K-Means Clustering Algorithm: Applications, Types, and How

K-Means Clustering Algorithm: Applications, Types, and How

K-Means has a function to group data into data clusters that can accept data without any category labels. K-Means Clustering Algorithm is also a non-hierarchy method. The Clustering Algorithm method groups some data into groups, which explains that data in one group have the same characteristics. It has different features from data in other groups. …

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All About The Empirical Rule In Statistics

All About The Empirical Rule In Statistics

The empirical rule, also known as the three-sigma rule or the 68-95-99.7 rule, is a statistical rule that states that for a normal distribution. The observed data will be within three standard deviations (denoted by σ) of the mean. -average (denoted by µ). Specifically, the empirical rule predicts that 68% of observations fall within the …

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Linear Search Algorithm: Overview, Complexity, Implementation

Linear Search Algorithm: Overview, Complexity, Implementation

A linear search is the simplest approach employed to search for an element in a data set. It examines each element until it finds a match, starting at the beginning of the data set, until the end. The search is finished and terminated once the target element is located. If it finds no match, the …

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Classification in Machine Learning Overview

Classification in Machine Learning Overview

In the general sense, classification means the process of grouping. In data science, classification is then understood as grouping data into several categories to make it easier to process and analyze. Examples of applying classification are actually very close to everyday life. One of them is when you use email. In an email, there is …

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What is Nominal Data? Definition, Examples, Variables

What is Nominal Data? Definition, Examples, Variables

Understanding the level of measurement of variables is crucial in statistical analysis as it determines the appropriate methods for analyzing data. The four main levels of measurement – nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio – offer varying levels of detail, with nominal providing the least and interval and ratio offering the most. This guide is designed …

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Difference Between Covariance and Correlation: A Definitive Guide

Difference Between Covariance and Correlation: A Definitive Guide

We encounter many Covariance and Correlation when we do regression analysis or experimental designs. Well, these two analyzes are the most well-known and often used by practitioners like me. By definition, correlation is a term describing the strength of the relationship between two random variables linearly. Meanwhile, covariance is a term that shows how much …

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Merkle Tree in Blockchain: What is it and How does it work

Merkle Tree in Blockchain: What is it and How does it work

A Merkle tree, also known as a hash tree, is a tree-based data structure in which each leaf node contains the cryptographic hash of a data block. Each non-leaf node, in turn, contains the cryptographic hash of its child nodes’ labels. This structure allows for the efficient verification of data integrity in large datasets, such …

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ROM Estimate and Definitive Estimate: The Differences

ROM Estimate and Definitive Estimate: The Differences

As a project manager, the ability to accurately estimate the cost of a project is crucial for success in the field. Two key metrics for this are ROM Estimate and Definitive estimates. A ROM estimate, also known as a “back-of-the-envelope” estimate, is a quick and easy way to get a rough idea of a project’s …

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Fundamentals Of Confidence Interval In Statistics

Fundamentals Of Confidence Interval In Statistics

Confidence interval measures the level of uncertainty or certainty in the sampling method. They can take several probability limits, the most common being a 95% or 99% confidence level. Confidence interval is carried out using statistical methods, such as t-tests. Statistic experts use confidence intervals to measure uncertainty in the sample variable. For example, a …

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What is Steganography? Types and Techniques

What is Steganography? Types and Techniques

In today’s security-conscious world, the concept of hiding something in plain sight has become increasingly relevant. The need to stay ahead of hackers and data thieves has led to the exploration of new techniques for protecting sensitive information. One such technique is steganography, which involves hiding a message within another message or image. In this …

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What Is Image Processing : Overview, Applications, Benefits

What Is Image Processing : Overview, Applications, Benefits

Image processing is quite familiar in computer science, especially in computer vision. Digital image processing uses algorithms to extract useful information, such as objects in the image or images. Digital image processing has many advantages over analog image processing. Why? Because analog images have continuous properties, for example, appearances on television monitors, X-ray photos, photos …

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Top 10 Humanoid Robots: Most Intelligence!

Top 10 Humanoid Robots: Most Intelligence!

