Want to know the meaning of delegation? – Friend, Before discussing further about what delegation is, let’s look at the short illustration of the story below.
When we were little, we were occasionally asked to deliver food when, for example, our parents gave a thanksgiving to our neighbors near the house. It’s not because our parents don’t want to deliver, but the reason is that there are several homes that have to be delivered as well, now with our help the goal is that the task of delivering food is expected to be completed quickly.
Before going to a neighbor’s house, our parents give us instructions on which house we will give food to, confirm the name of the designated occupant, then don’t forget there is a message to convey to the occupants of that house. For example, the provision of this food is for the celebration of the wedding anniversary of the father and mother.
The instructions given must be clear so that the message is delivered and there is no wrong delivery. We start to be given assignments when we are approaching adolescence, why because if we are still toddlers the assignments given will fall apart because they are not in accordance with abilities.
So, without realizing it, we have actually become delegates for our families. We represent parents who cannot visit their neighbors in person.
Through the illustration above, can you imagine what delegation is?
Definition of Delegation
Delegates are individuals who are trusted as representatives so they can represent groups or institutions.
Delegation is an activity to give authority and responsibility to other people to carry out an activity in which the party receiving the authority must be able to be accountable to the person who delegates authority.
Definition of Delegation According to Experts
1. Charles J. Keating
Delegation is an effort to give some formal responsibility to other parties in carrying out certain activities.
2. Utje Selamat
In his work entitled “Basics of Marketing”, Uthe Selamet explained that the definition of delegation is a formal delegation of authority and responsibility to other parties to carry out certain activities.
3. Rusley Jacob
Delegation in Rusli Jacob’s point of view is a formal giving of authority or power and responsibility for carrying out certain activities to other parties.
Delegation is a necessity. Delegation of power from superiors to subordinates is only done so that the organization can run efficiently.
The granting of this power is solely so that the wheels of the company can still run because the company leaders can still supervise the company.
Therefore before delegating subordinates are given directions and taught properly because they will be given great responsibility.
4. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
According to KBBI, a delegation is an individual appointed or sent by a country in a deliberation, delegation or delegation of authority from superiors to subordinates in a task environment and must be able to be accountable to their superiors.
Delegating tasks is one of the tasks a manager performs. This delegation is done because at the same time, the manager cannot do the task alone. Need the help of team members or his subordinates to complete the task.
If a person is asked to become a delegate, it means that person has more abilities than the others so that they can be used as a representative to carry out this task.
The person who is appointed to delegate means that he has more ability so that he is entrusted with carrying out certain tasks. The assignment of this task and authority is a normal thing that is usually done in a company or organization.
Within the scope of the company, assignments are usually carried out vertically or from superiors down to subordinates to carry out certain tasks.
Types of Delegation
What types of delegation are there? Following are the types of delegation.
1. General Delegation
The general delegation is a subordinate party who has authority from superiors to carry out various general management functions such as placement, direction, planning, organizing and supervising.
Superiors must exercise control and directives as deemed necessary so that the tasks assigned are appropriate. For example, the appointment of employees who are given certain authority in assisting personnel management
2. Special Delegation
A special delegation is a delegation related to a special task. An example is giving authority to a seller to be able to collect money from his debtors.
3. Formal Delegation
These delegates are selected based on the organizational structure of the company where they work. With the existing organizational structure, superiors have no other choice to appoint their subordinates as delegates. For example, if there is a production manager who is given the authority to increase the production of services or goods.
4. Informal Delegation
Informal delegation is a delegation that is directly carried out by subordinates even without giving authority from superiors. For example, when there is damage to a tool where he works, because he feels capable of repairing it, without being asked by his superiors, he will repair the tool.
5. Lateral Delegation
This delegation is a party that receives authority from more than one person or with the help of a number of people. Here’s an example of a general manager of a sales department who enlists the help of a sales manager to prepare a sales force database. Because it would be difficult to do alone so he will ask for help from the personnel department.
Elements of Delegation
1. Tasks
What must be done by being a reference for the tasks of subordinates who become delegates? Debriefing before carrying out tasks is usually carried out by superiors so as not to deviate and the task is carried out properly.
A task is a unit of work that will be carried out by someone who is a delegate. In a company or organization, giving assignments is the authority from superiors to subordinates or to lower work units.
Assignments become the work standard of an employee, if the tasks are done well so that the work results are good, they will get appreciation. However, if it is not good, it will be evaluated.
2. Power
Power is the overall right or authority taken by a person to choose decisions related to his function.
This illustrates that the power is valid and legal to be given orders, to do something so that the work can be completed.
Power or authority is something that flows from top to bottom. From superior to subordinate or from higher level to lower level.
Someone who is given power must be able to explain to his team members about a task or job, and delegate this task to the right person.
While someone who is given a task must be able to complete it properly so that it can help the smooth running of the company. Power requires responsibility, both on the part of the giver and receiver, so that the results are in line with expectations.
3. Responsibility
Responsibility is a person’s obligation to complete the tasks assigned to him.
Responsibility is human self-awareness of all intentional or unintentional behavior and actions.
