Definition of Conventional Biotechnology: Characteristics, Benefits, and Examples

Definition of conventional biotechnology – Sinaumeds , Conventional biotechnology is a scientific field that cannot be separated from human life. Like other fields of science, biotechnology often helps people’s lives to be better and more prosperous. Do you know Sinaumeds friends? That biotechnology has been known to humans for thousands of years, you know. According to the Ministry of Environment […]

Understanding Bipolar: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Definition of bipolar – Currently, there are many mental health disorders that are experienced by several people. One of them is bipolar disorder or mania depressive. According to WHO data for 2017, there are around 45 million people worldwide who experience bipolar disorder. In addition, bipolar disorder is also one of the main causes of character defects […]

Definition of Biology and 19 Branches of Biology in it (Part 1)

Sinaumedia Literacy – Biology is a science that studies living things and various kinds of organisms. The meaning of biology itself according to KBBI is the science of the condition and nature of living things such as humans, animals, plants. While the general understanding of biology is the study of life and living organisms, including structure, function, […]

Definition of Legal Anthropology, History and Scope

Definition of Legal Anthropology – Legal anthropology is a branch of law that is largely unknown to the general public. Anthropology should not have anything to do with law, because it is already known by society as a branch of knowledge that is close to historical and cultural events. But yes, it is a very broad field of […]

Understanding Coal and Its Importance for Life

Definition of Coal – At first glance, when you hear the word coal, maybe the first thing that comes to mind is steam-powered electric fuel. But do we really know what coal is? As Indonesian citizens, we need to be grateful for living in a country that is rich in natural resources. One of the largest natural resources […]

Understanding Batteries: Principles, Functions, and Types

Definition of Battery – Battery (Battery) is a tool that can change the chemical energy it stores into Electrical energy which will then be used by an Electronic device. Almost all portable electronic devices such as cellphones, laptops, flashlights, and remote controls use batteries as their power source. With the battery, we no longer need to connect electrical […]

Definition of the Principle of Subrogation: Application and Rights of Subrogation

Definition of subrogation – The occurrence of an accident while driving can cause harm to someone. In order to reduce the burden of losses in an unexpected accident, Matobers may register the vehicle with an insurance company. The insurance company will assist in mitigating losses by making repairs to the vehicle that was involved in an accident. Then, what […]

Complete Insurance Definition, Benefits, Features, and Types of Insurance

Definition of insurance – Also known as insurance coverage or insurance policy, insurance is a legal agreement that binds two parties, namely the guarantor and the insured. In insurance, the insurer ensures financial coverage of losses that the insured may suffer under certain circumstances. In more detail, what is the definition of insurance? In the following, Sinaumedia’s […]

Definition of Risky Assets: Types, Examples, and How to Reduce Losses

Risky Assets – Hello Matobers friends , business trips cannot be separated from financial activities. Good financial management is believed to make it easier for someone to achieve their business goals. No wonder this is often associated with the term risky assets. Well-managed risky assets are believed to be able to save companies from losses and bankruptcy. Therefore, we need a […]

Definition of Morals: Division, Examples of Commendable and Despicable Morals

Definition of Morals: Regarding Morals and Examples – Advances in technological science have also led to the development of significant changes in people’s lifestyles and mindsets in various aspects. These changes on the one hand bring convenience and on the other hand cause anxiety. Ease in fulfilling the necessities of life and anxiety due to a shift […]

Definition of Solids and Their Properties

Properties of Solids – If we discuss various kinds of objects, then of course there will be lots of types which are grouped into three. Starting from solid objects, liquid objects, and gas objects. These three objects must be familiar to us, because we can find them in everyday life, be it at home, on the street, or […]

Understanding Al-Quran and Hadith and Their History

Definition of Al-Quran and Hadith – Al-Quran and Hadith are the main sources for Muslims around the world to live their lives. Al-Quran is the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which was revealed to him gradually through the intermediary of the angel Gabriel. Not only the Koran, Allah also revealed his words to the Prophet Muhammad […]

Definition of the Work Force: Influence Factors and Their Types

Definition of the Labor Force – Population aged 15 to 64 years who are able to work if there is a demand for work is called the workforce. This work group is also known as the productive age group. The definition of the workforce itself is all people who can do work to produce goods or services, both […]

Definition of Flexible Budget, Purpose, Functions, Types, and Examples

Definition of Flexible Budget – Preparation of a good budget plan will help the management team easily achieve organizational and business plans and goals. Armed with a good budget, management can also estimate costs and productivity levels, to forecast future fluctuations in sales. One of the budget plans that can adapt to future fluctuations is a flexible budget. […]

Definition of EIA: History, Benefits, Purpose and Types

What is EIA? – Based on Government Regulation Number 29 of 1986, AMDAL (Environmental Impact Analysis) is the result of a study on the impact of a planned activity on the environment, which is required for the decision-making process. The amount of development in various regions in a country is unavoidable because it is for the […]

