Definition and Examples of Patents and Differences with Copyrights

Definition and Examples of Patent Rights – You must be familiar with the figure of the 3rd President of Indonesia, Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie, right? He is considered to have extraordinary intelligence, making him have many services in the world of aviation, not only in Indonesia, but also in the world. He himself developed various theories and …

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Definition of Acceptor: Position of Acceptor in the Economy Along with Examples

Did you know that the word “Acceptor” has 5 (five) meanings. Well, what are they? First, the meaning of Acceptor is a homonym because the meanings have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings. Acceptor has meaning in the fields of economics, and finance, chemistry and physics. Where, the acceptor has a meaning in the class of …

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Definition of Assets: Types, Classification, Examples, and Their Roles

Understanding Assets – It should be noted that business is not only about capital. Because, a business that is built must have prepared everything to the fullest. Starting from the initial capital, the employees needed, and the production site or shop. To fulfill all of this, business owners must have sufficient funds. If you don’t have funds, then how can …

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Definition and Examples of Industrial Waste

Definition of industrial waste & examples of industrial waste – Waste is a big enough problem that is felt by almost every country. The amount of waste is even increasing along with the times. Waste problems are obtained from various sectors, especially the industrial sector. The problem of industrial waste is one of the things that needs to …

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Definition, Examples, & Structure of Review Text

Review text is an article that contains an evaluation or review of a publication. These publications can be in the form of books, films, music, videos, and more. In this paper, of course, contains the opinion of the author which is subjective. Definition of Review Text In contrast to hortatory exposition, review text is a type of English …

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Definition and Some Examples of Majas Litotes in Sentences

Litotes figure of speech is a figure of speech that expresses a word humbly and gently. The use of this figure of speech is aimed at reducing or downplaying the actual reality with the aim of humiliating oneself. Examples of the use of this litotes figure of speech can be seen in the following sentences. Please stop …

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Definition and Examples of Prepositions You Must Know

Definition and Examples of Prepositions – In learning Indonesian, one must have a good understanding of grammar. In this article, we will discuss in detail the meaning and examples of prepositions or prepositions. Not only that, some materials will also be presented regarding the rules of use, functions, and the types of prepositions. We know for ourselves that …

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Definition of Chauvinism: History, Characteristics, and Impact

Definition of Chauvinism – What we understand is related to love for the motherland or a nation is a Nationalism . Nationalism is the term we use to assess all forms of deeds and actions for someone who highly respects and defends their homeland or nation. However, have you ever imagined or perhaps a question has arisen in your mind, …

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Understanding Caption Text, Types of Caption Text & Examples of Caption Text

Understanding Caption Text, Types of Caption Text, & Examples of Caption Text – Nowadays, almost everyone can access social media, from Facebook, Twitter to Instagram. There are tons of photos uploaded on social media every day. You must be familiar with the writing under these photos, the writing is referred to as caption text. Caption text is a short …

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Definition, characteristics and examples of persuasive speech

Definition, Characteristics and Examples of Persuasive Speech – When you attend an event, several times you will see someone expressing an opinion in front of many people. The activity of expressing an opinion is commonly referred to as giving a speech. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, speech can be interpreted as expressing thoughts in the form of words …

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Definition of Fantasy Stories: Characteristics, Structure, Types, and Examples

Definition of fantasy stories – Reading is an activity that can provide many benefits. Besides adding to our insight, reading stories can also help to increase our imagination . Currently, there are so many types of literature that can be read. One of them is a fantasy story. Where this fantasy story is interesting enough to be used as reading material. It …

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Definition and Examples of Humans as Social Beings

Definition and Examples of Humans as Social Beings – Humans are creatures that always interact with other humans. A human cannot achieve what he wants without the help of other humans. Humans carry out their roles by using a symbol. The symbol is used to communicate thoughts and feelings that he feels. Humans realize that they cannot live without …

