as helpers in shipping. However, there are still many benefits and impacts of monsoons. Here’s the explanation:
1. The positive impact of monsoon winds
This monsoon wind certainly has a positive impact. These impacts will help human life. The positive impacts of monsoon winds are as follows:
a. West monsoon wind
The following are the positive impacts of the west monsoon:
1) Make plants greener and more fertile
The west monsoon wind will have a good effect on plants. When the west monsoon winds, Indonesia experiences the rainy season.
The result is high rainfall. Through this, the plant will absorb more and more water. This makes plants greener and more fertile.
2) Reducing air pollution
Reducing air pollution is also a positive impact of this west monsoon wind. When it rains, air pollution such as dust flying in the air will also dissolve. The dust will be washed away with the rain.
That is what states that the west monsoon wind will have an impact on air pollution. Thanks to this west monsoon wind, air pollution and air pollution can fade away little by little.
3) There is no need to use water for paddy fields
The positive impact of the west monsoon also makes it easier for farmers to irrigate their fields. As is known, the west monsoon wind will make rainfall high. In this case, farmers can feel the positive impact.
Farmers do not need to provide water to irrigate their fields. This makes work more efficient. In addition, this will also save farmers’ expenses. In addition to saving costs, spending water will also be more efficient.
4) Reducing the risk of forest fires
When the west monsoon winds, it will rain. This keeps the plants watered with rainwater and makes them fertile. Plants don’t wither and don’t dry out.
Through this, will reduce the risk of forest fires. One of the causes of forest fires is drying of plant parts. Thanks to the west monsoon, the drought can be overcome.
b. East monsoon
The following are the positive impacts of the east monsoon:
1) Farmers can harvest in peace
The positive impact of the east monsoon can be felt by farmers. During the east monsoon, rainfall will be low. This makes farmers’ fears of heavy rains more manageable.
When the east monsoon occurs, the drying of the plants can be done quietly. The results from drying the plants will also be better. This is because it gets enough sunlight.
2) Fishermen can go to sea in peace
It’s not only farmers who feel the positive impact of the east monsoon. Fishermen can also feel the positive impact of the east monsoon. The warm and sunny weather will allow fishermen to go to sea in peace.
The fishermen will not worry about the potential for rain to disrupt their fishing activities. This will certainly increase the productivity of fishermen. So that fishermen can work optimally and safely.
3) Clothes will dry quickly
The next effect of the east monsoon is that clothes dry quickly. One of the positive effects of this east monsoon can be felt by many people. People who frequently wash clothes can finish the drying process more quickly. This is because of the help from the sun when the east monsoon winds.
2. The negative impact of monsoon winds
Not only positive impact. Monsoon winds also have a negative impact. The following are the negative effects of monsoon winds:
a. West monsoon wind
The following are the negative impacts of the west monsoon:
1) Causing dengue fever
When the rainy season comes, there will be many puddles. These puddles are often found around our environment. If you leave the stagnant water, it will trigger lots of mosquitoes to come out.
Mosquitoes will come out of the nest. Then look for a place to lay eggs. The puddle will be used as a place for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.
If this is allowed, the mosquito eggs will grow into mosquitoes. Then it will attack the surrounding community. As a result, cases of dengue fever will increase and endanger the community.
2) The risk of landslides is high
When the west monsoon comes, the rainfall becomes high. This increases the risk of landslides. Heavy and continuous rains will trigger landslides.
Especially the lands that are in hilly areas. This of course can endanger the people around the hills. especially, if the trees in the area are very few. The risk of landslides will be even higher.
3) Farmers failed to harvest
The rainy season does not only have a positive impact on farmers. But it also has a negative impact on farmers. One example is like the farmers who failed because of the rainy season.
Farmers who fail to harvest during the rainy season are generally due to too much rainfall. This resulted in the rice fields being inundated by a lot of water. Instead of making the plants fertile, it will actually make the plants in it die.
Not only that, the process of drying the harvest will also experience problems. The difficulty of sunlight during the rainy season is an obstacle for farmers in drying their crops. Things like that make farmers fail to harvest when the rainy season or the west monsoon arrives.
4) Disturbing fishermen in the sea
The next negative impact of the west monsoon is that it can disturb fishermen. When they want to go to sea, fishermen must make sure the weather is sunny and friendly. However, if the rainy season comes it will disrupt the fishing activities of the fishermen.
During the rainy season, the sky tends to be darker. In addition, it is not uncommon for heavy rains to always fall. This will endanger fishermen if they continue their fishing activities.
b. East monsoon
The following are the negative impacts of the east monsoon:
1) Difficult to get clean water
When the east monsoon comes or the dry season comes, there are several areas that run out of clean water. Especially for people who live in remote areas. Given that remote areas have a higher risk of water shortages.
This is one of the negative effects of the east monsoon. People find it difficult to get clean water. This makes the fulfillment of life becomes hampered.
2) Lots of dead plants
The negative impact of the next east monsoon is that many plants or plants die. This is because the plants lack water. Given that the dry season will cause drought, especially in some areas.
3) Increase the risk of forest fires
In the previous explanation it was said, one of the causes of forest fires is the dryness of these plants. In addition, because of the hot weather that occurs when the east monsoon comes. The risk of forest fires is higher during the dry season, this is obvious because there is no water flowing through these lands.