Humanoid robot are currently present during human life, and the sophistication of today’s robot technology makes many companies innovate to develop sophistication in their companies. The rapid and profound technical progress of robotics or AI in recent years has made it increasingly clear that this is a solution for our lives, including facilitating human work …

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The Future is Now: Robotics in 2023

The Future is Now: Robotics in 2023

Welcome to the world of tomorrow, where robots are becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives. From self-driving cars to delivery drones, the future of robotics is looking brighter than ever. But what can we expect from this rapidly advancing technology in the year 2022? Well, for starters, we’re likely to see a huge influx …

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Understanding TAKT Time and Cycle Time vs. Lead Time


In manufacturing and production, TAKT time, cycle time, and lead time are important metrics that help companies optimize their operations. TAKT time is the rate at which products must be produced to meet customer demand. Cycle time is the amount of time it takes to complete one cycle of a production process. Lead time is …

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7 Most Popular Cloud Computing Applications

7 Most Popular Cloud Computing Applications

Cloud Computis, it is called cloud computing because the information is accessed remotely in the “cloud” or virtual space. Companies that provide cloud services allow their users to store files and applications from remote servers. They can also access it as long as there is an internet connection. This means a user can be in …

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What Is Descriptive Statistics – Definition, Types, and Applications

What Is Descriptive Statistics - Definition, Types, and Applications

In statistics, there are two methods used to analyze data, namely descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics is a method of analyzing data on a population based on sample data. In this method the final result of the analysis is a possibility that describes how the sample’s actions can affect the entire population. What …

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What is R: Overview, its Applications and what is R used for

What is R: Overview, its Applications and what is R used for

Want to dive into the world of data science? If so, the R language, commonly referred to as the R language, is something you need to learn. Yes, with little knowledge, it turns out that programming languages are not only used by programmers or developers. Now, there is an actual R language that is often …

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What Is Data Encryption: How Does It Works and How To Use It?

What Is Data Encryption: How Does It Works and How To Use It?

Do you ever get a text saying that your chats with others are protected by encryption? Maybe you need to pay more attention or care about its meaning. However, this security system is essential so that your data cannot be read by irresponsible third parties. In this article, we will explain what encryption is all …

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What Is Data Mining? A Complete Guide

What Is Data Mining? A Complete Guide

Data processing is significant in the era of business competition that requires fast information. Data-related information is helpful in business processes to determine future strategies. That’s why data mining, or what is known as data mining, is essential for the continuity of an ongoing business. The rapid use of the internet makes data generates vast …

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What is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics?

What is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics?

From the word in Greek, hypothesis can be interpreted as a statement that is still weak in truth and needs to be proven. According to William G. Zikmund in his book entitled Business Research Methods, it is explained that a hypothesis is a proposition that has yet to be scientifically proven. So, this proposition must …

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Top 10 Python Libraries for Data Science for 2023

Top 10 Python Libraries for Data Science for 2023

Python is an open-source, object-oriented, high-level programming language. This programming language is one of the best tools used by data scientists for various data science projects. This multifunctional programming language can be used for multiple problems in various fields, such as mathematics, statistics, and other scientific problems. Python is designed with various powerful libraries to …

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What is Data Scrubbing: A Beginner’s Guide To Cleaning Data

What is Data Scrubbing: A Beginner's Guide To Cleaning Data

Have you ever heard of data scrubbing before? It’s a process that you might not know about, but it’s important to understand if you’re working with data. Essentially, data scrubbing is the act of cleaning and preparing data for analysis. It’s like giving your data a good scrub down before you dive in and start …

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SAS vs R: Which Is Better as a Statistical Tool?

SAS and R are two things that are often used for data processing. These two devices have a significant influence

SAS and R are two things that are often used for data processing. These two devices have a significant influence on the development of a business. This is because companies need the results of data analysis to make new business decisions. If data processing is right and on target, a business can develop properly following …

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A Deep Dive into Data Processing Cycles and Types

A Deep Dive into Data Processing Cycles and Types

Data processing is all about turning raw data into useful information. It’s a series of steps that includes collecting data, cleaning it up, transforming it, and finally analyzing it to extract insights. It’s important because organizations need to process large amounts of data to make decisions. In this article, we’re going to break down the …

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Mastering Statistical Analysis: Understanding the Different Types, Methods and Applications

Mastering Statistical Analysis: Understanding the Different Types, Methods and Applications