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Definition of Cryptocurrency: Types, Functions, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Understanding Cryptocurrency – Cryptocurrency is a hot topic today. The term cryptocurrency is nothing new, especially for Millennials and Gen Z, who are more familiar with technological developments and investments. Cryptocurrencies are commonly known as digital currencies and can be used for digital transactions and investments. Prices and features of cryptocurrencies vary widely. To learn more about this cryptocurrency, …

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Definition of BEP: Basics, Elements, and How to Calculate

Definition of BEP – In economics, it is not uncommon for us to encounter the term Break Even Point (BEP). This term often appears in business articles that review the conditions that occur in a company. BEP is the point where income and capital issued are at the same point so that there are no losses or profits. BEP itself …

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Definition of Management Accounting and Their Duties

Definition of Management Accounting – Which of the Matobers currently works as an accountant or is studying accounting-related knowledge? Surely you are no stranger to the names of numbers in various forms, be it in the form of salaries, taxes, income and so on. Accounting is indeed suitable for Matobers who is interested in working in the …

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Definition and Various Benefits of Greenhouses for Plants

Benefits of Greenhouse – Greenhouse or greenhouse is a building where plants are grown. This building can be a small building or a building that is also quite large in size. The concept behind greenhouses dates back to Roman times when the Emperor Tiberius demanded to eat Armenian cucumbers every day, and his gardeners had to use a system similar …

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Definition of CPU: Parts, History, and Functions

Definition of CPU – Currently, almost everything we do can be done by a computer device. When talking about the computer itself, it can’t be separated from the CPU. The existence of this CPU device can be said to be very influential because without a CPU, it is difficult for the computer to start. Then, what exactly is meant …

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Definition of CSR: History, Principles, Purpose, Benefits, and Examples

Understanding CSR – When there is a large company standing in the community, then automatically the big company has a social responsibility to the community or the environment where it stands. The responsibility of a company to society has a mandatory nature. This means that if the company does not carry out its responsibilities to the community or …

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Understanding the Principles of Citizenship and Citizenship Status

The principle of citizenship – Every country has its own citizenship principle and Indonesia is no exception. For some Indonesians, they may only know the principles of citizenship on the ius sanguinis and ius soli principles . However, Indonesia actually recognizes four principles of citizenship as a reference for determining a person’s citizenship status, namely the principle of ius sanguinis , ius soli principle , …

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Understanding the Nation: Purpose, Factors, Elements and Characteristics

Humans as social beings who need other people in living their daily lives. Therefore, humans live in groups, both in small groups such as families, to large groups such as joining an organization, community, or group in an environment. In a country, the word nation is often associated with our lives. However, what is the meaning of …

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Definition of CSR: Model, Purpose, Types and Examples

Definition of CSR – All activities and activities carried out by the company must be accounted for by each company. Starting from employees, shareholders, customers, government, and also the general public. This responsibility is usually known as Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR. So, CSR is a form of accountability that must be carried out by a company to …

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Definition of Weather: Types, Elements, and Their Effects

Definition of weather – Weather is the condition of the air in the atmosphere that occurs at certain times and places and is also erratic and changing. However, sometimes there are still some people who don’t know about the meaning of weather and its types. On this occasion, we will discuss more deeply about the meaning of …

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Definition of Tempo: Types and Musical Instruments Relying on It

What Is Birama? – If Sinaumeds has a hobby of creating music, he is definitely no stranger to tempo and time. Yep, even though the two are two different terms, they are still related to one another, you know… It’s like letters and stamps that can’t be separated! Just a little trivia , time and tempo are not only related to music that is related …

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Definition of Occupational Hazards, Types, and Risks

Definition of occupational hazards – Every job has many risks caused by the work environment, work tools and so on. The existence of this risk can cause work accidents or other conditions such as illness. The workplace is a place where people gather. The average person works in an office for approximately 8 hours per day. There are …

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Definition of Checks: History, Structure, Types, and Their Uses

