Understanding and History of Futsal Ball Games You Must Know!

Futsal Ball Game – Definition, basic techniques, along with the rules of this is a topic that must be understood by those of you who want to learn more about the game of futsa. Futsal is a popular sport that uses a ball in its game. No different from other sports, futsal also has some basic techniques and rules …

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Definition and Formulas of Colligative Properties of Solutions

Colligative Properties of Solutions – Hello Gramedia friends, do you know about colligative properties of solutions? Previously, you studied material on the concept of molarity in tenth grade. On this occasion, let’s learn chemistry about colligative properties of solutions! Inventor Biography Marie Francois Raoult (1830-1901) scientist who concluded about the saturated vapor pressure of a solution. Marie Francois …

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Definition and Formulas for Building a Pyramid Room

Every existing object is composed of a flat shape or a geometric shape. These structures are formed according to the tools or things that humans need. These shapes can be calculated, such as area, length, width, and volume. A spatial figure is a three-dimensional building that has space or volume and sides that limit it. The shape of …

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Definition and Variety of Effective Learning Strategies in the Classroom

Professional teachers are required to be able to display their expertise in front of the class. One of these skills, namely the ability to convey lessons to students. To be able to convey lessons effectively and efficiently, teachers need to be familiar with various types of learning strategies so they can choose which strategy is most appropriate …

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Definition and Difference between Needs and Desires

The difference between needs and wants – In everyday life, humans cannot be separated from eating and drinking. Why? Because eating and drinking is one of the needs that must be met. Well, what is a need? What are the types and examples? Then, what is the difference with desire? Come on, see the following explanation! Definition of Needs In …

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Definition and Types of Leadership Theories

Leadership Theory – Hello Gramedians, future leaders, every individual has the opportunity to become a leader, without exception. Although individuals are born diverse, this diversity can be a unique characteristic of each individual. Thus, the style and type of leadership possessed by each individual must also be unique. Uniquely, every individual who is trusted to be a leader, …

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Definition and Kinds of Athletics

Definition and Types of Athletics – Athletics is a sport that is carried out in various ways, including walking, throwing and jumping. In athletics, there are many branches in it as well as many definitions that explain athletics. Even though it sounds foreign and not very popular, compared to other sports, athletics is the oldest sport and …

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Definition and Types of Floor Exercise

Definition and Types of Floor Gymnastics – Floor gymnastics is exercise that is performed on the floor, usually using a mat as a base. The use of mats in floor exercises is of course to reduce injuries when doing floor exercises. This is done because floor exercises make movements that are directly in contact with the floor. Floor …

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Definition and Steps to Determine Rotational Symmetry of Various Flat Shapes

Rotational symmetry is a type of symmetry studied in mathematics. Apart from that, you will also learn about folding symmetry which is similar to rotational symmetry. After studying the symmetry material, students will usually be asked to practice how to apply rotational and folding symmetries to a flat shape. An example is a square shape that has fold …

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Definition, characteristics, and examples of intransitive sentences

In Indonesian, we have various language rules. One of them is active sentences in the writing system in Indonesia. The active sentence itself is a collection and sentence structure that explains the action or deed of the subject. Active sentences are also a requirement that active sentences must apply verbs in their actions and deeds. This is important …

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Definition and Types of Monsoon Winds and Their Impacts in Indonesia

What is the meaning and type of monsoon wind? Monsoon winds are something that is familiar, especially in Indonesia. This is because the monsoon winds have a huge impact on Indonesia. Many impacts arise as a result of monsoon winds. However, before knowing the impacts, let’s find out what a monsoon wind is. This article will discuss the meaning …

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Definition and Relations of Agency Theory

Every business has its own way of running it. Some founders directly manage the business. And some others hand it over to a second party to take care of all interests or other matters. Forming an agency is one way to manage a company. The following will explain in more detail the agency theory. Agency concept In the …

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Understanding and Wisdom of Faith in the Last Day

Understanding and Wisdom of Faith in the Last Day – In general, the understanding of the last day or doomsday according to Islam is the day when the entire universe and all life in it will be destroyed. Faith in the last day is to believe and believe that all nature, including the world and everything in …

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Definition and Functions of the Nucleus in Plants

Functions of the Nucleus in Plants – Have you ever heard of the term nucleus? The nucleus can be found in the bodies of humans, plants, and animals. Although the nucleus can be found in various types of living things, in this article, we will specifically discuss the nucleus in plants. The nucleus, also known as the cell nucleus, is …

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Definition and Function of the Cell Membrane

Definition and Function of the Cell Membrane – The outermost layer of the body is the skin, while the outermost layer of cells is called the cell membrane. Cell membranes are rarely known about their functions and uses. Although both are the outermost parts, their functions are very different. The cell membrane is one part of the cell …

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Definition and Function of Seeds in Plants

There are many functions of seeds in plants. Seeds are one part of the plant that has an important role. Without seeds, plants cannot reproduce. What are the functions of seeds in plants? Check out the explanation below Meaning of Seeds Seeds are the main tool for reproduction. Agronomically, the fertilized seeds in plants become one of the cultivated …

