9 Important Benefits of Blog Articles for Your Website

I still often encounter website owners who don’t care about the content of blog articles on their website. Hopefully this is because you don’t know yet, so you can know better after reading this

Unless you really don’t care about your website audience, or don’t want a lot of traffic, maybe just a website profile or portfolio.

As a Digital Marketer, for us the website is an important medium to attract as much visitor traffic as possible so that there are more opportunities to get leads / prospects and sales from visitors. The more traffic the more opportunities to get leads.

1. Adding website visitors , every new content article means there are new keywords, new pages. The more hooks you throw overboard, the more likely you are to catch fish.

That’s what it is like, when you add more content to your website blog, more pages and urls will be indexed in search engines. This increases the visibility of organic searches resulting in increased traffic.

2. Distribute the business brand  in a humane way. You cannot force people to open your website in order to make your brand or business known by them.

But with articles, people will naturally step in and read if that’s really the helpful information they need. From this article, people will know your website and business brand indirectly.

3. Support content to social media , sometimes we are confused about what to fill in social media content with. Publish articles on blogs can be shared on social media accounts.

So you get 2 benefits, social media updates and you can get visitors from social media who are interested in the articles that are shared, especially if you get a share.

Because social media activities are currently very important, it is arguably mandatory for those who use digital marketing for business.

4. Increase the authority of your business in the eyes of people. With articles that are specific in the field of the business niche, people can believe more that you are the expert.

For example, for example the automotive business, with lots of article content that discusses various kinds of information on cars or motorbikes, starting from prices, specifications, spare parts, really deep and specific test drives.

With lots of quality article content, people will indirectly believe that you are the expert.

5. Increase business conversions , even from Forbes sources that I read, if you want to increase sales but can’t add to blog articles, then it’s better to stop using the website.

Back to number 1 about traffic, if your website is stuck with the number of articles or doesn’t even increase, it means that the variation of keywords is also not increasing, it is even less likely to be due to changes in search engines.

Conversion is the number of sales a visitor generates, the more visitors the higher the chance of conversion. If every 100 visitors can bring in 1 conversion, then you just need to increase the number of visitors to 200,300 and so on.

6. Mutual support between website pages , even including product offering pages which are commonly called content marketing.

For example, by writing this, I am offering you content marketing services , to help create quality content articles.

Those links can support one page to another.

7. Increase the number of leads or prospects , even though you could say a lot of articles and visitors don’t mean more customer prospects. There are still a number of things to fulfill leads, such as web persuasion, copywriting, and selling keyword research.

But when all of that has been maximized, and the visitors are maximized. For example, at 1000 per day, with an average of 10 leads per day, what other ways can you do if you want to increase leads?

“According to Hubspot , businesses with 401-1000 article pages of content get 6x more leads compared to 51-100. Simply put, the more articles you blog about, the more prospects you generate (Forbes)

8. Increase the SEO score , during our experience it is very difficult to optimize a website without articles and arguably impossible.

Google indexes and calculates the number of words on a website that match the optimized keywords, the more, the more relevant they are, the better.

Any practitioner will give advice if you want good website SEO then make lots of quality articles, because basically the Google search page is an article serving service for the audience. Here some SEO tips you should read.

9. Make your website always “fresh” in the eyes of visitors and Google search engines. It has become a common thing that everyone likes something fresh and new.

Google robots are also like that, they like websites that regularly update quality articles. In fact, you often open news website pages because you always provide new articles.

You can see that all major companies such as Tokopedia, Traveloka, Gojek, etc., must have blog articles that are regularly updated.

We recommend that if you are serious about building a website for business, then updating the article is the main point that you should work on. It’s easy to find content writer or freelance staff at very affordable costs.