Definition of Antonyms and Synonyms with the Difference

Definition of Antonyms and Synonyms with Differences – In questions about the Indonesian subject, questions are often encountered about antonyms and synonyms for words. Antonyms and synonyms of words are one of the mandatory materials that are always discussed by Indonesian teachers. Material regarding antonyms and synonyms is included in the meaning relation. The relation of meaning is […]

Understanding the Principle of Cash: Explanation and Comparison with Accrual Accounting

Understanding cash principle – Cash accounting refers to one of the main accounting methods, which recognizes expenses or income when cash is paid or received. This one method is of course different from accrual accounting which records income or expenses when both occur, regardless of whether cash is received/paid at that time or not. Then, what exactly […]

Understanding the Accrual Principle: Types and Benefits

Understanding the accrual principle – The development of accounting in Indonesia is getting better every year. This was marked by the government issuing Government Accounting Standards (SAP) in 2015. In SAP there is an accrual principle. The accrual principle is an economic transaction that is recorded, presented and recognized in the form of financial statements when making transactions, regardless […]

Definition of Audit: Types, Objectives, and Stages in the Audit Process

Definition of Audit – Most people who have had dealings with business or corporate affairs certainly understand data ownership. In running a business or operating a company, data ownership plays a very important function. It is a tool that can make a business or company a prospect and progressive. Ownership of data is important for the purpose of […]

Definition of Raw Materials and Their Types

Definition of Raw Materials and Their Types – In the industrial world, the name of raw materials cannot be separated. Raw materials cannot be separated from the industrial world because every product that comes from the industry must be produced from the best raw materials. Raw materials are not only used in large industries, but can also be […]

Understanding Organizational Charts: Types, Functions, and How to Design

Definition of Organizational Chart – A chart that shows the interconnectedness of various positions in an organization in terms of authority and responsibility. Every institution or business has a position that shows the position of each person in it. Each position or position has authority and responsibility that are interrelated with one another. Basically, there are three organizational […]

Understanding of Atoms and Development of Atoms Based on Theory

Understanding Atoms and Development of Atoms – Basically, every material that exists in this world must have the smallest part, then if that small part is split again, then there will be even smaller parts. Well, that small part of the smallest part is called an atom. The atom itself can be said to be the smallest […]

Definition of Agency: Types and Advantages of Running Agency Business

Definition of Agency – As part of the millennial generation or gen Z, the term agency is certainly familiar. Even now, the agency is one of the target companies for the community for various reasons. In a business idea, quite a lot of planning is needed to run it. The most important thing, namely having strong skills and […]

Understanding Appreciation According to Experts, Levels, and Functions

Appreciation is – When we do something, be it work or just something we like, we are likely to get two reactions from the people around us. The first reaction is evaluation, where someone will give an assessment and then tell you to fix some things that are considered lacking. Usually, evaluation is related to work results, […]

Definition of Audit: Types, Functions and Benefits

Definition of auditing – What is auditing? Audit, auditing or checking in a broad sense is an evaluation of an organization, process system or product. The audit is carried out by a competent, objective and impartial party called the auditor.The purpose of conducting auditing is to verify that the subject of the audit has been completed or is […]

Definition of Audit, Functions, Stages, and Types

Definition of Audit, Functions, Stages, and Types – In running a company or business, the more data you have, the better for the company. However, having data with low accuracy will only make it useless.  Misinformation in a data can cause new problems in a decision-making process. These mistakes can then have an impact on the business […]

Definition of Anthology along with Types, Making & Intrinsic Elements

Anthology – Connoisseurs of literary works may often hear general terms or foreign terms from anthologies, anthologies and proceedings. This term is then closely related to the writing of a book or a literary work. As ordinary people, of course we still don’t understand these terms. Of course curiosity about science that drives us to generate curiosity. In this […]

Understanding Articles, Purpose, Characteristics, Structure, and Examples

Definition of Articles – For those of you who have a habit of reading, especially non-fiction reading songs, surely you often hear the word or term article. Articles themselves are very easy to find in everyday life, both from magazines, newspapers and online media. Maybe you realize it or not, that right now you are reading an article. […]

Definition of Backward Flow: Characteristics, and Types of Groove in Literary Work

Definition of Backward Plot – In literary works, plot alias plot becomes the fulcrum of the course of the story that the author wants to convey. That is why, plot seems to control whether or not a literary work is good, apart from fulfilling its didactic function to the reader. The existence of this plot alias plot is […]

Definition of Athletics: History and Types of Athletics

Definition of Athletics – As we know, that the types of sports that exist in this world are indeed very many and very diverse. It’s easy for us to take examples from sports that are very, very popular and loved, namely handball, football, and athletics. So, who doesn’t know these three sports? Moreover, the three sports are very […]

The Definition of Cultural Acculturation For The Advancement Of The Nation

Understanding Cultural Acculturation for the Advancement of the Nation – The sociology community recognizes the concept that in this world nothing is eternal. This proves that anything related to humans and culture will never stop moving. Change will always occur, a society that is open to change will survive. The concept of change is in the form of […]

