The “Rule of Three” (RoT) technique is one of the oldest writing techniques that is very useful for creating writing that is interesting or comfortable to read. This technique is found in fairy tales of the world and works of fiction and non-fiction that are famous ranging from classical to modern.
What’s so magical about the number three? It’s no accident that the number three is pervasive throughout some of our greatest stories, fairy tales, and myths.
I am sure, friends of readers who have never known these tips will be surprised when they find out that these tips are found so often in famous writings … ^. ^
It’s also no coincidence that some of the most famous quotes throughout history are structured in three parts, nor is it surprising that the Rule of Three also works wonders in the world of comedy.
It all comes down to the way we humans process information. We have become proficient at pattern recognition by necessity, and three is the smallest number of elements required to create a pattern.
Rule of Three Examples
In addition to being able to apply the concept of RoT on a micro scale, which is in sentences or paragraphs, this technique is also useful for a macro scale, which is the basic concept or the main structure of the entire writing.
Examples of “Rule of Three” in Micro Scale
The following are a few examples of the application of RoT techniques on a micro scale.
“I looked for my lost favorite necklace under the carpet, under the couch and under the bed.” “The princess crawls, rises, and runs towards her success.” “Willing … Get ready … Run!” “Pushing, punching and kicking.”
“Adinda, remember Allah. If we are close to God, is there still something worth to worry about? If we are already in the warmth of the embrace of God’s love, is there still something to worry about? If we are already in the protection of God’s love, is there still anything worth feared? ”
Examples of “Rule of Three” in Macro Scale
This RoT technique is very useful as a basic concept or main structure for the division or entire writing in creating interesting fiction and non-fiction.
In writing Fiction: Preparing for Conflict, Building or Creating Conflict and Overcoming or Making an End of Conflict.
In non-fiction writings: Introduction or Introduction, Body and Closing.
For Non-Science Fiction, the Introduction covers Background, Objectives, Hypotheses and Literature Review. The body in the form of writing which includes the methods and research processes carried out. Concluding remarks in the form of conclusions and suggestions.
For Non Fiction which is Opinion and Reportage in principle the same as for Scientific Non Fiction, the difference lies in the flexibility of the sequence.
read also : Difference Between Analogy Metaphor, and Simile
Why three?
Number three, a very unique number. Generally this number has a special place in the social culture and or belief system (Religion). Amounts related to philosophical matters such as “Birth, Life and Death”, “Upper, Middle and Lower”, “Past, Present and Future”, etc.
Two of the explanations for the privilege of number three are patterns and relatively easy to remember.
The brain works or processes information through patterns, for example in stringing words to communicate, the process of comparing in understanding an event. And three is the lowest amount to create a pattern.
Based on the results of research, listeners or readers generally prefer or are easier to remember three sets of objects, where this relates to the first explanation (pattern).
Ok, friends, readers …
These RoT writing tips are as a basic guide, which must be applied, processed or used cleverly by the author in an article. Surely the writing will be tedious if these tips are too “on sale”, especially on a micro scale.
I am not a professional and well-known writer, I gained this knowledge and dared to convey these tips to my friends, from my perspective as a connoisseur of the writings of qualified writers.
Using humor in your writing can be risky since some people just won’t get it, but using a Rule of Three approach is a safer way to make a funny.
Professional comedians use it all the time, and that’s simply because it works.