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Definition and Impact of Fanaticism on Social Behavior

Impact of Fanaticism – Fanaticism is a word that comes from the Latin fanaticus, which means anger or mental disorder. This is an illustration that the anger that exists from someone who is fanaticism is an overflow because they do not have the same understanding as other people. Fanaticism is an understanding or behavior that shows excessive interest in something. …

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Definition and Examples of Omnivorous Animals The All-Eating

Omnivorous Animals – After discussing herbivorous animals and carnivorous animals. Now we will discuss one more member of the group from the animal kingdom. Previously we already know, based on the type of food, herbivorous animals are plant-eating animals, then carnivorous animals, are meat-eating animals, one more thing? Yes, this one group is referred to as omnivorous animals. What’s …

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Definition and Examples of the Food Pyramid

Definition and examples of a food pyramid – A food pyramid or often also called an ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the relationship between various types of organisms that live in an ecosystem on earth. Each level in the food pyramid itself forms an arrangement that has different trophic levels based on who eats whom. …

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Definition and Characteristics of Poetry (Old & New)

Characteristics of Poetry and Its Characteristics – Friend, do you like reading a literary work? Literary works in Indonesia are diverse. From novels to short stories. One of them is poetry. Poetry is a collection of beautiful words that are liked by many people. Many people who like to read even write poetry. However, do you already know about deeper things …

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Definition of Cost Averaging: Benefits, Disadvantages, and How it Works

Understanding Cost Averaging – When investing in crypto assets, there are many ways and strategies you can do to avoid losses. One way is by way of cost averaging or also known as dollar cost averaging. In addition to being able to help investors become wiser in managing investment spending, this method can also avoid impulsive decisions …

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Definition and Examples of Folklore in Indonesia

Definition and Examples of Folklore in Indonesia – Speaking of folklore, Indonesia certainly has various examples of folklore. Not only in certain areas. In fact, many regions in Indonesia have folklore. Even though it seems like a fairy tale, many people believe in folklore. Not only because the story is good, but the moral message implied from the folklore …

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Definition of Da’wah: Provisions, Purpose and Types

Definition of da’wah – Da’wah is a term in the Arah language which means invitation. Da’wah is an activity that calls for, invites and summons people to believe and obey Allah, Lord of the Worlds in accordance with Islamic beliefs, morals and Shari’a with full awareness and in a planned manner. The main purpose of da’wah is to …

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Understanding Panda Language and Example Problems

Definition of Panda Language and Examples of Problems – Panda language may still sound foreign to the public’s ears. However, recently, the term panda language has gone viral. This is because the panda language appears in the Computer-Based Writing Examination in 2020. The test takers at that time complained about the emergence of this panda language problem. The questions …

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Definition and Examples of Narrative Texts that can be used as references

Definition and Examples of Narrative Texts – Books of collections of fairy tales, folklore, short stories, novels, to history books are examples of narrative texts that you can find anywhere. Everything is written coherently from the prologue to the epilogue and the unique thing is that anyone who reads it will feel like they are inside the …

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Definition and Examples of Abiotic and Biotic Components in Ecosystems

Abiotic and Biotic Components in Ecosystems – In an environment, there are several abiotic and biotic components in an ecosystem that interact with each other. Where each component has its own function or role. As long as there are no disturbed functions, the balance will be maintained. According to the book Be Smart Natural Science Class VII by Dian …

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Definition, Characteristics, and Examples of Invitation Sentences

Definition and Examples of Invitation Sentences – When your interlocutor uses the word “come” or “let’s go”, that includes examples of solicitation sentences. This invitation sentence is often used by someone in communicating. Even if you don’t know it, many people use it. Also without realizing it, someone who speaks using a sentence of invitation will be affected …

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Definition and Characteristics of Direct and Indirect Quotations

Definition and Characteristics of Direct and Indirect Quotations – A quote usually has a definition as a loan of sentences or opinions from authors, experts, experts, or someone who is known as an expert and has influence in a particular field. To get these quotes, some people can find them in books, newspapers, newspapers, magazines, and media …

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Understanding Contraflow and Safe Driving Tips

Contraflow is – Congestion is one of the most common problems we may encounter. Especially in the routes of big cities, it cannot be denied that traffic jams are one of the problems that often occur. Not only on ordinary days, but on special days such as certain days such as Eid Al-Fitr, traffic jams often occur at certain …

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Definition and Examples of Patents and Differences with Copyrights

Definition and Examples of Patent Rights – You must be familiar with the figure of the 3rd President of Indonesia, Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie, right? He is considered to have extraordinary intelligence, making him have many services in the world of aviation, not only in Indonesia, but also in the world. He himself developed various theories and …

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Definition of Acceptor: Position of Acceptor in the Economy Along with Examples

Did you know that the word “Acceptor” has 5 (five) meanings. Well, what are they? First, the meaning of Acceptor is a homonym because the meanings have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings. Acceptor has meaning in the fields of economics, and finance, chemistry and physics. Where, the acceptor has a meaning in the class of …

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Definition of Assets: Types, Classification, Examples, and Their Roles