Definition of Trade Association: Function, Purpose, and Examples

Trade association definition – Trade associations are made up of businesses in a particular field and they work to make or push legislation and inform companies on various topics and information related to their industry. Let’s learn more about the definition of a trade association, and learn how trade associations find clients. Also, learn about the […]

Definition of the Basic Principles of Assessment: Functions and Things That Influence It

Definition of the basic principle of assessment – In auditing or auditing the basic principle of assessment or judgment is the auditor’s policy in giving an opinion on information found throughout the audit process, which refers to ideas, ideas or estimates about events that occurred at the object of the audit. The results issued by an auditor must be […]

Definition of Aqidah: Purpose, Privileges, and Examples

Definition of aqidah – The meaning of aqidah is important for Muslims. The reason is, aqidah can also be interpreted as faith. One’s understanding of Aqidah is the basis or foundation in carrying out Islamic teachings. Based on information from the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of aqidah or what is absorbed into aqidah is basic belief […]

Definition of the Work Force: Types and Figures of the 2022 Workforce

The meaning of the Work Force is – Talking about the work force, it can be said that those who fall into the productive age category. In addition, the workforce also consists of working and unemployed groups. In the world of work itself, almost everything is always an interesting thing to talk about. In parts of Indonesia, there […]

Understanding Appreciation, Functions, and Relation to Literature!

Understanding Appreciation – Many of us as human beings want acknowledgment or just appreciation for everything we have achieved. Whether it’s starting from yourself or others. Because as social beings, it is not surprising that we also have the feeling of wanting to be recognized or appreciated by others because of an achievement or an achievement in […]

Understanding the Principle of Compensation: Methods, Factors, and Examples

Understanding the principle of compensation – Insurance as an agreement between two parties related to losses in unexpected events. Having insurance is an important thing for every person to have, in order to reduce the impact of losses on unexpected events in the future. In insurance, there are various kinds of terms and principles that insurance owners […]

Definition of a Balanced Budget: Policy to How to Make it

Definition of Balanced Budget – A financially successful organization is defined as one that can add value while still maintaining profits, which means that its revenues must be greater than its costs. To measure financial success, organizations closely monitor cash inflows and cash outflows to ensure they are meeting or meeting their budget expectations. In this case, […]

Definition of Accountability: Aspects, Benefits, Levels, Dimensions, and Mechanisms

Definition of Accountability – If Matobers was studying the disciplines of accounting and management, he would often encounter the word “accountability”. Accountability is one of the principles that must be applied by someone in any field, including accounting and management. What is accountability? Then, what aspects are contained in this principle of accountability? So that Matobers understands it better, […]

Definition of Trust: Characteristics, Types and Various Propositions

Definition of Trust – The term trust is a term that is quite familiar among Muslims. Because having the nature of trust is an obligation for a Muslim. Someone who has a trustworthy nature is a person who can be trusted and has responsibility for every task or trust given to him. Therefore, every Muslim is required to have […]

Definition of Anthology, Benefits, and Steps to Write It

Definition of Anthology – When you go to a bookstore like Sinaumedia, Matobers often sees books with anthology titles prefixed. The term anthology must also be familiar to Matobers who likes to read books, right? Simply put, the notion of an anthology can be defined as a collection of writings by one author or more than one […]

Understanding Amortization: How to Calculate, Benefits, and Case Examples 

Definition of Amortization – Hello Sinaumedia friends, some of you may have heard or often heard the term amortization. This term is commonly used in the business world, especially in finance and accounting. Basically the concept of amortization is an accounting process that plays an important role in knowing the condition and financial statements of a business. Simply […]

Definition of Electron Flow and Electric Current

Electron Flow – Almost all tools that we use today contain electric charges, so every day we will always use electrically charged devices. In fact, electric charge is one of the charges that exist in the human body. When talking about electric charge, there must always be a negative charge and a positive charge because without […]

Definition of Cash and Capital Budget and How to Prepare It

Every company must have financial statements that are used to see how much profit it has earned. In addition, the company will also see what percentage of losses the brand has experienced. So it is necessary to make a record or report so that it can become evidence. Then, came the type of financial statements called cash. There is […]

Understanding Threats: Types, and How to Overcome and Examples

Definition of Threats – From the past until now, there have been many events that pose a threat to people’s safety in various countries. Threats certainly become a problem that can unsettle the people of a country. Threat is a business or activity carried out by certain individuals or groups that has the potential to endanger the safety […]

Top 20 Formulas to Memorize Before Your PMP® Exam

Top 20 Formulas to Memorize Before Your PMP® Exam

Studying for PMP® exam requires knowledge of key project management formulas, including usage, calculation, and derivation of values. PMP formulas are known to be challenging, but we’ve compiled a list of cost management formulas for your convenience. This list includes usage instructions and when to apply each formula. 8 Cost Management Formulas 1 Cost Variance […]