Learn Programming Languages ​​For Beginners

Learn Programming Languages ​​For Beginners

Programming has become a part of our daily life. When you open the app, each of its features is driven by various kinds of code. Likewise with websites or software. Everything needs code to be able to work according to its function. Because of that, you must be interested in learning more about programming, right? If so, calm down! You’ve come to the right article! Here you will find out the best steps for learning a programming language or code written to drive a program or device . Starting from which programming language you need to learn to how to practice programming. Anyway, here we will … Read more

Data Types Programmers Must Know

data types

Are you planning to become a programmer? If so, you need to learn data types first. Why is that? Because the data type is a classification that determines how you will use the data in the program . So, by using the right data type, the program you create will run smoothly. Well, actually there are so many programming data types themselves. But in this article we will only discuss the most common types, namely types that fall into the primitive and composite categories . Within these two categories, there are six commonly used data types, namely: Integer ( integer ) Fractional numbers ( floating point ) Karakter ( Char ) Boolean String Array Have you ever … Read more