Understanding Assets – It should be noted that business is not only about capital. Because, a business that is built must have prepared everything to the fullest. Starting from the initial capital, the employees needed, and the production site or shop. To fulfill all of this, business owners must have sufficient funds. If you don’t have funds, then how can …

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Definition and Examples of Industrial Waste

Definition of industrial waste & examples of industrial waste – Waste is a big enough problem that is felt by almost every country. The amount of waste is even increasing along with the times. Waste problems are obtained from various sectors, especially the industrial sector. The problem of industrial waste is one of the things that needs to …

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Definition, Examples, & Structure of Review Text

Review text is an article that contains an evaluation or review of a publication. These publications can be in the form of books, films, music, videos, and more. In this paper, of course, contains the opinion of the author which is subjective. Definition of Review Text In contrast to hortatory exposition, review text is a type of English …

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Definition and Some Examples of Majas Litotes in Sentences

Litotes figure of speech is a figure of speech that expresses a word humbly and gently. The use of this figure of speech is aimed at reducing or downplaying the actual reality with the aim of humiliating oneself. Examples of the use of this litotes figure of speech can be seen in the following sentences. Please stop …

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Definition and Examples of Prepositions You Must Know

Definition and Examples of Prepositions – In learning Indonesian, one must have a good understanding of grammar. In this article, we will discuss in detail the meaning and examples of prepositions or prepositions. Not only that, some materials will also be presented regarding the rules of use, functions, and the types of prepositions. We know for ourselves that …

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Definition of Chauvinism: History, Characteristics, and Impact

Definition of Chauvinism – What we understand is related to love for the motherland or a nation is a Nationalism . Nationalism is the term we use to assess all forms of deeds and actions for someone who highly respects and defends their homeland or nation. However, have you ever imagined or perhaps a question has arisen in your mind, …

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Definition, characteristics and examples of persuasive speech

Definition, Characteristics and Examples of Persuasive Speech – When you attend an event, several times you will see someone expressing an opinion in front of many people. The activity of expressing an opinion is commonly referred to as giving a speech. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, speech can be interpreted as expressing thoughts in the form of words …

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Definition and Examples of Humans as Social Beings

Definition and Examples of Humans as Social Beings – Humans are creatures that always interact with other humans. A human cannot achieve what he wants without the help of other humans. Humans carry out their roles by using a symbol. The symbol is used to communicate thoughts and feelings that he feels. Humans realize that they cannot live without …

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Definition of Cryptocurrency: Types, Functions, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Understanding Cryptocurrency – Cryptocurrency is a hot topic today. The term cryptocurrency is nothing new, especially for Millennials and Gen Z, who are more familiar with technological developments and investments. Cryptocurrencies are commonly known as digital currencies and can be used for digital transactions and investments. Prices and features of cryptocurrencies vary widely. To learn more about this cryptocurrency, …

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Definition of Management Accounting and Their Duties

Definition of Management Accounting – Which of the Matobers currently works as an accountant or is studying accounting-related knowledge? Surely you are no stranger to the names of numbers in various forms, be it in the form of salaries, taxes, income and so on. Accounting is indeed suitable for Matobers who is interested in working in the …

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Definition and Various Benefits of Greenhouses for Plants

Benefits of Greenhouse – Greenhouse or greenhouse is a building where plants are grown. This building can be a small building or a building that is also quite large in size. The concept behind greenhouses dates back to Roman times when the Emperor Tiberius demanded to eat Armenian cucumbers every day, and his gardeners had to use a system similar …

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Definition of CPU: Parts, History, and Functions

Definition of CPU – Currently, almost everything we do can be done by a computer device. When talking about the computer itself, it can’t be separated from the CPU. The existence of this CPU device can be said to be very influential because without a CPU, it is difficult for the computer to start. Then, what exactly is meant …

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Definition of CSR: History, Principles, Purpose, Benefits, and Examples

Understanding CSR – When there is a large company standing in the community, then automatically the big company has a social responsibility to the community or the environment where it stands. The responsibility of a company to society has a mandatory nature. This means that if the company does not carry out its responsibilities to the community or …

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Understanding the Principles of Citizenship and Citizenship Status

The principle of citizenship – Every country has its own citizenship principle and Indonesia is no exception. For some Indonesians, they may only know the principles of citizenship on the ius sanguinis and ius soli principles . However, Indonesia actually recognizes four principles of citizenship as a reference for determining a person’s citizenship status, namely the principle of ius sanguinis , ius soli principle , …

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Definition of CSR: Model, Purpose, Types and Examples

Definition of CSR – All activities and activities carried out by the company must be accounted for by each company. Starting from employees, shareholders, customers, government, and also the general public. This responsibility is usually known as Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR. So, CSR is a form of accountability that must be carried out by a company to …

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Definition of Weather: Types, Elements, and Their Effects

Definition of weather – Weather is the condition of the air in the atmosphere that occurs at certain times and places and is also erratic and changing. However, sometimes there are still some people who don’t know about the meaning of weather and its types. On this occasion, we will discuss more deeply about the meaning of …

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