If someone is responsible for what he is assigned then he will get an award, but if he is negligent then there are consequences that must be borne.
A delegate must be ready to take responsibility for all tasks given by his superiors. Especially every decision taken and able to explain the reason for making the decision.
4. Accountability
Accountability is the obligation of a person or a team to be accountable for their work. Accountability is a form of a sense of responsibility in order to fulfill the wishes of those who have given the assignment or power.
Accountability is an obligation to convey accountability or to answer and explain what has been done or the performance and actions of a person/legal entity/collective leadership of an organization to parties who have rights or authority
But not only is the responsibility of the assignee, the assignor must also be able to explain the reasons behind giving the assignment.
Delegation Purpose
Why is there a need for delegation? Of course there is a purpose. The following are the objectives of the delegation
1. To streamline and streamline the existing organization within the company.
When the leadership of a company does not have to enter into a sale and purchase agreement with another company, for example, but at the same time there is also work that must be completed by the leadership because it is very urgent, so that it is more effective where both jobs can be completed.
The leadership also sent delegations to complete agreements with other companies, so that internal work could still be completed.
2. To focus more on other things that are more important so that the company’s organization is not neglected because the leadership is in place.
The need for leaders to be in the company to complete a job can be more focused with the help of delegation.
3. To provide assistance to superiors in assessing an appropriate policy.
Delegation is a point of success for subordinates in carrying out a policy given by their superiors.
4. To assign roles to individuals in the company.
A good leader is not one who does everything himself, it would be an irony if this happened. Precisely it shows his powerlessness as a leader.
A good leader is a leader who is able to make his subordinates do all the tasks given so that each individual has a role in advancing the company.
5. To provide motivation to employees so they can focus more on targets that must be achieved.
Sometimes employees need to be motivated, now delegating employees can make them more focused on completing tasks properly. Pride in him because he was successfully selected as a delegate made him motivated to achieve the targets asked for.
6. To help subordinates grow and develop more in their careers.
Being proficient at doing tasks within the company can make them comfortable with that job-that too so that it keeps them from growing. The purpose of delegation is actually to help subordinates to further develop their careers.
7. Provide learning media from failure to success.
Sometimes failure is the starting point for success. Giving employees the opportunity to fail can make them discover new knowledge.
When failure occurs, we will try to find out what causes it and how to overcome it. Failure is the best teacher in life.
Benefits of Delegation
Delegation provides benefits for a company or organization, of course, the following are the benefits of delegation:
- So that the company or organization continues to rotate effectively and efficiently. Tasks can be completed simultaneously without having to leave one.
- Making superiors able to focus more on more important things so that the wheels of the company keep turning. When a company needs full concentration from superiors, the delegation can help them complete external tasks while the leadership focuses on more important things in the company.
- Helping superiors to be able to calculate every decision that will be taken so that it can be right. Sometimes leaders have difficulty making decisions, having a delegation can help them calculate the risks of every decision they make.
- Give everyone in the company the opportunity to take part.
Not all tasks must always be carried out directly by superiors, giving subordinates a place as a delegate means giving them the opportunity to play an active role in the progress of the company. - Motivate all parties to always be oriented towards the right goals and quality. Motivation is important in the successful implementation of tasks, through the task of being a delegate, all parties are motivated to focus on goals.
- Provide opportunities for subordinates to grow and develop in their careers. Through delegation, employees are given the opportunity to grow better and develop continuously.
- Provides information to learn from mistakes
Mistakes are sometimes the best teachers in life. Never be afraid of being wrong if we don’t want to find out the truth.
Powerful Techniques for Delegating Tasks
Having a delegation can help a company if it appoints the right person, but it can also backfire when it makes the wrong choice. Here are powerful techniques for delegating tasks:
1. Give full assignments and trust.
If indeed the boss has entrusted his subordinates to do a task, then let him do it in full without any interference. Complete trust will make the delegate more confident.
2. Choose the right people
Because there is a heavy task that must be completed, don’t choose the wrong person to be a delegate. Observe the track record of the people we will choose as delegates. Gather as much information as possible from the closest people about how it works. Remember the saying ” the right man in the right place”.
3. According to Interests and talents.
Do not force tasks that do not match the interests or talents of subordinates. If we force it, the results will not be optimal.
4. Give clear instructions
Don’t assume that the person who is given the task will immediately understand what the task is, especially for the first time. Make sure he understands what he has to do and what the expected results are.
If he doesn’t understand and only makes guesses, misunderstanding can occur, and if the results are off the mark, the fault is not solely in his hands but could also be due to the unclearness of the taskmaster.
5. Set deadlines and evaluate
Setting a deadline will allow the authorized party to estimate what can be done to meet the deadline provided. Don’t forget to give an evaluation to assess his work. The purpose of the evaluation is to get a picture of the success of the assigned task.
Being a delegate can be an achievement for an employee even though he or she will assume the duties of a superior. Being a delegate keeps employees motivated.
On the other hand, appointing delegates may not be as easy as turning the palm of the hand. The good name and reputation of the company is guaranteed. Therefore it is necessary to study carefully everything about delegation.