What is Firewall? Definition, Functions, Benefits, Types, and How it Works

What is Firewall?

Firewall  is generally known as a system that regulates communication between 2 different networks. With the development of the times, many companies use private internet networks to protect digital data assets from unwanted attacks. This time, Matob will review the definition of a firewall, its functions, benefits, types, and how it works. Read on until it’s finished.. What is Firewall? Firewall is a combination of hardware and software whose function is to separate computer networks into two or more to maintain data security. Today companies have access to the internet. Of course the network at the company has a legal entity in it. Therefore, the company’s … Read more

The Importance of Cybersecurity Systems to Drive Digital Transformation in the Middle of a Pandemic

The Importance of Cybersecurity Systems to Drive Digital Transformation in the Middle of a Pandemic

Pandemic COVID-19 has highlighted cybercersecurity as a very serious issue as businesses have shifted to a distributed workforce model. Many businesses find it difficult to be agile in providing their employees with the tools and network infrastructure they need to operate and communicate smoothly when COVID-19 first time attacking. In fact, according to NTT’s 2020 Intelligent Workplace Report entitled ‘Shaping Employee Experiences for a World Transformed’, in many cases, employees are left using their personal devices and applications, increasing the risk of vulnerabilities to security. In addition, only 46.4% of global businesses surveyed for the same report claimed that they … Read more