Definition of Checks – In this digital era, we find lots of different types of new payments that can be said to no longer be difficult for us. Dozens of types of e-wallet applications and mobile banking applications have helped make our lives easier to do this. It is enough to use our respective cellphones, we can …

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Definition of short stories: structure, function, characteristics, elements and examples of short stories

What is the meaning of the short story? – Do you like reading short stories? Short stories must have been familiar since we were in elementary school. We have read various stories in books, magazines or tabloids, but do you know what is the difference between short stories and other stories? For those of you who want to write short stories, …

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Definition of Culture: Characteristics, Functions, Elements, and Examples

Definition of Culture – The term culture is inherent and even often present in everyday life. As an Indonesian citizen, you certainly know that Indonesia has a variety of cultures spread across various regions. However, do you know the meaning of culture, characteristics, functions, elements, and examples? As a society living with cultural diversity, you should understand the meaning …

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Understanding Blockchain: History, Principles and How It Works

Understanding Blockchain – Does Matobers know about blockchain? For Matobers, especially Matobers, who is in the world of IT/IT or short for Information and Technology/Information Technology, of course you are no stranger to the term blockchain, right? There is a fact that is quite surprising, it turns out that blockchain itself is quite popular in Indonesia. It turns out …

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Definition of Variable Costs: Characteristics, Types, Examples, and Formulas

Definition of Variable Costs – The definition of variable costs is basically one of the general terms in companies when carrying out a production process of an item or project. Apart from variable costs, also known as variable costs, there are other types that are also commonly used in keeping company operational records, namely fixed costs. In …

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Definition of Sanskrit: Characteristics, History, and Examples

Definition of Sanskrit Language: Characteristics, History, and Examples – Humans are social beings who cannot live alone, always needing the presence of other people to be able to meet their daily needs. For this reason, humans need to interact with other people with various media, one of which is language as a tool to connect. Without language, humans …

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Definition of Acquisition in the Business World and Its Benefits

Definition of Acquisition in Business – Has Sinaumeds ever heard of the term acquisition? For some people, acquisition is a term that is unfamiliar or rarely heard of. However, in general the term is a process connoted for an organization or non-public. If based on KBBI, an acquisition is a transfer of ownership of assets or companies, both in …

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Understanding Bandwidth: Types, Examples & Tips for Optimizing It

Definition of Bandwidth – Bandwidth is the maximum number of transmissions that can be made during the data exchange process. Of course, we often hear the term bandwidth itself, especially when discussing the topic of VPS or Virtual Private Server. But, what exactly is the definition of bandwidth itself? So, in this article, we will discuss the definition of …

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Associative Definition, Forms, and Benefits in Social Life

Associative is – Social interaction is a dynamic social relationship concerned with the relationship between individuals, human groups and individuals with human groups. Social interaction can occur in everyday life continuously, because humans are social beings. In society, a social interaction can produce a form of relationship that is able to strengthen or change the condition of a …

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The Definition of Acculturation and Assimilation and Their Examples

Understanding Acculturation and Assimilation and Examples – In an increasingly modern era, not only humans and technology are developing, but culture is also developing. Cultural development usually occurs because of the mixing of cultures, both cultures from abroad or cultures from within the country. Therefore, with the mixing of cultures, it is possible that a new culture will …

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Definition of Learning: Characteristics, Types, and Purpose


Definition of learning – Every human being must have the desire to be a smart person. To become a smart person will definitely require a continuous learning process. The process of becoming a smart person is then by doing learning activities. On this occasion, we will review the meaning, characteristics, types and objectives of learning in more detail. Check …

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Download Epson L3150 Resetter for Free (2023 Latest)

Download Epson L3150 Resetter for Free (2023 Latest) - Matob EN

Printers that are versatile, save electricity, have high printing capabilities, to be able to be connected using a wireless network, are ideal printers for those who work with high performance. Epson L3150 will be a versatile printer recommendation that is very suitable for you, which has high work performance. This printer has a very reliable …

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Download SQL Server Management Studio (Latest 2023)