Statistical analysis is a powerful method for understanding patterns and trends within data. By using numerical analysis, this technique helps to eliminate bias and provide accurate interpretations of research, statistical models, and surveys. Statistical analysis is an essential tool for analyzing large amounts of data and identifying common patterns and trends. It allows businesses and …

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Data Science Demystified: What It Is and Why It Matters

Data Science Demystified: What It Is and Why It Matters

Data science is a rapidly growing field that has become increasingly important in today’s data-driven world. It involves using a combination of mathematical and statistical techniques, specialized programming, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to extract insights from data. These insights can be used to inform decision-making and strategic planning, making data scientists …

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Data Collection 101: Understanding The Basics

Data Collection 101: Understanding The Basics

Have you ever wondered how companies and organizations gather the information they use to make decisions? The answer is data collection. Data collection is the process of gathering information from a variety of sources and analyzing it to make informed decisions. It’s a crucial step in any research or business project. But, data collection can …

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Definition of Mixture, Types, Properties, and Existing Examples!

Definition of Mixture – In chemistry lessons there are various substances that we can see or touch. Matter or substance is something that occupies space and also has mass. In fact, the objects around us are also contained in matter. For example air, land, water and other objects. You can also see it by tasting pure water and drinking …

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Definition of Bystander Effect: Background, Process & Causes

Definition of Bystander Effect – Hi, Sinaumeds, this time we will discuss a phenomenon that we often encounter. Have you ever seen an accident where many people gathered, but only a few were involved in helping? If you have ever seen this kind of incident, then this phenomenon is also called the Bystander effect . Wow, what is the Bystander effect ? Briefly Bystander effectcan …

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Definition of Tempo: Types and Musical Instruments Relying on It

What Is Birama? – If Sinaumeds has a hobby of creating music, he is definitely no stranger to tempo and time. Yep, even though the two are two different terms, they are still related to one another, you know… It’s like letters and stamps that can’t be separated! Just a little trivia , time and tempo are not only related to music that is related …

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Definition of Occupational Hazards, Types, and Risks

Definition of occupational hazards – Every job has many risks caused by the work environment, work tools and so on. The existence of this risk can cause work accidents or other conditions such as illness. The workplace is a place where people gather. The average person works in an office for approximately 8 hours per day. There are …

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Definition of Culture: Characteristics, Functions, Elements, and Examples

Definition of Culture – The term culture is inherent and even often present in everyday life. As an Indonesian citizen, you certainly know that Indonesia has a variety of cultures spread across various regions. However, do you know the meaning of culture, characteristics, functions, elements, and examples? As a society living with cultural diversity, you should understand the meaning …

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Definition of Annuity: Types, Formulas, and Examples of Calculating It!

Definition of Annuity – For some people, maybe annuity is not a general term. However, for people who have professions in finance, annuities are familiar. For those of you who may have applied for a loan at a bank, you must have heard briefly of the meaning of an annuity itself. So, based on banking theory, an annuity …

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Definition of the Golgi Body: Its Functions, Characteristics and Structure

Functions of the Golgi body – One of the materials in biology is about cells. Where in this material we will get acquainted with many cells, one of which is the Golgi body cell or what is widely known as the Golgi apparatus. Simply put, the Golgi body is part of the cell nucleus or nucleus. The existence of …

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Definition of Biotechnology: History, Types, and Examples of Its Application


Definition of Biotechnology – Hello, Sinaumeds friends , are you familiar with the term Biotechnology? Yep, that’s right Biotechnology has been known to humans for thousands of years. In the field of food technology, for example, we see that the production of beer, bread and cheese has been known since the 19th century, multiplication of plants to create new …

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Definition of Accommodation and Forms of Accommodation

Forms of Accommodation – Accommodation is a word that is quite foreign to many people’s ears, especially for those who are still in school. However, this word will become more familiar to your ears when you graduate and enter the workforce. In the world of work, accommodation is a word that appears quite often and is familiar …

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Definition of Accounting: Purpose, Functions, Benefits and Types – Types

Understanding of Accounting – Accounting is widely known as the “language of business”. There are many quotes about the power and importance of accounting in everyday life, such as “The pen is mightier than the sword, but not the bookkeeper” by Jonathan Grancy. This article will explain in detail what accounting is, its function in a company, …

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