Download SQL Server Management Studio (Latest 2023) - Matob EN

Before discussing SQL Server Management Studio, it might be a good idea to first understand what SQL Server is. SQL Server is a database that can be used to manage a server system as well as manage back-end databases in the business world. In using SQL Server, then you need additional software called SQL Server …

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Download Latest Xpadder 2023 (Free Download)

Download Latest Xpadder 2023 (Free Download) - Matob EN

The habit of using a gamepad is sometimes an obstacle when playing games on a PC screen because not all games support gamepads. Even if you force yourself to use a keyboard and mouse, your fingers will not be as agile as usual. The number of Xpadder downloads shows that there are more than four …

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Download Cyberlink Youcam Latest 2023 (Free Download)

Download Cyberlink Youcam Latest 2023 (Free Download) - Matob EN

Have you ever used a webcam? That is a feature that exists on a computer with a function as a camera like a cellphone camera. Usually to be able to use a webcam on a computer you have to install a software first. The problem is that the software supporting the use of webcams on …

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Download Paint 3D for PC Latest 2023 (Free Download)

Download Paint 3D for PC Latest 2023 (Free Download) - Matob EN

Paint 3D is an update application from classic paint. However, the difference is that 3d paint has a variety of tools that we can use to draw on a 2D canvas or 3D objects. You can use various kinds of brushes and other tools on the Art Tools menu. Choose a color through the color …

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Download Adobe Audition 2022 (Free Download)

Download Adobe Audition 2022 (Free Download) - Matob EN

For those who have always been in the audio-visual world, they are certainly familiar with an application called Adobe Audition. Actually, this application was formerly known as Cool Edit Pro which at that time the developer was called Syntrillium. At the beginning of its creation, this application only had the name Cool Edit (without the …

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Download Memu Emulator Latest 2023 (Free Download)

Download Memu Emulator Latest 2023 (Free Download) - Matob EN

MEmu is an emulator that is used to make it easy for PC system users to run various games found on Android Smartphones. Similar to emulators in general, MEmu Android Emulator will emulate Android Games so that they can run on the Operating system used. Various interesting games can be run using this emulator software. …

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Download Latest Crystal Report 2023 (Free Download)

Where to Download Software for Free 2023 (100% Safe &; Most Complete)

Are you someone who has proficiency in programming languages? Maybe you are familiar with an application called Crystal Report. Crystal Report is one of the application packages used to create, translate, and analyze various information contained in the database. The information will then be translated into various types of reports. Then what are the advantages …

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Download MSI Afterburner Latest 2023 (Free Download)

Download MSI Afterburner Latest 2023 (Free Download) - Matob EN

A computer is made of a series of different hardware. Where this collection of hardware plays their respective roles to make computer performance can be maximized. So it can be said that the role of computer hardware is also very important for the continuity of your computer’s performance. The better the hardware, the more expensive …

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Download HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool (2023 Latest)

Download HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool (2023 Latest) - Matob EN

At certain times, formatting a USB flash drive may no longer be inevitable. Sometimes there is a problem that makes the flash drive cannot be used as usual, and the only solution that comes to mind is to format the tiny storage device. Windows already has a feature to format a flash drive that can …

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Download Clean Master for PC Latest 2023 (Free Download)

Download Clean Master for PC Latest 2023 (Free Download) - Matob EN

Clean Master for PC is a software that can be used quickly and easily without going through the system configuration process. Clean Master for PC is a software that can be used to provide privacy protection to your computer and can clean up the junk on unused drives. Features of Clean Master for PC Clean …

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2+ How to Download Play Store Deleted APK + How to Install (FREE)

2+ How to Download Play Store Deleted APK + How to Install (FREE) - Matob EN

The Google Play Store on your phone was suddenly lost or accidentally deleted? Wondering what you need to do to get back again? Don’t worry if your Google Play Store application suddenly disappears or is deleted because the way to reinstall it is very easy. Yup, this article is the answer to your problem. As …

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